Arena DC's and lag?


Hey guys, I've noticed that myself and guildies have been getting disconnected in arenas pretty often (1/4 games?), has anyone else had this happened to them more often recently?

Just 10 minutes ago I DC'd from dal sewers mid game, then reconnected as fast as I could, luckily we still won xD

and just now my friend disconnected from a 3s match.

Is it just bad luck? or is this occuring to others too?
this happened to us we contacted a GM and he removed the lost games from our team.
was queing earlyier and omg. i sear to god ''team nothing was getting really close to beating us and was following us to 3s and shit.

TEAM nothing= join que instant win. no one was durr D: went 5-0 in 2s like that then went to 3s instead.. lol went 2-0 then started getn real teams inbetween we started team nothing

team nothing wins all
Yeah there's a problem with d/cing right now. Some people find if you are jumping (into a wall and such) you will d/c. Don't know why it hasn't been fixed yet but it's not just you.
That makes sense, I tend to jump a lot. It's part of my huge strategy to make the enemy think I'm a rabbit.

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