Hard Boiled


Anyone know how to get this achievement "solo" as FTP? Is it even possible?

I tried going to the hot springs and then getting someone to buff me just before the BG ended, but alas I lost the buff upon zoning back into Un'Goro. I assume the same thing would happen with getting the buff from a LFG.
(I am not sure this tactic is hopeless. Sometimes I seem to lose buffs sometimes I seem to keep them in BGs. Anyone know what allows you to keep some buffs?)

EDIT: BTW, if anyone is interested in helping each other out on Ursin or Nathrathium, let me know!
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Not possible solo; you'll end up dying and corpse running there.Its simpler to get a summon to flown out.
If anyone on Ally AP needs the buff - I have a baby DK with a wand that can buff people while in Un'goro. Throwing it out there.
I just waited some minutes in the springs for someone to show up. Leesnow @ Draenor - Game Guide - World of Warcraft did and invited me and throw the bunny costume on me and voila... done.

What I was very confused about was how anyone (P2P) could invite me to a group when I`m F2P ? Can anyone clear this out for me?

And concerning your way there without dying: I just mounted up and ran from The Shaper`s Terrace along the stream to Mossy Pile, then just south to the springs. If you make it on top of one of the pillars, you are safe from hostile mobs.
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