One of the greatest twinks

Very nice indeed
I'm also collecting achievements currently, though i'm not quite as far as you yet as I've only been collecting em for the past couple months, since i came back from a quit. However it's only a matter of time
I also only just found out about the xp on/off BG trick, so i have quite a few PvP achievs to catch up with.

Not too sure about feats you've missed, though, off the top of my head. (must say i'm jelly of your Zandalar/Cata opening feats, I got to almost halfway revered with Zand when i quit, despite it being an easymode faction, and wasn't playing over the Cata opening event >.< )
You don't have the Camel-Hoarder achieve. I heard how to get it but not positive. Not sure if you can still get it but w/e. You don't claim to be the "best" which is good. I've seen better that can make you drool.
I know I am not the best, here's the list of the best:

Although, noone makes me drool there
since I will be the top twink with the free world event achievements I'm missing(worths more than 250 points points)

As of camel-hoarder, I am not going for it because I would keep using the insane anyway. It would be too much hassle for a title I won't use.

In my mind I have turtle achievement in fishing section but I'm still not sure how to go around and fish up from the schools in northrend safely...
Quoting the thread title "One of the greatest twinks". Then finding out you have used it to describe yourself earns a grand /facepalm.

I was opening expecting to see a video of some amazing gameplay or something we have not seen before. Then I see you are going on about the amount of achievements you have. High achievement points does not make you one of the greatest twinks btw.

It is a nice twink though.

P.S. You want a list of some of the ones to get?



Loot 100k gold.

Collect 150 pets.

One Hump or Two?

Have...Have We Met?

Ready For Raiding II.

250k Kills.

Arena Grandmaster.

Get exalted with WSG and AB.

WG: Destruction Derby and Leaning Tower should be poss.

TB: Towers of Power and Tol Barad Saboteur should be poss.

Master Angler of Azeroth.

Turtles All The Way Down.

Get exalted with guild.

Get exalted with all TBC factions (Ethereum Prison Keys).

Get exalted with Bloodsail Buccaneers.

Still have many World Event ones to do (you just missed some from Winter's Veil).

Darkmoon Duelist.


For Feats of Strength: Filter Me On Wowhead FTW!

Ones that would spring to mind would be those that give a FoS plus something else, like certain pets. This is if you are hardcore (or some might say daft enough) to want to spend irl cash on it.
'' I got most achi points, i'm best twink!'' Ehh, i don't think so

edit: get gloves enchant.
Quoting the thread title "One of the greatest twinks". Then finding out you have used it to describe yourself earns a grand /facepalm.

I was opening expecting to see a video of some amazing gameplay or something we have not seen before. Then I see you are going on about the amount of achievements you have. High achievement points does not make you one of the greatest twinks btw.

It is a nice twink though.

P.S. You want a list of some of the ones to get?



Loot 100k gold.

Collect 150 pets.

One Hump or Two?

Have...Have We Met?

Ready For Raiding II.

250k Kills.

Arena Grandmaster.

Get exalted with WSG and AB.

WG: Destruction Derby and Leaning Tower should be poss.

TB: Towers of Power and Tol Barad Saboteur should be poss.

Master Angler of Azeroth.

Turtles All The Way Down.

Get exalted with guild.

Get exalted with all TBC factions (Ethereum Prison Keys).

Get exalted with Bloodsail Buccaneers.

Still have many World Event ones to do (you just missed some from Winter's Veil).

Darkmoon Duelist.


For Feats of Strength: Filter Me On Wowhead FTW!

Ones that would spring to mind would be those that give a FoS plus something else, like certain pets. This is if you are hardcore (or some might say daft enough) to want to spend irl cash on it.

aswell seeker title and hellfire quest
'' I got most achi points, i'm best twink!'' Ehh, i don't think so

edit: get gloves enchant.

Congrats, this is the worst comment EU

I never said I was the best, please L2read

I always had the optimal enchant on my gloves, please L2see before suggesting.


I appreciate your suggestion but I have maxed my completed quest amount, in hellfire, in anywhere, I also did faction change to see if I can trick the system and no, not really possible anymore.


Thanks, now you've put me in a direction, some of the achievs on your list are not really viable to go after, we only have 1-2 WSG's everyday so 250k HKs would take 15 years.

Also winter veil was changed so I didnt miss any of the achievs on purpose, I wasnt able to get them.

Here's some questions, please enlighten me:

Needy. how?

Greedy. how?

Ready For Raiding II. - This one is in ragnaros' reach, which is a phased place and you need a q chain completed before entering there, but tell me your way plix plox.

WG: Destruction Derby and Leaning Tower should be poss. (I have no idea how to enter WG at a battle time and use a vehicle there,please do tell)

TB: Towers of Power and Tol Barad Saboteur should be poss. (same as above)

Turtles All The Way Down. - No idea how to safely fish up thousands of pools in northrend, without aggroing %80 of the time I land near a pool.

Get exalted with guild. - Please show me a way to get decent amount of guild rep at level 60(I think there is none)

Get exalted with Bloodsail Buccaneers.(how to do that without losing rep with steamwheedle?)
Beautiful twink! Some of these may have been stated above but i'll give you a rundown on how to achieve them...

Got my Mind on My Money 25k- Just keep on running raids every week and you'll get it eventually; bags from northerand rares also give 20g a pop and can be mailed from your main if you're ever killing any.

