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  1. Hunters lol

    JFK knew how to hold aggro.
  2. Hunters lol

    I agree. It was only a few years ago that "trolling" was more than "saying something to elicit a response from another person". Back in my day we called that shit a conversation. Pretending to be multiple 12 year old girls would be all worth it when you'd get a phone number, reverse...
  3. Hunters lol

    If he was hitting the bottle hard, I doubt he found that upsetting. I know I don't.
  4. Please explain "sitting out" to me

    Gradico il vino fatto dalle rotture dei bambini sedentari!
  5. Please explain "sitting out" to me

    Cool, Carlo Rossi even makes it. I'm guessing the metallic screw-on cap adds to a spectacular finish...
  6. Please explain "sitting out" to me

    Only one? I say we kill them all. :D (I like wine, and I like drinking when I heal stuff. All that Rumsey Rum makes me thirsty!)
  7. Hunters lol

    Yep, you can't blame anyone but yourselves if you violate ToS. Doesn't matter who reports it, take responsibility for the stupid crap you write.
  8. Hunters lol

    It must be hard not having any self-respect. :(
  9. Hunters lol

    Not clever enough to reply, eh?
  10. Hunters lol

    Even funnier is your having a "DPS list" as a response to that. LOL I was under the impression DPS was supposed to DPS.
  11. Hunters lol

    You mad, bro.
  12. Hunters lol

    You seem to have a strong aversion to logic, so I can see why. Thinking you are correct (delusions, grandiosity, etc) is much different than being correct. That said, I think you may have received correct diagnoses. Don't be perturbed, my male sibling.
  13. Hunters lol

    Hmm, sounds like there's also Axis II mixed in with the rapid cycling.
  14. Hunters lol

    It looks just like an informational link to me. Recent data showed it was being prescribed more often for controlling manic episodes, not epilepsy. I've heard it's a very helpful drug for both, though.
  15. Hunters lol

    That would be a great start. xD
  16. Hunters lol

  17. Please explain "sitting out" to me

    Unless the opposing team has more than 3 hunters. :D
  18. Hunters lol

    Excellent. :D
  19. Hunters lol

    Good luck. I was trolled for being unable to obtain items immediately through the Alliance, Horde, and Neutral AHs. Think some people overlook the "rare" part of "rare drop". Sounds like LtB will be able to help you out, though.
  20. Hunters lol

    You'd make an excellent guidance counselor, I'm sure Nastay will appreciate your input.