Search results

  1. All you people seeking legendaries are going to hate me.

    Meh, got 3 full sets of bindings on my druid before the eye dropped. Took 35+ runs for eye. Ran it once on my lock and got one binding and eye in the same first run.
  2. If you could choose XP-on/XP-off

    Exp on, I do it erryday already.
  3. Nightsaber Cub Code

    Should put it in AH section.
  4. Xmogging question

    Almost positive you have to be able to put it on. Pretty sure there are some look-alike pieces that might work. Just go on, find the priest tier pieces, and look at the "Same Model As" tab.
  5. Nightelf shadowmeld bugged?

    You can smeld aoe fears, grips, I'd assume you can use it before some other spells too.
  6. Get all your honor?

    Try delaying your leave? Idk, sometimes if i look at scoreboard the addition of win/lose takes a few seconds. Maybe if you leave it doesn't get added. Probably not the problem though
  7. Broke Horde hunter question

    You can send heirlooms to the "dark side". No need to faction change.
  8. Horde is Lacking.

    I might start playing my priest again, no one knows me of course. As soon as I get my second AGM, really hard getting it solo when I'm on a horrible server where every bad and their mom goes for it.
  9. So any1 can beat this?

    Uhm, wow.

    Hacks, to get through walls and such. What I saw on Mmowned anyways.
  11. making gold

    Mining does good, you can get the mats for engin to make it dirt cheap to level, and some of the ores sell like mad. The only ones you can't get at 70 are elementium so just find out which sell the best and farm it.
  12. Shadowfang Insight.

    Read it, says that you talked to several gms and got stupid info. Tip: Do not trust gms. They have no idea what they are talking about half the time. I have never trusted a gms word. I only use them to get stuff.
  13. Office Photos.

    Pretty sure that's the same monitor I had for a while, just upgraded to a bigger one though.
  14. ...

    Yeah they don't like that word. I've got warnings for much more stupid language though.
  15. Anyone have an armory of a pvp-geared feral druid I can base mine off of?

    Another feral re roll, shocking. Just look at the ladders and pick some of the top ferals, profit.
  16. Overpowered 19-69 Trinket? That, but maybe it got messed up in the files and the requirement was taken away? Idk, but I would love to have it.
  17. Level 70 Deadly glad?

    Nice find and amazing level 70 apologize. Truly jealous.
  18. WTB 24 twink mounts

    There's one of the level 20 versions of the spectral tiger on sargeras for 400k+, you could prob talk him down idk. There is also a raptor at 100k and 4-5 epic spectral tigers >>
  19. Arena DC's and lag?

    Yeah there's a problem with d/cing right now. Some people find if you are jumping (into a wall and such) you will d/c. Don't know why it hasn't been fixed yet but it's not just you.
  20. HOLY S**** X10

    So many hk's, but he can only hardly break 1800... /sigh