Shadowfang Insight.


As the title states, i'm going to provide some helpful insight about farming shadowfang. Crazy and weired as that sounds, i got some very useful information that may hold truth on which monsters Specificly drop the sword. I do appologize for im not one to proof-read, so bear with me, beleive me when i say it may interest you to read.

First of all, we all have our assumtions and maybe "proofs", as u call it, to say that shadowfang still exists. I personaly agree that it does in fact exist still in-game, and i will get to that in just a minute... Many players talk to GM's and make snappshots of rediculous proofs. Specificaly, heres an example of a player talking to a Gm and them saying it exist

This player spoke to the Gm and assumed all the info given to him was enough to say it existed, but heres were this post of mine starts to make sense!

Ive been doin some interesting, nerdy research on this popular little twink sword and i think i found some info that may toss a few eyes. It all starts from the beginning....Atlas loot....

Before Shattering ive been a person who would always farm for this sword because the "trash mob" section of atlas loot showed the sword Specificaly listed. Unfortunatly im sure most people have noticed that it was removed from the addon during the major cata event. Also notice it came off the addon the day in which the Shadowfang dungeon was altered and changed. keep this detail in mind while i continue...

After this point i began to realize somethings just not right.... the new updated wowhead came out and it doesnt show any more details of the sword, even a new Wowarmory was made and it's no better. If thats not bad enough, the info on Shadowfang from wowhead is completely different than that of wowarmory, heres two links for yourself.... the stats are completely different

wowhead: http://www.wowhead.c...482#comments:40 wowarmory:

This honestly isnt relevant to anything... just pointing it out there... Now heres when things get a little weired.

In a recent GM chat (Note: i forgot to screenshot it, but try this yourself... it's true), ive tryed myself to see if i can snag info from a gm on the whereabouts of Shadowfang, and managed to snag even more usful info on this... when ever i asked he/she always gives a BS answer on how they arent alowed to give info. Some say answeres like, "it drops off bosses" or even, "you gotta be lucky for it to drop off anyone", but i tryed a little trick... i asked if Goblin Mail Leggings still existed, which we all know is a GF'd BOE... HE SAYD IT STILL DROPS!

I started to think more and more, and i came up with a conclusion..... there "logs" arent as updated as we thought. they simply check it and conclude it's still available, but little do they know, the old monsters who were capable of droping it, no longer exist. Which would indeed explain why Shadowfang has yet be spotted as much as it used to. and why wowhead has trouble recording the sightings. IT'S BECUASE THE OLD MONSTERS WHO DROPPED IT NO LONGER EXIST!

Now for the best part of my horrible run-on sentence post! I beleive i found who can drop shadowfang in sfk. i simply go to the archived section of wowhead, and see who still exists in the dungeon and who was removed.

Heres a link to the old data of Shadowfang keep, before shattering: (ACCUALY CLICK THIS FOR LOOT TABLE)

The data of all shadowfang sightings are here. notice most the monsters no longer exist but the Tormented officers and Wailing Guardsman.

This brings me to the conclusing of my horrible thoughts on paper. It only drops off those two monsters ONLY!!!

1 last thing before i end is that notice theres only 2-3 tormented officers in sfk, as of today. This is because the Rare spawn "Deathsworn Captain" replaces one those officers to make place for him... so maybe he's not as good as everyone thinks....

Whether people take my info for granted is up to them, i just hada say somthin because it was nagin me... Happy hunting!

holy hell thats a lot of info

Have a free bump
Thanks for another shadowfang thread. Btw, pretty sure it drops off bosses, not guardsmen. Until anyone gets an actual ss of it dropping on anyone, it will be unconfirmed.
Definitely bumping this for you as well. Finally something on TI that is informative as well as worth reading. Very nice find!
Read it, says that you talked to several gms and got stupid info. Tip: Do not trust gms. They have no idea what they are talking about half the time. I have never trusted a gms word. I only use them to get stuff.
The data of all shadowfang sightings are here. notice most the monsters no longer exist but the Tormented officers and Wailing Guardsman.

