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  1. another tinker thread

    Pretty sure you don't get it as soon as you hit 365, its random once you reach that skill level. And anyways, it's all rng, I would make a sacrifice to the rng gods if I were you.
  2. level 70 rogue

    What to know what I trust? The players that use the items and not a website that calculates them. Have you taken a look at the "bis" 85? Yeah, totally the top. That's why every top player is using it, not. From what I've seen, no one even runs with that set up. The top rogues in the world don't...
  3. level 70 rogue

    What I don't understand is why you're basing your whole opinion on a website.
  4. I'm so bored.

    You can pretty much get all the same items at 64, hence why more people do it at 64.
  5. talon

    I don't think it's gf'd, just really low drop chance.
  6. Bug

    I'm having random huge lag spikes in arena/bgs, doesn't d/c me but it's really annoying. Don't know what's causing it. Probably patch.
  7. blocked exp with unblocked exp players?

    There are ways to get it a good amount of the time, but yes you can get banned, no it's not cheap, and I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to be discussed on here.
  8. al'ar just dropped

    Been soloing this weekly on my main for a while now, just as sad every time it doesn't drop. Good to know when it drops I have a 100% chance to get it though.
  9. Anyone else get a"recieved currency conquest bg meta"announcement upon logging 4.3.2?

    Got the same message, have no idea what it has to do with, but doubtful.
  10. Old 19 rogue, should I level to 24?

    Meh, regardless of how bad the bracket is, I updated my old priest with like full gf gear, got sick after like 3 games, but will never level him. Maybe someday the bracket will be somewhat balanced and I'll enjoy it again. Can't de level characters so
  11. Wintergrasp Commendation gone

    Takes a whole, they set so many limitations to low level farming. After you kill the level 5 you have to wait like 30 seconds or something to get honor again.
  12. Patch 4.3 BS

    This was months ago? Pretty sure they didn't do it.
  13. Addons - UI

    Go in to wow folders, find them, copy/paste into other. Done.
  14. 3 Thoridals and an OH glaive, hows that for luck

    I feel like the drop rate is glitched or something. Seen so many more legendaries drop for people recently.
  15. 60 xp on/off bg trick?

    Secret ways of getting in exp bgs without exp on, not to be discussed on here. If that's what you're looking for.
  16. Will Synapse get buffed?

    Doubtful, they are kind of just rushing to finish cata so they can bring on the pandas. Cata was almost a complete failure in a lot of aspects (pvplol). Don't think they'll take time to work on professions when people will be leveling them again soon.
  17. 'the Hallowed' is grandfathered.

    Good thing I got it on my 4 FTP hunters.
  18. Que Up >.<

    Not worth playing horde. When I queue I get a bad team and the alliance have like 5 hunters, 4 rogues, and a hpally. While on my side we have 8 people below 1k health.
  19. Fishing Turtle

    Took me a long time to get it on my main in wotlk, can't even see myself doing it again, let alone on a FTP. Goodluck!
  20. One of the greatest twinks

    You don't have the Camel-Hoarder achieve. I heard how to get it but not positive. Not sure if you can still get it but w/e. You don't claim to be the "best" which is good. I've seen better that can make you drool.