Patch 4.3 BS

Why? If your name is stolen (or taken), the only way to bypass it is the accents. And what if someone innactive has it? It doesn't seem very fair to me.

I feel your pain. But the letters 'x', 'z', and 'qt' are on your keyboard for a reason

*edit* My name is taken on most of the large 70 servers
Why? If your name is stolen (or taken), the only way to bypass it is the accents. And what if someone innactive has it? It doesn't seem very fair to me.
You're not bypassing anything, you're unoriginal and sure to piss everyone off with your name.
Ok, when this goes live, i doubt all the douchey gms will give you a name change, they will say, "you can PURCHASE a name change on the website."
my problem with them is i have made many friends but when i go add them onto my friends list, i can't figure out how to type in that special O, or that Special E. maybe it's for the best.
Hi I'm nick. I have the name "nick" on my 24 without accents. How I did this one may ask? I opened a gm ticket.

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