Highest skillcap on classes @ F2P

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Yes you are because this doesn't exist. Nobody should listen to this, since it is not worth testing out. And yes warrior also has nothing special to it and has the lowes skillcap. Right Cer? *Looks at cer with that know how to keep a secret look*

Haha i see wut u did ther ;)
I'm with Cotus on the Last Word thing. Paladins can do a ton of healing on the move, this makes that healing even more effective

I also believe fury wars should be higher up. Maybe just NE or BE or Tauren, but those racials take the spec further, as well as PH being so useful for peeling healers away from their FC in wsg, as well as peelin for your FC, PH is such a nice snare it's a bummer that we are losing it..
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I should make a Fury Warrior....
This thread is largely retarded. Warriors have a way higher skill cap than hunters. The fact that hunters have more abilities makes them EASIER you tards. If you really have trouble with the minimal amount of abilities that any class has at this level, you are a very, very bad player. Sure, a hunter that has his pet on assist with auto-disarm/silence/web/whatever is worse than a player who has those abilities keybound, but this is about the lowest form of "skill" possible. I am not saying that there cannot be hunters that really push it up a notch and get the most possible out of their class--and kudos to them--but the difference between that and a teribad hunter is very small.

On the other hand, taking a class that has about 3 abilities, is kite-able to the extreme, has very few defensive abilities, and making that turd shine actually requires real skill. Take Growly for example. To be honest, I have only played against him a few times (so maybe he is not the best example, but I dont remember seeing any other warriors that were worthwhile), but the fucker knows how to move and time his abilities to make a class that is hard to play really successful. That is high skill cap right there. A bad player simply cannot play a warrior, whereas the difference between a bad hunter and a good hunter is whether he knows not to scatter at the beginning of a fight against a priest and knows how to strafe instead of walk backwards like a moron.

I am not saying that there are not really good players running hunters out there (why you would bother is another question, however), all I am saying is that there is not a lot of room to grow, because what you do largely doesn't matter (warning: this might be an exaggeration). I am also not saying that the worse the class the higher the skillcap. There might be some classes that no matter how good you are you just cant get anything out of them. There is just more to wow then knowing which abilities to use in which order. Timing and movement are key for a lot of classes, and IMO mastering those things are much harder.
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WTH is going on!

Skill cap is 100 for primary professions.
This thread is largely retarded. Warriors have a way higher skill cap than hunters. The fact that hunters have more abilities makes them EASIER you tards. If you really have trouble with the minimal amount of abilities that any class has at this level, you are a very, very bad player. Sure, a hunter that has his pet on assist with auto-disarm/silence/web/whatever is worse than a player who has those abilities keybound, but this is about the lowest form of "skill" possible. I am not saying that there cannot be hunters that really push it up a notch and get the most possible out of their class--and kudos to them--but the difference between that and a teribad hunter is very small.

On the other hand, taking a class that has about 3 abilities, is kite-able to the extreme, has very few defensive abilities, and making that turd shine actually requires real skill. Take Growly for example. To be honest, I have only played against him a few times (so maybe he is not the best example, but I dont remember seeing any other warriors that were worthwhile), but the fucker knows how to move and time his abilities to make a class that is hard to play really successful. That is high skill cap right there. A bad player simply cannot play a warrior, whereas the difference between a bad hunter and a good hunter is whether he knows not to scatter at the beginning of a fight against a priest and knows how to strafe instead of walk backwards like a moron.

I am not saying that there are not really good players running hunters out there (why you would bother is another question, however), all I am saying is that there is not a lot of room to grow, because what you do largely doesn't matter (warning: this might be an exaggeration). I am also not saying that the worse the class the higher the skillcap. There might be some classes that no matter how good you are you just cant get anything out of them. There is just more to wow then knowing which abilities to use in which order. Timing and movement are key for a lot of classes, and IMO mastering those things are much harder.

I think you effectively made yourself look like you don't know what we are referring to when we say skill cap. You contradicted yourself hard a few times up top, and throughout the rest for that matter. When referring to skill cap we are not talking about how difficult it is to be successful with the class in most cases, we are talking about just how effective you can be when pushing the class to its "skill cap"

Im pretty sure most of us can agree that more buttons=higher potential skill cap... Simply because you have more buttons to manage! Which would mean hunters are pretty high up there in terms of their skill cap...
I think you effectively made yourself look like you don't know what we are referring to when we say skill cap. You contradicted yourself hard a few times up top, and throughout the rest for that matter. When referring to skill cap we are not talking about how difficult it is to be successful with the class in most cases, we are talking about just how effective you can be when pushing the class to its "skill cap"

Im pretty sure most of us can agree that more buttons=higher potential skill cap... Simply because you have more buttons to manage! Which would mean hunters are pretty high up there in terms of their skill cap...

