Please explain "sitting out" to me

When teams are unbalanced, the team with more people might cause some players with respect for the game to sit out. Until the game is an equal 10vs10
Yep, to make the game not a complete blowout or unfun, normally someone in game chat or vent will volunteer to sit out until the other team fills up.

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What Scripts and Ohai said. In the 29 and 49 brackets (also 39 and 59 when they played), many players work hard to get games, and don't like to win by power plays. Part of the culture of these brackets, then, is to keep games potentially more balanced by keeping sides even. High-population brackets like 60s and above don't sit players, as both the impact and player respect is much lower.
Ive been twinking in the 29 bracket since before BC... when it was Horde On vs The Pwnshop. Havent run across sitting but it makes sense to me now.
Scripts said:
When teams are unbalanced, the team with more people might cause some players with respect for the game to sit out. Until the game is an equal 10vs10

Unless the opposing team has more than 3 hunters. :D
I saw it very rarely before the XP-off patch. The first time I witnessed it was really cool. After the XP-off patch, it became common practice in the middleweight brackets.
Bwappo said:
What Scripts and Ohai said. In the 29 and 49 brackets (also 39 and 59 when they played), many players work hard to get games, and don't like to win by power plays. Part of the culture of these brackets, then, is to keep games potentially more balanced by keeping sides even. High-population brackets like 60s and above don't sit players, as both the impact and player respect is much lower.

I really wished all brackets had this culture. Just be ready for the guy who's going to come in this thread and say "That's the stupidest thing ever. The point of twinking is to maximize every advantage to beat your opponent (even if it means rolling 10 Hunters!)".

That's the stupidest thing ever. The point of twinking is to maximize every advantage to beat your opponent (even if it means rolling 10 Hunters!)
Oliks said:
That's the stupidest thing ever. The point of twinking is to maximize every advantage to beat your opponent (even if it means rolling 10 Hunters!)

Your the kind of person that makes the bracket fun.

Wineheals said:
Unless the opposing team has more than 3 hunters. :D

No point in trying to sit, if they have 3 hunters one is likely a griefer, so your just a free kb lol.

BTW love your avatar, are you actually into wine? or is it just for your name?

its always entertaining to be the guy sitting out on the stump and someone new charges you and proceeds to bash on you....

I need to forget about giving them a chance to get back in the fight and just kill em.
Sounds like a great culture these lvl 29s (among other bracket) sound like they have their shit together and respect good competition.
Grabco said:
Sounds like a great culture these lvl 29s (among other bracket) sound like they have their shit together and respect good competition.

19s is actually the exception (among low level brackets) in not sitting
Franchi said:
No point in trying to sit, if they have 3 hunters one is likely a griefer, so your just a free kb lol.

BTW love your avatar, are you actually into wine? or is it just for your name?

I need to forget about giving them a chance to get back in the fight and just kill em.

Only one? I say we kill them all. :D

(I like wine, and I like drinking when I heal stuff. All that Rumsey Rum makes me thirsty!)
Wineheals said:
Only one? I say we kill them all. :D

(I like wine, and I like drinking when I heal stuff. All that Rumsey Rum makes me thirsty!)

try to get your hands on a muscat, preferably of Italian origin. it's a desert wine and one of my favorites.
Franchi said:
try to get your hands on a muscat, preferably of Italian origin. it's a desert wine and one of my favorites.

Cool, Carlo Rossi even makes it. I'm guessing the metallic screw-on cap adds to a spectacular finish...
Dorigon said:
wat r u some sort of wine elitist


Cool, Carlo Rossi even makes it. I'm guessing the metallic screw-on cap adds to a spectacular finish...


i would recommend Mastantuono (southern California but Italian owner)but good luck finding it as the winery was sold to an idiot a while ago.

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