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  1. Resto Shaman Viability

    normally I'd agree with Int > SP but for 49 resto shaman your only defense is one NS healing wave, and from there its all about spamming LHW while faking, GL keeping up with 49 damage with less than 250 SP.
  2. best dps weapon for a lolferal drood

    # Feral Attack Power: Heirloom weapons now correctly grant the amount of attack power in Cat, Bear, and Dire Bear Forms that is stated on the weapon tooltip. In addition, the attack power bonus will now work properly for druids below level 60. from mmo champion, although ragehammer will...
  3. Healy class for 49s

    It was VERY clutch and a huge loss for 49 paladins, but they're still a top healer. Glyph of Salvation and Glyph of Holy Shock will hopefully offset the loss slightly. Edit: the new tier 1 prot will also help a lot in offsetting the loss of survivability for the paladin from losing Infusion...
  4. best dps weapon for a lolferal drood

    With the changes coming in 3.1 ferals will be the strongest counter to ambush rogues imo~
  5. Healy class for 49s

    Paladin or Priest would be the best Primary, Druid has the best healing but is also very easy to bring down or force into bear form without proper support and Shaman is just not a viable primary healer anymore at 49, but an excellent support healer with tremor/shocks/grounding.
  6. best dps weapon for a lolferal drood

    What do you think changed exactly? Glyph of Shred was the only damage increase ferals received at 49 and that's going bye bye in 3.1. The best DPS build used to be 1/18/21 with NS, 5/5 Naturalist and all the goodies leading up to it with Feral Charge, Imp. Bash and Imp Shred in Feral. That build...
  7. Hunter Trinkets and Res

    2x Eye of the Beast (2nd when trink is on cd) would be amazing for BG hunters.
  8. best dps weapon for a lolferal drood

    Ragehammer is the best cat DPS weapon, but your damage will still suck no matter what.
  9. Retadin Specs?

    Judgement of Command has 100% crit on stunned targets, but having another 15-25% crit on non stunned judgements > 60-70 more ap.
  10. Retadin Specs?

    Mongoose is not on par with Crusader, not even close... and Crus CAN be better than Savagery, depending on the situation. Fighting decent twinks with heals while having a healer yourself Crusader is going to be stronger. If you're fighting bads who can't survive through a HoJ then the static 70...
  11. Poll: Most OP 49 Class

    BM is a joke compared to ez-mode instant aimed shot.
  12. are Boomkins viable in this bracket?

    Moonkins are OP imo, just make sure you have 3 points in natures focus instead of wrath of cenarius and you can take pretty much any class 1v1 cept locks with glyph of devour magic. Wrath is better DPS than starfire as well, and benefits from 70% anti pushback, the only downside is you can get...
  13. 69 Twinks

    60-69 is just 10-19 v2 when it comes to advantages based on gear, gg players running around with 16k hp when everyone else has 8k at most, 450 eng.
  14. Patch 3.1 Update - >>All<< changed crafted items

    I'm talking about Green Dragonscale and no they're not.
  15. Patch 3.1 Update - >>All<< changed crafted items

    Ok so now they have 4300 HP with 450 GF'd mining? vs everyone having access to the same level of mining, not just those with 80s to escort. And the point I was making is that +700 hp was accessable to EVERYONE, +300 hp shoulders is not.
  16. Patch 3.1 Update - >>All<< changed crafted items

    BoA shoulder enchants need to go, how the hell isn't there more of an outcry with all the ridiculous bitching people did for 225 mining when that was a GOOD thing for twinking, seeing as how anyone could easily get it in an hour or two. The new items are great for caster pallies and shams...
  17. Patch 3.1 Update - >>All<< changed crafted items

    holy dragonscale FTW 18 sta, 25 int 52 SP and 22 NR (37 passive NR if you 15 NR cloak) and 3 MP5. fapfapfapfap