HOLY S**** X10

The funny part is his arena teams win/loss ratio and the fact he has never broken the 1750 bracket. Just proof you can play a shit ton of WoW and still be terrible.
Please, keep it polite.
He's trash but I think we can assume he's farmed mid and GY harder than any 19 can ever dream of.

This is the guy that holds the record for most HKs, so no, no one can beat that.
Lol at some people's comments. PvP (World/RBG/BG) and Arena are two totally different monsters. You can rape BGs and suck at Arena and vise versa. There is no way this toon got to where he/she is in achievements let alone some of those titles without having some skill (and some luck). Does it mean they used a bot, maybe, does it mean they bought the toon, maybe, does it mean they did all that themselves, probably. People need to l2grow up and stop dissing others just because they themselves aren't capable of such achievements or dedication to a practice. Mad props to the person who did all this as a ton of those cheeves are stupid RNG that hates me lol.
He has won 28 duels.

Yeah because Armory's statistics are sooo accurate. I have a 4yr old toon that says I have 58 total BGs played yet I have the achievement for winning 100 AVs and almost that one for EotS.
@various posters above me, u rly dont have any place talking shit about this guy, being that u play in a twink bracket and all
Please, keep it polite.

Why exactly are people not allowed to assert the fact that someone who has played a rogue for what is most likely longer than any other person in the world and still hasn't passed 2000 rating in Arena is a very mediocre, if not outright subpar player?

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