Needy and Greedy- Got alot easier with cata. Either kill Dirkee, a rare spawn in storm peaks that has a chance to drop an iLVL 185+ item. Or now you can follow around a 85 as they kill any rare spawn in a Cata zone and hope you roll 100.

Menagerie (125 pets)- keep checking your AH for any interesting pets you may have missed, post in trade/ realm forums for your opposite faction pets as well.

To Hellfire and Back- impossible unless you began pre-shattering.

3000 quests (seeker)- Just go around EK/Kali looking for quests you haven't done. Don't forget about starting zones and there following zones about 100+ in each but no individual achievement so they're forgotten by many.

Daily quests- Cooking/Fishing dailies, Hellfire pvp daily, Gurabashi Arena daily all count. Holiday dailies are a huge bonus. Also help with guild rep.

Gurabashi Arena Grand Master- Relatively easy, chest spawns every 3hours and you need 12 of the trinkets, go early in the mornings or bring a 85 friend.

100k HKs/Justicar- just keep on pvping, you'll get there eventually.

Master Angler of Azeroth- Just do the fishing contest sundays every week, alot of luck involved

Turtles All the Way Down- along the coast of howling fjord there are pools you can swim to/ walk along the side of HF to get to without being attacked. Goodluck with this one, too much RNG for me


Keepers of the Time, Lower City, Consortium, Shatar (i think)- can all be done using Ethereum Prison Keys in Netherstorm

Bloodsail Buccaneers- It is possible to get to exalted, but you'll need to re-grind your Cartel factions

Lunar Festival- You've got alot to do

Love is In The Air- You've got alot to do aswell

Goodluck to you, hope this helped
[font=trajan, tahoma, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]One Hump or Two?[/font]

[font=trajan, tahoma, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]Have...Have We Met?[/font]

[font=trajan, tahoma, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]Ready For Raiding II.[/font]

[font=trajan, tahoma, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]Are these possible at level 60? If so, would anyone care to explain? I'd definitely be interested in chasing these ones down

[font=trajan, tahoma, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]/e - Thanks mrdoobry, you are a goblin and a gentleman sir

Further and additional information to the above:

Got my Mind On My Money - Northrend rare satchel drops - Abandoned Adventurer's Satchel also buy Elementium Lockboxes off people they usually contain 25-35g each.

Needy/Greedy - Be in group with a high level killing rares that drop blues of ilvl 187 or above, roll Need or Greed and pray.

Ready For Raiding II - I believe you can get a Warlock summon to Ragnoros Reach and just be phased in a group, similar to how you got Infernal Ambassadors. Level 70 with 4/5 of them done!

150 Pets - Pretty easy, it is possible for me as a 39, should be even easier for you at 60. Check your armory to see what you do not have and search for them/buy them.

WG Achieves - Be in the raid, bring the Vehicles to the edge of mountain near Dragonblight and kill from just outside WG. Similar thing with the tower I believe, you do not need to enter the zone just be in raid (get invite from Raid Leader).

TB - Similar to WG, there was a post about it in the level 70 thread of what achievements are possible and how to get them. (Search 70 thread).

Daily Quests - Also do not forget the DMF ones every month also add to it. (I`m 39 and on about 1630/2500 as I am wriitng this).

250k HK's - There was a way of farming trial accounts of level 5's to speed this up. Failing that it is farm yourself on a 2nd account as well as PvP when you can.

Turtles All The Way Down - Many places you can do. Centre river in Twilight HIghlands, shores of come places, the lake in North East Howling Fjord, etc...

Exalted with Guild - Wear renowned tabard, do all poss dailies every day. You get some from HK's too I believe. It is also possible to get some from guild dungeon runs. This may require you to have up to three accounts of similar level or a lot of patient help. Boo hoo, no one said it was going to be easy.

Exalted with Bloodsail Buccaneers - Get it to max then regrind SWC. I have not done this yet myself and prob leaving till last. Will take FOREVER.

Exalted with Kalu'ak - Theoretically possible but never gonna happen in the life of this game. Unless you have insane luck and are on a dead server and do Fishing Tourny every Saturday.

One Hump or Two - I believe the mount can be traded as long as you are in group and nearby even if you are unphased. There are level 19's and level 70's with it.

Have...Have We Met? - Be in group, even phased you can wave at them if you bring them to the very edge of the phased area. You can then get a wave in before they disappear. (May require two accounts or a good friend). I have 2x85 on another account I check on both every day and I am 4/6 so far. Cannot be arsed to camp it till I am 5/6.

Need any more help PM me.

Exalted with guild is theoretically really easy!

For 5vs5 Wargames you get about 300 rep without tabard I think,

thereforeyou can get fast to the weekly cap.

Only need to be in Guildgroup and nearly nobody Wargames...


Would be up when you want to fight against us =>
Let me get this right. If you do you 5v5 wargames in a guild group you get 300 rep per game?

Would this be Arena or WSG? What amount of rep would you get for 2v2? Or does only 3v3 and 5v5 work?
Only 5vs5 Wargames...

I also only can speak about that setup:

5vs5 ..both teams completely 100% from Guildmembers.

We only tested arena,wsg doesnt worked.

Thanks for all the great additions, though I won't be arsed with some of those achievs, this list will help me to look further.

Gonna start working on some of them after I'm back from vacation.



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