Poll: Most OP 49 Class

Most OP/Powerful 49 Class

  • Druid

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hunter

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mage

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Paladin

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Priest

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rogue

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Shaman

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Warlock

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Warrior

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Simple topic. Whether you think 5pt eviscerates every 20 seconds, fear and dot spam, bubble, or whatever annoying things you encounter. Which class is the most OP in the 49 bracket. Feel free to discuss why :)
im not gona vote because i havent played a 49 since the day bc came out...but im thinking it would be rogue or shammy

rogues are just amazingly good at 49 and stormstrike shammys rape...at least when i played my rogue
I vote Shammy, Although I haven't played 49s in over a year.
The bracket has gotten very bursty actually. I think Rogue burst is definitely on par with shamans, and other classes are catching up quickly. I never had too many issues with shamans on my rogue, and they actually seem to be a dying breed at this moment. Paladins, warlocks, hunters, and priests seem to be on the rise.
My shammy kicks ass... clothies die in 1 windfury and, if they are twinked and have a few more hp, 1 eartshock.

With the mental quickness nerf now that may change, but it won't make much of a difference vs cloth. I think plate will give me more trouble now as I no longer have damage spells to rely on. Still though, if my WF procs and I get some crits, I can take down anyone. My damage is absurd and 19 out of 20 times I'm #1 on the dam list.
Glad to see we have communist loving supporters of historical torturers like Ishh here.

Do you even know what Che did or do you just think that portrait is trendy and cool.
I vote ret pally but more and more I want to lean to PRO warrior. If you ever run into a horde named Dougfunnie and he smokes 3 twinks you will know why.
Since pallies got their buff back in BC they have quickly floated to the top of the insta-gib kill charts.
I used to play 49's about 1 1/2 ago on a lock, and with 3 different types of fears (howl of terror, fear & death coil) I had no problems against any other class, EXCEPT BM Hunters.. damn pets that I couldn't fear & slows either left me trying to CC the hunter while I kill pet 1st or try to kill the hunter while being whacked on by the pet.

If played right Hunters can be down right annoying.

Then again at this bracket its kinda like paper, rock, scissors. There is always going to be a class that has an advantage. Not like lvl 19 hunters who are way behind OP than any other class in the bracket.
Pally are OP when they have their bubble not on cool down otherwise it is just a Stun and then Rep, if you can deal with that you should win 9/10 times.

Prot Warrior I have seen on 49 are extremely strong for being Prot, 4.5k-5k hp and hit like a semi should never happen, while both MS and Fury builds are horrible from what I have played against

Going to be honest most classes seem pretty OP depending on Spec, I slaughter all forms of Shamans, but locks i can kill without much effort, but half the time i get Dotted and end up dying 10 secs after so is that OP that blizzard still allows locks dots to stay active even when they are dead? When not let my pet with BW on stay active then it is pretty much the same when there is 3-4 dot ticking on you
Inc Bias:

If fully geared, a lot of classes can be "OP" in this bracket to the point of sheer frustration. However, no class can compare to the kind of awesomeness that is a Beast Mastery Hunter.

Point-and-case: you have a 100 yard heat seeking missile for a pet that can do almost as much damage as the average twink, plus you have the plethora of hunter skills and abilities on top of that. The recent nerfs to hunters may have toned them down a bit, but in my mind they still are the worst class to play against in the 49 bracket.

Mind you this is all coming from someone who has an Enhancement Shaman and a Rogue, so...
0/40 SUB Rogues w/ non-nerfed Cheat Death were the pinnacle of OP, especially undead rogues...

Scary really.
I can't really vote..

I want to say Paladin but once you survive the two stuns+autocrit judges, there's not much to them for at least another minute.

Shaman, but representation is way down lately.

Warlock is messy. DPriests can be handfuls.

I guess.. a well played Resto Druid or BM Hunter would take my vote.

Simply because druids are frighteningly mobile (at least the ferals die once in a while)

And the most horrible of BM'ers can wreak all kinds of havoc on even the best teams.
1v1? Warlocks/Ret hands down. If you play a warlock and lose to a hunter 1v1, you're doing it wrong =/. Ret paladins have become a HUGE pain since the new buffs though... I'd imagine a well played paladin that gets a warlock to 50% (after he has used healthstone) then bubbles should have no issue killing the warlock.
BM hunters are slowly starting to move up my list. Big Red Pet and the hunter runs out of range as I have to chase him down. If I can jump them, they go down, if they jump me, I'm usually screwed.
Taitaih said:
BM hunters are slowly starting to move up my list. Big Red Pet and the hunter runs out of range as I have to chase him down. If I can jump them, they go down, if they jump me, I'm usually screwed.

Yea I know what you mean. Any BM that marks me and sends pet from 1/2 acrossed the field I'm usually an easy kill. Just talking in a fair 1v1 (like arena or something) they're pretty much a joke to keep fear locked =(.

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