60 xp on/off bg trick?

Secret ways of getting in exp bgs without exp on, not to be discussed on here. If that's what you're looking for.
You'll have to search for that on another site I guess:

From the CoC

Prohibited Material

[font=trajan, tahoma, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]This category includes both clear and masked language, images and/or links to websites containing such material which:[/font]
  • Promote abuse of ingame mechanics to allow a player to play in unlocked experience battlegrounds with the intent of not gaining experience. This includes holding a WSG flag in an unlocked experience battleground with no intention of capping and then leaving before the time limit
Secret ways of getting in exp bgs without exp on, not to be discussed on here. If that's what you're looking for.

! delete this thread !

"Promote abuse of ingame mechanics to allow a player to play in unlocked experience battlegrounds." It's still forbidden and can get banned for that.
yup.. /delete thread please

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