Que Up >.<

please, I only have a 26 min wait time
Horde is so inactive...most of 'em just not playing and the rest are playing their alliance characters.
Not worth playing horde. When I queue I get a bad team and the alliance have like 5 hunters, 4 rogues, and a hpally. While on my side we have 8 people below 1k health.
Not worth playing horde. When I queue I get a bad team and the alliance have like 5 hunters, 4 rogues, and a hpally. While on my side we have 8 people below 1k health.

Damn I hear QQ like this all the time - theres always tons of hunters/rogues/pallies on horde

And why people think that ally never has bad players is beyond me o_O
Horde is perfectly fine.
Damn I hear QQ like this all the time.

QFT. It's like this no matter what toon you're on... horde or alliance... main or twink. There's always bitching when you queue up for BGs. I hear things like "It's over." "Let them win." and "You all suck." before the battle is even 1/4th of the way through. And it never ceases to amaze me when someone decides to complain even when we're winning. It never fails. If I didn't use the BG chat as a tool to assist my allies I would just turn it off.

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