If you are bad enough to think that managing as few skills as we have at this lvl is hard I guess.

Skillcap is the difference that skill makes between a good and a bad player. For a hunter, there is little difference. For a Warrior there is a huge amount. I play both classes. This is just a fact. Deal with it. Hunters use very little timing and movement is easy for them. Hence low skillcap because movement and timing are hard, deciding which ability to use is simple.
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If you are bad enough to think that managing as few skills as we have at this lvl is hard I guess.

Skillcap is the difference that skill makes between a good and a bad player. For a hunter, there is little difference. For a Warrior there is a huge amount. I play both classes. This is just a fact. Deal with it. Hunters use very little timing and movement is easy for them. Hence low skillcap because movement and timing are hard, deciding which ability to use is simple.

Good warriors charge, piercing howl, pray for crits.

Bad warriors charge, piercing howl, pray for crits.

Good hunters manage their focus, focus scatter, focus moth, dismiss pet at the correct time, use their pet as both bait and offense and disengage + anti sap, mark stealth from 100 yards, etc.

Bad hunters dump their focus, and auto silence.
i haven't played my holy paladin in a long time, but when i do i pretty much just save my 3 point word of glory for when someone is explosive shotted/focus dumped or gets 24'd on. unless you're already casting flash of light on them, they're gonna die. i guess if you're only healing one person, you would be playing differently, but that is rarely the case
Am I the only one who is aware of a Warrior's hidden "combat reset", after killing someone, for Charge?

how does this work? i have done this a few times by just watching my CD icons, but i can't figure out any clear pattern for when it will occur after a kill. are there still combat pulses in BG's to keep people in combat?
For arenas, Blazing Light might have a small edge.... But for WSG, I stand by Last Word. Just like cotus said, takign someone to full HP after a hunter focus dumps or rogue opener is better than 10% damage while exo spamming. Not like you should ever exo spam (or burst, as you call it) unless it's a guaranteed kill anyway. Otherwise, you're just wasting mana. The different between 600 damage and 660 damage you can do in a HoJ is trivial compared to 30% extra crit when you really need it.
yeah i guess these guys are probably talking about arenas and not BGs, which probably accounts for a lot of the disagreement. for a healing paladin in arena i'd be using a whole bunch of different specs, including prot healer, depending on the matchup. i don't see how anyone could not want last word for BGs; it's just way better
If you are bad enough to think that managing as few skills as we have at this lvl is hard I guess.

Skillcap is the difference that skill makes between a good and a bad player. For a hunter, there is little difference. For a Warrior there is a huge amount. I play both classes. This is just a fact. Deal with it. Hunters use very little timing and movement is easy for them. Hence low skillcap because movement and timing are hard, deciding which ability to use is simple.
Warriors really dont have a high skill cap, just refer to what golden said
I must say, I think I raise the skill cap for warriors daily. I don't play it because it's the best, I play it because I enjoy doing so. IMO prot pallies have the highest potential, druids have the highest difference between good and bad, and hunters have the lowest entry skill.

WTB more alliance vent cross realm premades.
how does this work? i have done this a few times by just watching my CD icons, but i can't figure out any clear pattern for when it will occur after a kill. are there still combat pulses in BG's to keep people in combat?

It's pretty simple. Let me make an example of how it occurs:

Lets say you have 3 people attacking you at once. One of the people who are targeting you and are attacking you, you manage to kill. For a split second, your charge is useable in combat. If you are fast at tab-targeting, you can tab target to a ranged person after killing that person, and charge to them WHILE in combat. However, if you wait too long; your charge won't work and your charge will continue to act as if you were you combat.

Basically: Kill someone who is ATTACKING you, and you can open a small window for you to get a charge off before you are put back in combat. This works even if more than 1 person is attacking you.
If you are bad enough to think that managing as few skills as we have at this lvl is hard I guess.

Skillcap is the difference that skill makes between a good and a bad player. For a hunter, there is little difference. For a Warrior there is a huge amount. I play both classes. This is just a fact. Deal with it. Hunters use very little timing and movement is easy for them. Hence low skillcap because movement and timing are hard, deciding which ability to use is simple.

I never said playing in this bracket was hard did I?

I think your definition of skill cap is poor and it's what is making you sound silly...
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