Horde is Lacking.


You guy's need to start grouping up and queing.. cause you are getting rolled and have been for the last 3 days.
I might start playing my priest again, no one knows me of course. As soon as I get my second AGM, really hard getting it solo when I'm on a horrible server where every bad and their mom goes for it.
Hmm been doing fine lately
Been kinda even for me
On the side note, whets pizza been at? Havent seen her on TI or the bgs ever since she got 250hk
LSFTW was doing a 5 man and won one game. That fell apart quickly by the looks of it. Otherwise Alliance have been winning and won just about all of the later games last night.
It's not like the horde can't win. I've lost a couple games this week, but I'd say 80% of the games I've been in this week have been Alliance wins.

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