This brings me to the conclusing of my horrible thoughts on paper. It only drops off those two monsters ONLY!!!

1 last thing before i end is that notice theres only 2-3 tormented officers in sfk, as of today. This is because the Rare spawn "Deathsworn Captain" replaces one those officers to make place for him... so maybe he's not as good as everyone thinks....


I am interested in gaining this item and have done 500+ runs of SFK. Now I see the logic and it actually makes alot of sense. However, I would like to give you and all future readers this page - http://www.twinkinfo...185-shadowfang/ Is the main thing I want to show everyone. As you can see the item Shadowfang is being looted off the last boss (Lvl 21)

This backs-up many conversations people have had with GM and shows it drops from level 21+ (Bosses).

Your theroy could be true, but until someone posts an SS, it makes it hard to believe.

With luck though, I had this random Idea that crit somehow increases drop rate. I only say this coz my hunter seems to get all the gear possible while my mage and priest take forever to get gear.

GL farming
this happened on aszune the other day, and its NOT bs.

a guild member of mine, named Happycurse saw a /2 thread, asking if anybody wanted a free shadowfang. he replied to the guy, who gave it to happy for free. (happy no longer has it, stop /w'ing him :
. the guy further explained that he had been farming sfk for transmog. gear and saw it drop! this was around the 30'th of december, this patch. even if the guy had had it for ages, why hold on to it then give it away for free? this leads me to conclude that it still drops. (it dropped of last boss btw)
last week shadowfang thread was better im sorry good try though

free bump and goodluck to the ones farming it im gonna buy 2 with the money i earn for 1 day of "working" (read rsmills buisiness
I would actualy say that we have seen shadowfang off now and it has been grandfathered, I am yet to see a "legit" screenshot or video of a drop since the release of cata. Is the main thing I want to show everyone. As you can see the item Shadowfang is being looted off the last boss (Lvl 21)

GL farming

No, no, no. This is not a real screenshot!

* First of all notice the font in the loot window, it's not the same as the usual font in wow.

* Notice the black line at the top of the tooltip, aswell as the black corners. They are not rounded.

* You don't see your mouse cursor on screenshots!

* The tooltip window is supposed to be transparent, like this.

* The chat log is hidden

* When you mouse over an item in a loot window the icon is supposed to become highlighted in a shade of grey around the edges of the item.

Edit: The poster of this screenshot even admitted it's fake. Check the original thread.
I approve of this message. ;3



I also had a screenshot of me talking to the guy and he confirmed that it dropped the day he posted it on the AH, unfortunately my evidence was destroyed when I got a new computer, and I never got a chance to upload that to photobucket as it was taken the next day I saw him online.

Although, I find this a somewhat great contribution. =)
A shadowfang on a trial account would prove it, but only if it can be independently verified. (i.e. a paid character tries to open trade, invite to guild, or group)
Back when Arugal was level 26 and the trash was level 21-22 ish, every single mob was above level 21, meaning 100% of the mobs were able to drop an ilevel 24 item. At that nerf, the trash dropped to 19-20 or so and left 4 bosses at 21 and 1 rare spawn at 21. Only a mob with a level higher than 21 can drop a shadowfang. Therefore, before there were hundreds of mobs that could possibly drop it, since that dungeon change there has only been 5.

As for the shattering, the fact that new mobs were added doesn't matter. The rare spawn stayed at 21, 4 bosses were removed, but 4 new ones were added, meaning the drop rate has been the same since the change back in BC. There have either been 100% of mobs able to drop it, or only 5 mobs able to drop it. Shadowfang is a ZONE drop, meaning if new mobs are added, and have a level of 21+, they can drop a shadowfang. Goblin Mail Leggings were NOT a ZONE drop, but a MOB SPECIFIC drop.

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