Hunter Trinkets and Res

I just picked up the Swift Hand of Justice to fill a trinket slot the other day. But the 15haste on it isn't having nearly the affect I was hoping it would. My shot speed went from 2.48 to 2.43 which doesn't seem very impressive at all. But I'm curious if it would still be better than the Rune of Duty or the Six Demon Bag I have. At my current health, 4068, I'd be returning around 80 health every killing blow.

Also, how much of an impact does Res actually have at this level? Is it worth it to stack? With the shoulder enchant, chest enchant, and spirit shard trinket I would actually be at 45res. Then BoA spirit shard gun and shoulders would put me at a total of 58. I'd be losing:





and be gaining:

4crit rating

43 Res

That's all if my math is right. It's 5am and I can't sleep and I'm bored lol so it may be a little off.
try rune of the guard captain?
Get to the hitcap of 40 before starting to stack everything else. For alliance you'll probably have to wait for flashlight trinket.
The flashlight trinket isn't really necessary if you are able to get the hit rating scope.

Have you looked at the Jewelcrafting trinkets? I am getting those on my hunter, one increases stealth/attack power with cooldown, one removes snares and increases run speed, and the other increases attack power and summons a boar.

And yes, once learned those trinkets don't need Jewelcrafting any more. You could continue with JC to use the healing stones or pick up Alchemy for the Philosopher's Stone (+5 all stats).
Beachcomber said:
once learned those trinkets don't need Jewelcrafting any more. You could continue with JC to use the healing stones or pick up Alchemy for the Philosopher's Stone (+5 all stats).

last i heard 3.1 is making JC trinkets require JC to use. i think this is true, and should go through to make it fair, just like philosopher's requires alch to use. if this change is true/makes it to live then it's not that bad b/c JC is nice with all the different trinkets (will suck for ppl that lose ability to use em and have to relevel or decide to not use em anymore tho)
Why thank you for that great observation. I would go against that and say it's BAD to no reach hit cap. In addition, several races/classes have skills/talents that add to chance to be missed. I'm alliance so I don't have access to Rune of the guard captain. So that leaves the following:

Surefooted - 10 hit

LotV - 5 hit

Blackstone ring - 10 hit

25 hit ain't cutting it. Only thing else is Biznicks and that's 30 hit.
I personally love Six Demon Bag on my Shaman, most of the time it does Frostbolts which help against casters. (if they run I have to use Frost Shock but if they cast I need Earth Shock) It's like you don't need to wait for your Shock CD, both in one. Sometimes if you are lucky it will summon you a nice Felhunter which silences or polymorph your enemy.

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