Patch 3.1 Update - >>All<< changed crafted items





I know some items that got updated are still worthless, but for the sake of completeness I kept them all in. Enjoy! If you notice anything's missing, just send me a PM and I'll fix it.
oO i will definitely think of moving my shaman to 49, and making him ele/resto. Those Green Dragonscales seem quite cool now. Plus the dragonscale gauntlets with +hit,mmmh.
holy dragonscale FTW

18 sta, 25 int 52 SP and 22 NR (37 passive NR if you 15 NR cloak) and 3 MP5. fapfapfapfap
Nice opportunity with the Green Dragonscale to buff my stam / mp5 without taking a huge hit in dps.

I'm happy anyhow.
Soooo.. why does all the good mail DPS stuff require you to have blacksmithing, but all the other gear is just BoE? What a load of crap... yeah, I'm really going to give up my 450 herb/alch... riiiight.

As if the stupid BoA items weren't bad enough now everyone and their mom can just buy these items on the AH too. So much for actually having to camp a rare for a month or actually instance to get some gear for your twink.
You can get mad all you want about the gear boosts that are coming. But in actuallity this is going to help all the new twinks or the ones who were unable to get their profs to max. It will help ppl twink their toons and actually be more competitive against those that have max profs, shoulder chants, and hte like.
khornn said:
You can get mad all you want about the gear boosts that are coming. But in actuallity this is going to help all the new twinks or the ones who were unable to get their profs to max. It will help ppl twink their toons and actually be more competitive against those that have max profs, shoulder chants, and hte like.

How is it good that everyone and their mom is running around with the same BOA shoulders and the same BOE crafted items linked above? I know twinking should be a level playing field, but if they would just stop grandfathering stuff like 450 herb/mining, ZG and Naxx enchants, then it would be much more fun because everyone can get what they want instead of all going for the same boring item you can buy in 5 minutes.

I feel you should have to run instances for your twink. If you can't be bothered to do that, you should accept that you will not be as good as other twinks. If everyone gears their twink in 5 minutes on the AH, that's stupid if you ask me.
cherzra said:
How is it good that everyone and their mom is running around with the same BOA shoulders and the same BOE crafted items linked above? I know twinking should be a level playing field, but if they would just stop grandfathering stuff like 450 herb/mining, ZG and Naxx enchants, then it would be much more fun because everyone can get what they want instead of all going for the same boring item you can buy in 5 minutes.

I feel you should have to run instances for your twink. If you can't be bothered to do that, you should accept that you will not be as good as other twinks. If everyone gears their twink in 5 minutes on the AH, that's stupid if you ask me.

Farming instances is a neccessary part of twinking, but you have to think about the people who dont have multiple accounts and can't run themselves through difficult instances for gear, I like the boosts and will be making a 49 very soon and I plan to use some of the boosted gear.
cherzra said:
How is it good that everyone and their mom is running around with the same BOA shoulders and the same BOE crafted items linked above? I know twinking should be a level playing field, but if they would just stop grandfathering stuff like 450 herb/mining, ZG and Naxx enchants, then it would be much more fun because everyone can get what they want instead of all going for the same boring item you can buy in 5 minutes.

I feel you should have to run instances for your twink. If you can't be bothered to do that, you should accept that you will not be as good as other twinks. If everyone gears their twink in 5 minutes on the AH, that's stupid if you ask me.

BoA shoulder enchants need to go, how the hell isn't there more of an outcry with all the ridiculous bitching people did for 225 mining when that was a GOOD thing for twinking, seeing as how anyone could easily get it in an hour or two.

The new items are great for caster pallies and shams, both of which either had to use eagle greens or cloth/leather in those slots. I do feel kind of bad for clothies and anyone who paid 20k+ for spellshocks though, these new pants crap all over those.
Hotpockets said:
How could you even say that? There were Ret Paladins in Vengeance running around with over 4500 HP with 900-1k ap UNBUFFED. It was ludicrous.

Ok so now they have 4300 HP with 450 GF'd mining? vs everyone having access to the same level of mining, not just those with 80s to escort.

And the point I was making is that +700 hp was accessable to EVERYONE, +300 hp shoulders is not.
Uta said:
BoA shoulder enchants need to go, how the hell isn't there more of an outcry with all the ridiculous bitching people did for 225 mining when that was a GOOD thing for twinking, seeing as how anyone could easily get it in an hour or two.

The new items are great for caster pallies and shams, both of which either had to use eagle greens or cloth/leather in those slots. I do feel kind of bad for clothies and anyone who paid 20k+ for spellshocks though, these new pants crap all over those.

I don't see any cloth leg changes. What pants are you refering to?
Conrose said:
He's talking about the profession crafted ones for mail and plate. Problem however is that they are BoP.

I'm talking about Green Dragonscale and no they're not.

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