best dps weapon for a lolferal drood

imo 35agi > mongoose

ferals rely on their burst and i don't think you get a procc on your first hit very often.

most time you will unload 1-2 charges of energy without any procc and after that you will start to selfheal/cc/chase your opponent. 35 is a huge boost for your burst ability and is superior to a procc enchant.

besides this mongoose has the better epeen rating.
Bansil said:
imo 35agi > mongoose

ferals rely on their burst and i don't think you get a procc on your first hit very often.

most time you will unload 1-2 charges of energy without any procc and after that you will start to selfheal/cc/chase your opponent. 35 is a huge boost for your burst ability and is superior to a procc enchant.

besides this mongoose has the better epeen rating.

With mongoose on ragehammer something should proc...

I still see the point about the rock pounder, it's 3% to crit and 10 ap, find that on another item.
Stoneraven OFC, +35 Agi.

Tho I'd use Grimlok's Charge for additional Stamina.
# Feral Attack Power: Heirloom weapons now correctly grant the amount of attack power in Cat, Bear, and Dire Bear Forms that is stated on the weapon tooltip. In addition, the attack power bonus will now work properly for druids below level 60.

from mmo champion, although ragehammer will probably still be better
Stoneraven does have more AP(4 more AP), but slightly less crit (2 agi diff)... plus spirit never 'hurt' anybody... I'd go Stoneraven.

Now the enchant... if you find yourself doing significant amount of shreds, I'd go crit (Edit: Crit as in +35 Agi to 2h, unless you are one that likes procs - if so, go Moongoose. Mongoose/+35 Agi are almost equal @ 80 with the ppm on single target - may need to do research if Mongoose > +35Agi @ 49). If you seem to be doing more dots (and I am not sure why you would over significant burst dmg) I'd go 70 AP.

Note: I do not twink in the 40-49 grp as a feral, I just have one as a main. So take it with a grain of salt if you wish. Good luck!

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