Hunters lol

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Ohai said:

u tink ur a clever gurl
Kaorinite said:
u tink ur a clever gurl


I'm not running out of gifs, but im running out of applicable ones. The beating of the dead horse is still my favorite.
Willyshatner said:
'I got reported for posting things that are against the code of conduct, it must have been Willy.'

Yep, you can't blame anyone but yourselves if you violate ToS. Doesn't matter who reports it, take responsibility for the stupid crap you write.
dunking on hunters while to drunk to walk lol this is actually fun.
Franchi said:
dunking on hunters while to drunk to walk lol this is actually fun.

You must be hitting the bottle a little too hard friend, you were getting facerolled all night in the games I was in :-/
Dorigon said:
not sure y u all even communicate with donteven, hes a vain and vile excuse for a person

does things like talk shit on vent that id only expect from the most childish of wow players

Shit just got real.

This coming from the guy who is friends with me.

You must be a piece of crap
Phauren said:
Shit just got real.

This coming from the guy who is friends with me.

You must be a piece of crap

I can honestly say we as a collective bracket have our vile moments. We let mob mentality or need of acceptance or the liberties of the internet give us the freedoms to say and spew just about anything at any time. For the MOST part we get along and have a good time part of why the bracket just won't die. Those small moments that we let escalate between ourselves on forums and in games though are what also makes us a bit of a joke to others and keeps us from true growth.

Yes dont is abrasive. Yes he does cry sometimes but sheesh lets not forget he passionately trys to muster support for his thoughts on the good of the bracket agree or disagree with them you can't argue that he does it for the pleasure of playing in the bracket. He openly discusses classes with anyone who comes to him and he does it nicely i can attest to that. Could he do things to come across better? sure I could also be less of a carebear that makes some people want to vomit.

People are who they are and to come at them with attacks just because they rub you wrong once in awhile just doesn't seem right with the amount of time most of you guys have been playing together. Maybe find some of that real life constraint that keeps that fine line between ahole and decent guy/gal.

As to games last nite - I had a blast I love playing with you guys win or lose. You make me laugh. A few games horde had decent rallys and you could tell people were gungho about team work a few others well they sort of fell apart but we played them out so thats fine too. Learning what works and what doesn't will be part of the process.

lol ok w/e have a good weekend all! Go to parties!!! Also, dragonmaw will be posting a scheduled workshop within the week so keep an eye on the forums for date and time for this month :)

this ones for you rubikz, grats on getting me another return for my achievements after I rolled you on your huntard.

With due consideration i think FC was right spawn camping an fc is a legit strat, but i just couldn't pass up this pick.

another one for you rubikz, and yeah i know you tied me up for over a minute and that's a win or you, would have loved to just run>LOS>mount>runaway, but none of my team would come back to help sooo.

Daydra said:
perhaps too much :p

Not really sure where the "to much" is on these forums, but i would like to hire those trolls so do you have the contact info?
All in all, there were a few games where horde really pulled it together in vent, and we coordinated beautifully because of it. One game we had just about everyone in vent after 4 people afked out 5 minutes into the game, and myself, daydra, franchi, and buck, all took their spots. We were down 2-0, but we did a lot to try and come back, scoring once and almost scoring a few other times. Even though we didn't win it, it was a great rally by the horde to try and come back. Communication experienced a huge improvement in vent, one that I hope to continue to see. I hope that the few great games we had are enough of a testament to how powerful a tool vent really is, when used in the proper fashion.

I welcome everyone who's new or returning to join us in vent, we will be posting it on game nights just before the start of each game.
Panties down on roof. FF fc. Torrent on heals. wait wut was that first one.....
Hailshot said:
What makes any particular group or guild of players good is how well they play as a team.

That contributes, but it isn't the sole factor. If said players are mediocre, but have experience working as a team against mediocre pugs; then they will still be rocked by a group of great players with great communication.

Hailshot said:
My point here is that you can't really have "played" against our group before because it only just recently came into existence (few months ago). MB is nothing more than a collection of random 39s from different guilds and servers that – following 39s recent demise – decided to guild up and try 19s... and now 29s.

Don't sell yourselves short, I'm not buying. As Ohai mentioned, TOast, Rubikz, Zeiren, Skanks, Dori, Dayman and yourself (sorry if I missed anyone) are all exceptional players, with skill levels much higher than the median 29 skill level.

Hailshot said:
Yes, I feel we are all competent players.

If you feel you are competent, what are you saying about the median 29? Not competent?

Hailshot said:
the most “logical” choice for us was to make same faction toons together as a guild, and have fun throughout. I don’t think we are evil or selfish for having done so either.

It's only logical if you had a) no prior knowledge of the median 29 skill level or b) didn't care whether the factions could become unbalanced then yes you are correct. Because in order to meet the "fun" quality, games must either be balanced, or you don't care whether they are balanced or not. But you cannot both want balanced games, and continue to unbalance them while claiming that rolling together as a guild is the "most logical" choice.

Hailshot said:
Finished means getting all of the basic gear for each slot, getting that gear enchanted, and having maxed professions. I will agree that AGM, DMH, and Charged gears may or may not fall out of that purview for some players.

Ok, we'll be seeing you in October.

Hailshot said:
I can almost guarantee I’ll be making a Horde twink in the future.

But only after acquiring AGM, DMH, and perhaps Charged Gears? You realize those items won't enhance your Horde at all ;)

Hailshot said:
It is not so much your expectations. It’s how you come across while stating them. You come across as elitist and arrogant and I don’t think you’ll deny that.

It's incredibly frustrating to know basic mechanics of WoW and to play consistently with others who have no idea that these mechanics exist- despite me mentioning it over and again. They never take the time to go research how these mechanics work on their own, and then are offended when I flame them for being lazy.

Hailshot said:
Your above expectations are realistic, but only to a certain degree. There is a large difference between utilizing the aforementioned tools effectively and not utilizing them effectively. I use the tools you mention above... but not with perfect coordination and not without mistakes. So obviously, myself and quite a few others aren’t as good as you.

There are a great number of 29s that have no idea how to implement these things into gameplay. You and I know how to use them effectively, but we both make mistakes. My qualm is not with us, it's with the players that don't take the time to learn how these mechanics works and implement them into their gameplay.

Hailshot said:
I don’t want to knock on your analogy, but one can easily dunk before one learns to dribble. Height and/or hops is all you need. Lol.

Perhaps I should have mentioned a defender. Sure, with no opposition even the scrubliest of keyboard turners could pick up the flag and walk it across the Gulch. But you need to step your game up depending on the opposition. If you are going to want to dunk on good opposition, you better learn how to dribble first.
yukkie said:
i am not the one who is attending rank #47 school

Lady, why are you still hung up on my school?

yukkie said:
said " i only respect smart ppl. i will be nice to stupid ppl's face but when they are not around i make fun of them."

When did I ever say anything remotely close to that?

yukkie said:
so i am just pointing thing out that penn state is not the best school to attend

Refer to quote 1

yukkie said:
and believe oneself is so much better than others :)

You are going to define the topic and others. If the topic is basic WoW mechanics, and the subject is the average 29, then of course. And I would be correct in saying so.

yukkie said:
i know you like to look down ppl alot

Not true in the least. I would much rather be in awe of getting rocked by flawless play (with a team constrained to my skill level) than beating up on keyboard turning baddies.
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