Fishing Turtle


I know its possible as i have seen a couple of screenshots with trials riding the turtle, i saw someone say i could get it from twilight highlands but im trying to fish there now and im not having any luck with catching anything, if anyone had any type of information on how i could get the mount it would be greatly appreciated. Ty

Edit: don't know why this thread was necro'd but

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You get Sea Turtle from fishing and Riding Turtle from TCG loot. Two seperate turtles. You won't catch anything at all in Cat pools if you're not a Cat account, but the pools will despawn. You'll also catch the turtle eventually if you keep at it and that will be the only thing you'll loot. RNG. Some people will get it, and have got it, in a few casts, other people will spend countless hours never seeing it.
I'm on my 3rd Dark Herring catch, 525 fishing a while ago, and something like 3000 caught fish (maybe 65-75% in Northrend/Cata nodes) since I've been back around the first of Nov and I still don't have the Turtle >.<

You won't catch anything at all in Cat pools if you're not a Cat account

Not remotely true, look here.
Nice selective quoting there. You missed the most important part of that post.

"You'll also catch the turtle eventually if you keep at it and that will be the only thing you'll loot."

Until you catch the turtle, you will catch literally nothing, which is what the OP was concerned about.
Took me a long time to get it on my main in wotlk, can't even see myself doing it again, let alone on a FTP. Goodluck!
Lets put it this way. 4k casts on my main, and i have it on my 19. couldnt tell you how it looks, as it will remain in my bags until blizz makes the mount requirement level 10 or 15.

Oh and i caught it in the Frozen Sea, off of borean tundra.
Tonks, that information is pretty much useless
F2P's cant go to northrend.
I do not like your name at all, trying to copy one of the best warriors know who left world of warcraft... and now name your self after him... imo.. you should name change.
I do not like your name at all, trying to copy one of the best warriors know who left world of warcraft... and now name your self after him... imo.. you should name change.

not trying to be rude or anything but i think im allowed to name myself anything as long as it within blizzards regulations, yes i did name myself after one of the best warriors who played wow and while i know i'll never be anywhere to close as good as he was, i still like the name Klinda and chose it as my name
hi so it normal not to catch anything at all just junk until one finds the turtle?
and do i need to put some cata update or something?
I am in Twilight Highlands - Verrell Delta now fishing for it is that ok?

Yes, you won't catch anything but possibly junk until you get the turtle. If you were to catch a Cataclysm fish, it would be automatically removed from your loot since you don't have Cat.

If you are Horde, you should be able to easily fish upriver (where the alliance & horde npcs are fighting) and also down along the southern coastline.
Thanks for your quick reply :)

i found this info here would it allow me to keep the CATA fish?

IMPORTANT: follow these steps before exploring the Cataclysm zones, or certain locations within them will cause you to be disconnected, and chain-disconnected immediately when you try to log in again until you either follow these steps, or petition a GM to move your toon to a safe location.

1.) Go to: Computer > Local Disk (C > Program Files > World of Warcraft > WTF

2.) Open "Config" with Notepad.

3.) Find: SET accounttype "RT"

4.) Replace "RT" with "CT"

5.) Open the WoW launcher; it will download 3.9GB of Cataclysm data. Let it download completely.

6.) Log in, and you will be able to explore Cataclysm content without getting disconnected. (Ty Kincaide for sharing this info!)

My fishing location is Twilight Highlands - Verrell Delta coords

Is it possible to automate this fishing process with a script? :)
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Thanks for your quick reply :)

i found this info here would it allow me to keep the CATA fish?

IMPORTANT: follow these steps before exploring the Cataclysm zones, or certain locations within them will cause you to be disconnected, and chain-disconnected immediately when you try to log in again until you either follow these steps, or petition a GM to move your toon to a safe location.

1.) Go to: Computer > Local Disk (C > Program Files > World of Warcraft > WTF

2.) Open "Config" with Notepad.

3.) Find: SET accounttype "RT"

4.) Replace "RT" with "CT"

5.) Open the WoW launcher; it will download 3.9GB of Cataclysm data. Let it download completely.

6.) Log in, and you will be able to explore Cataclysm content without getting disconnected. (Ty Kincaide for sharing this info!)

My fishing location is Twilight Highlands - Verrell Delta coords

Is it possible to automate this fishing process with a script? :)

Also a tip for horde:
You can fish most of the spots around highbank, because it's not phased for horde like it is for alliance

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