best dps weapon for a lolferal drood

Prepatch I was using The Rockpounder which had the nice crit rating to it. It's probably not the best in my opinion anymore, but it still stands up there with the others.
I was under that same impression as well. I'll have to look into that.

Mongoose is now a viable enchant now for druids as well.
Judging with all the modifiers in the Feral tree, think you'd be best off with the Stoneraven

the difference in AP is like 4 with every talent taken (PStrikes, HotW, SotFittest, PotPack)

being easier to get is just cake imo

70AP ~ 81.6

35Agi ~ 37

I think if I had to choose, I'd go AP

but then, I've never feral'd so ymmv
Yes, stoneraven is the better choice. As for enchants they are all good, id probably take 35 agi as im a big believer of agi enchants for a feral. Goose is also quite nice now. Tough choices you have ;P.
useabandage said:
how so, 13x2 is 26

is str not doubled for droods anymore?

that makes no sense TBH lol

i would think in cat it's 1 AP for 1 agil/1 str

are you doing bear form dps? idk if that's 1AP for 1 str, i thought it was though >.<

edit: i guess i'm wrong, my bad on the assumption
Feral druids do good damage now. You simply have to not try to play them like a hemo rogue (I admit I did this for awhile).

Mongoose is the best enchant, 35 agi is better than 70 AP. A friend of mine still says he prefers Rockpounder over Stoneraven, Grimlok's and Blanchard's for dps, but I've never actually asked him why.
useabandage said:
have you played a feral druid in the 49's with the new talent tree, its actually pretty nice if you know how to play it correctly, im still learning but I can do some pretty insane burst.

What do you think changed exactly? Glyph of Shred was the only damage increase ferals received at 49 and that's going bye bye in 3.1. The best DPS build used to be 1/18/21 with NS, 5/5 Naturalist and all the goodies leading up to it with Feral Charge, Imp. Bash and Imp Shred in Feral. That build is no longer possible so if anything feral was nerfed.

Edit: I guess I shouldn't say best DPS since 31/9 was, but it was the best build overall.
You can still do some pretty good damage if you play it right, but it's not as good as the old 31/9 spec. They borked up the feral tree that just makes 31/9 feel weird now.
Hey Useabandage,

One weapon you may want to try out is any weapon with a proc on hit type effect, I think the best one may be the 3 second stun from "The Judge's Gavel". Apparrently there is a base proc % chance for these weapons which is seperate from the traditonal PPM proccing of Mongoose fiery crusader etc. So that would mean you would benefit greatly from the 1 second quick strikes in cat form/instants. Havent tried this out myself but it was something that always appealed to me.


I heard that the judge's Gavel has a 5% proc chance (from thottbot). That would mean after ~20 hits you expect 1 stun proc. In feral cat form you can get these hits a lot faster than a warrior swinging a 3.4 weapon.
Taitaih said:
You can still do some pretty good damage if you play it right, but it's not as good as the old 31/9 spec. They borked up the feral tree that just makes 31/9 feel weird now.

49 Feral Druid

Name: Boost

Server: Skullcrusher

Check out his spec / weapon / chant. I can beat him as a resto druid (due to him quickly going oom), but he puts up a very good fight. He's better than your average feral druid. Very smart player. Saves his OOC procs for heals to conserve mana, blah blah. Puts up some very nice damage.

Hope it helps!

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