Search results

  1. Perfect gnomer rings for everybody?

    I am really shocked more 24s have not tried this. I definitely would if I were not FTP. What is wrong with you people! :p Someone go out and try it and see if it works
  2. 19 Wargame Project

    I am a big fan of this project. I think its a great idea. But I am concerned about the gear. I thought one of the points of this was to make it easy, But now everyone is going to have to farm mats to make their goggles. I realize that this is not much work, but it will probably make people...
  3. MoP Hunter Nerf Myth

    Good point about the stam nerf. I forgot about that. I thought all classes were getting a similar nerf to dmg, but it was being made up for with weapons. If the below is true then awesome!
  4. MoP Hunter Nerf Myth

    Hunters are going to be unstoppable in MoP. I keep hearing how they are going to be nerfed. This seems highly mistaken. The reason is that hunters have amazing DPS at this level. The myth seems to be based around the fact that they will not be able to slow anymore. BUT the only reason they...
  5. BG Wargames (14 test completed)

    You could just farm the enchanting vendors for the mats, but my understanding is that we are going to be doing it profession-free. The less effort to set up characters the more people who might be interested. It only takes a few hours to get a char to 14.
  6. Any F2P Shadowfangs?

    I have been super lucky with rare drops, both in terms of seeing the rare drops, and in terms of seeing them on the right character. I have seen Ring of Precision drop once, on my horde rogue (only person to role need). I have seen Doomspike drop one, on my alliance rogue (one of three people...
  7. BG Wargames (14 test completed)

    I dont play much on AP anymore (and so am likely to miss any chat announcement), but I am really keen to give this a go. Do you have any idea of what time you consider "peak"? Or are you just going to get a game together when there happen to be a long of ppl on?
  8. BG Wargames (14 test completed)

    Baller. I'm down.
  9. Yozzy killed by dubbs :) (video)

    [gently pats head] there, there; you're a very special little boy.
  10. LF Arena.... Fury.

    Do you own this website or something?
  11. Yozzy killed by dubbs :) (video)

    Backpedaling? Who cares if he drools on the keyboard, killing a geared 24 hunter as a 20 druid is never easy. Cant wait until MoP when they lose concussive shot, but it doesn't matter because they can shoot in melee and have higher DPS than any melee class anyway. Yay! (I swear, someone high...
  12. The Arena Class (new people and experienced people read this)

    How do you plan to do this across servers?
  13. RIFT as an alternative for F2P

    I'm in. To be honest, so far I am not impressed with the look or the gameplay. I am playing on a borderline notebook, so maybe it is just that the game only looks good with the video settings turned up (unlike WoW, where it still looks ok). But I am hoping the the PvP is good. Any chance we...
  14. EU+US Level 20 Resources

    Re: F2P Information and Guides Index, Site Search, BiS Reference - Welcome :) Great post and great thread. May I recommend you removing all the scrub armories in the BiS section though? Many of them are not even close, and some sections do not even have anyone who is BiS--sometimes there are...
  15. Level 20 Resources (F2P)

    Re: F2P Information and Guides Index, Site Search, BiS Reference - Welcome :) Great post and great thread. May I recommend you removing all the scrub armories in the BiS section though? Many of them are not even close, and some sections do not even have anyone who is BiS--sometimes there are...
  16. Highest skillcap on classes @ F2P

    If you are bad enough to think that managing as few skills as we have at this lvl is hard I guess. Skillcap is the difference that skill makes between a good and a bad player. For a hunter, there is little difference. For a Warrior there is a huge amount. I play both classes. This is just a...
  17. Highest skillcap on classes @ F2P

    This thread is largely retarded. Warriors have a way higher skill cap than hunters. The fact that hunters have more abilities makes them EASIER you tards. If you really have trouble with the minimal amount of abilities that any class has at this level, you are a very, very bad player. Sure...
  18. Paladin Heal: Pristine Lightforge Spaulders / Mystical Pauldrons of Elements

    1 resil, 1 int, and 1 stam at the cost of 71 armor and 4 crit. The man has a point I suppose.
  19. Hard Boiled

    Works like a charm! Thanks.
  20. Lucky Fishing Hat is minnneeeeee

    Nice! :) I tried for about 4 weeks on 2 chars on servers in diff time zones, and then got a LFH on each within about 40 mins. RNG.