Healy class for 49s


Ok, I'm kind of tired of playing my Rogue and am looking to roll a healer class for this bracket as a change of pace.

I've played my friends Druid for a couple days and I think I've gotten over the oddity of targeting friendly players in a BG down. That said, I'm not settled on playing a Druid atm. Basically just looking for people's opinions that have played Holy/Resto in a BG.

If you could do it again, which class would you roll?




So heres my personal thoughs ~ PERSONAL ~

Druid - they can be fun, personally one of my favorite healers, being able to leave lasting effects and go on to your next target can be god send, coupled with the ability to go cat/stealth, or bear/fc.

Paladin - personally I hate paladin healers, its probably how every thing is single target and can be interuppted easy, but you get alot of utality in buffs and such to over come obstacles.

Shaman - you dont have earth shield yet, personally this is a big one, IMO shamans are ment for more dps type roles, at least until higher levels of play.

Priest - my second favorite of all the possible healing classes, I love the shields/buffs you can get assoiscated with priests, on top of the fun spells such as mind control.

The expierence I draw from is as follows

29 feral FC druid -> 39 Resto FC druid -> 48 Resto group healer.

29 shadow priest, 39 disc priest, 70 shadow/disc priest.

29 ret paladin -> 70 -> 80 prot paladin

70 2100 2v2 resto shaman -> 80 ele shaman

As you can see, the diffrences I have had with the classes can very easily change my awnser from yours or others ;)
i have a Resto Druid and a Holy Paladin twinked at 49.

my vote, by far, is for Holy Paladin. not that Druids aren't a lot of fun. but to be an amazing healer AND be able to kick somebody's ass. that right there is good stuff. for the most part, druids just heal and runrunrun! while Paladin is the only healing class at 49 that will stand their ground against even the most OP classes.
I kinda agree with adt.

Playing 49 Holy Pal atm.

Love the ability to critheal everybody to full health.

Normally Holy schock is enough, if no MS effects on me.

And still I do around 1.1k Holy Schock crit on enemies, which is enough to easily solo rogues, warriors, hunters, shamans .. etc

I do play Priest myself L80, and I will prolly lvl one up soon anyway.

If you know how to play a priest, and are used to the bunch of cds and hotkeys, they are fun as hell. Really.
Paladin or Priest would be the best Primary, Druid has the best healing but is also very easy to bring down or force into bear form without proper support and Shaman is just not a viable primary healer anymore at 49, but an excellent support healer with tremor/shocks/grounding.
49 pallies lose Infusion of Light come 3.1, though I haven't played holy at 49 yet so I don't know how clutch that talent is in this bracket. Mostly used to it being overpowered from 80 with inflated Holy Shock crit w/ 2pc t7.
Taffylol said:
49 pallies lose Infusion of Light come 3.1, though I haven't played holy at 49 yet so I don't know how clutch that talent is in this bracket. Mostly used to it being overpowered from 80 with inflated Holy Shock crit w/ 2pc t7.

It was VERY clutch and a huge loss for 49 paladins, but they're still a top healer. Glyph of Salvation and Glyph of Holy Shock will hopefully offset the loss slightly.

Edit: the new tier 1 prot will also help a lot in offsetting the loss of survivability for the paladin from losing Infusion by giving them 10% more healing on self.

Edit 2: and if the new 11 point holy goes live as is... gg.
after 3.1 a holy pally will do quite the damage burst. avrage for a twink is 1k holy shock, then u got arround 500-700 exorsim witch can be used on every1 after 3.1 and judge seal of righetouss. + u can survive for long and got loads of hand blessing and tricks to contribute other team members and help u in the battle

holy pally is gonna be the best no doubt . got a 49 holy pallytwink myself and im loveing it:)

was messing arround with a balance druid and ret pally for about 9 mins in arena before they could take me down:) its pretty fun:)

I saw your post a while back and for some reason never commented on it.

I have a 49 resto druid and I'm currently leveling a 49 holy paladin. My name is Jealous and this is my story... (intense, eh?)

My druid is by far the most fun I've ever had on WoW (80 DK, 70 rogue, warrior, warlock, shaman). I have over 12k HKs on him (and never farm - usually lowest HK count of everyone in BGs) so I'd definitely say that I'm experienced on him.. They have great utility, can avoid snares, have powerful (though dispellable) HoTs, and can do decent damage. I don't remember who said it, but a couple posts back someone said that resto druids can't pew pew that well. I'll respectfully disagree, we just have to use a lot of mana to do so. With roots, faerie fire, and wrath cannons, we can keep most of our targets where we want them and spray from a distance.

As far as the healing goes, I love it! I can heal multiple people at the same time via HoTs. Glyph of Swiftmend is a huge GCD saver. When anticipating rogues, you can always HoT / Abolish Poison yourself and hope he's dumb enough to open on you while all that is active (and they usually are). Then just FF him and it's gg. The biggest thing I'm going to miss as a holy paladin is the ability to multi-target heal. This will make me a sad panda. I think holy paladin have something entirely different and exciting to bring to the battlefield, though.

Best of luck to you in your healing ventures!

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