69 Twinks

Ok So I will say this


Now that that is out of the way.

This bracket is a fun bracket and I will definatly suggest people give it a shot.

The only annoyances in it is DK's that will Death grip spam causing someone to just pinball around the place. And the number of Ret pallies (which in this bracket are pretty damn OP).

I run with Beatdownbabe as my muscle.

I'll be getting more info down and try to make a shaman class guide for this bracket.
i have a 68 SS rogue that i play in this bracket occasionaly...4/5 field marshals loot (granted i got them after BC, but still pretty decent even with BC outlands gear) and its a blast. i'd say anyone with a toon in this level range should just get up to 69 and have some fun. LOL premed, SS, ambush, hemo and a few hits and most clothies (especially those that are lower levels) and low-level toons get the bad end of a whooping =D

have fun out there!
i was doing 59 bracket...it was huge fun with my rogue/hunter, and okay in 60 AV. after 3.00....it's a DK/palidan game. you are only lucky with any other class if you have the most DKs or palidans on your team. got tired of the coin flip and really being worthless in that bracket. i have played in 69 with my 68 rogue alot funner but DKs/palidans still way OP

i have a full set set 69 wotlk bandit gear and daggers....all enchanted. rings and neck too. i haven't loaded wotlk (have game inbox) since there is not much for me at 80 (interest) knowing the game don't balance at 80, i will load the 10-day trial and get:

fang of the desolate soul (3 separate quest trees pre-req then you get quest)

shark stabber (escort quest)

i have 2 seal daggers of the bandit in my bank with 50AP on each., but once my friends have time they are going to run me for the 2 quest daggers.

my hunter is pressing on also and may stop at 69, once there i will make the decision to play awhile or load and press him to 80. seems like hunters are still wanted in raids. rogues have no heals, and palidans/DKs/enh-sham are out dps'ing them and can save themselves or help on a heal. it reflects in our trade chat. only rogues that are in their own or solid guilds are getting "dragged" along for gear.

my hunter has a full set of wotlk 67+ bandit gear, enchanted also. i got lucky, when new enchants came out players were in the quick race to get to 450. enchants like +8 stats to chest, 50 AP wpn, glove and bracer AP, boots icewalker, 16 agi, etc were 10G or less.
I had a 69 prot warrior that was pretty fun and then they revamped the prot tree with crazy fun stuff like warbringer and decent dmg and it was super fun.

I'll make a dk on frostmane up to 69 and then level either a warrior, priest or a druid.
ive played this bracket before but never twinked, and it is really fun espescially 2/2 hard WSG. a couple of friends have 69 twinks on US servers

flexorcist - argent dawn

mascielo - argent dawn
Animalmother said:
i have a 68 SS rogue that i play in this bracket occasionaly...4/5 field marshals loot (granted i got them after BC, but still pretty decent even with BC outlands gear) and its a blast. i'd say anyone with a toon in this level range should just get up to 69 and have some fun. LOL premed, SS, ambush, hemo and a few hits and most clothies (especially those that are lower levels) and low-level toons get the bad end of a whooping =D

have fun out there!

Believe you me if you want to see clothies get torn another hole try mutilate. On my 73 rogue Shadowblades on Scarlet crusade they do not make it out of Kidney or get near the end of it.
the best is the level 60 old characters ... full epics etc... legendary :p

you know, from the old guys who started playing wow when it first released... and forgot to level to 70 all their characters...
This seems like another project that has spiked my interest - how do you guys think hunters would do in this bracket? Im guessing just as well as every other bracket...but :p
RC-ST. said:
the best is the level 60 old characters ... full epics etc... legendary :p

go youtube Maydie...probably the most disgusting display of man-handling i've ever seen. i was literally disgusted at the extent of the beatings he would put on people. great fun.

spookers to your ? i've seen many hunters do pretty well in this bracket. i did a bit of pvp (not necessarily twinked) with my hunter when i was at 69 and was quite successful. give it a shot =)
useabandage said:
69 is only fun when I have tusk to heel bot my sorry ass warrior

You should have been on earlier today.

I literally fought 2 mut rogues and a resto druid. I lived for about 6 mins strait...then I lost any mana tricks I had (Couldnt afford to ditch ES :\) and finally got killed.

Get on BdB more imo. I need more shaman practice :<
Yeah hunters are the same all the way up. I can't think of anything that they get that makes a big difference in there playstyle. They get snake trap I believe.

For casters it's kind of a big step because rogues get cloak of shadows.
Tusktuki said:
You should have been on earlier today.

I literally fought 2 mut rogues and a resto druid. I lived for about 6 mins strait...then I lost any mana tricks I had (Couldnt afford to ditch ES :\) and finally got killed.

Get on BdB more imo. I need more shaman practice :<

Yeah I'm waiting for this new patch to be finalized so I know what racials to pick then I'll be rolling.
60-69 is just 10-19 v2 when it comes to advantages based on gear, gg players running around with 16k hp when everyone else has 8k at most, 450 eng.
Uta said:
60-69 is just 10-19 v2 when it comes to advantages based on gear, gg players running around with 16k hp when everyone else has 8k at most, 450 eng.
Would hardly say that, the gear is easy to aquire by everyone, alot are just quest blues (although you have to plan your XP), and the BoE's don't sell for much and arn't that much better. The only differance is the enchants and if people want to enchant usually with the wrath chants there are cheaper versions that are still pretty decent that any level 69 should be able to afford if they wanted to. And you don't have stuff scaling aswell as the 19's AFAIK.
I'm sorry, But what is this Bandit gear you fellows speak of?
It's a random designation of a set of green stats like "of the bear" does str and stam. Of the bandit does these stats in these proportions.

...of the Bandit

+11 Agility, +16 Stamina, +22 Attack Power

this is the same except with strength

...of the Beast (3.5% chance)

+11 Strength, +11 Agility, +16 Stamina
69 twink

I was looking through all my 60's planning on making a twink out of one of them, my rogue was on my bank acct so I figured i could use my main to run it through instances/group quests. Finally finished a couple weeks ago. Pretty sure i have the best in slot for everything, costed quite a bit. Then what pissed me off was entering bg's... 9/10 horde are dk's. It sucks.

Here's my twink [char=Eitrigg]Wimpfacepuff[/char] http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Eitrigg&n=Wimpfacepuff

Gimme some feed back on anything, preferably a spec, can't go combat because I picked the dagger for the quest reward, I'm normally sub.
Gearing my lock atm.


It's not including the stats from the chest (of the sorcerer), and he will also have fel armor rank 2.

~11700 health, 998 spell dmg.

I'll be running around with my VW for SL and the bubble (as 90% of my opponants will be DK's / Ret). Fel Dom for a 2nd bubble or if I come across a caster.

Swap out one of those trinkets for a pvp trinket.

All in all, should be a blast.

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