Hunters lol

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rubikz said:
the whole point of focus is so you can use your abilities quickly without clicking to change targets and change back. while you may have "learned" how to react quickly enough without using focus at all, other players aren't going to be as talented (personally, i disagree that people can click fast enough to make focus not worthwhile). horde communication is lacking in general, but focus cc is a big part of killing targets as well.

this is a retarded subset of the discussion anyway since willy's individual use of focus is not the end-be-all problem of the horde team. additionally, even if the entire horde team uses brand new focus macros, coordination will still be necessary to make any progress.

every word of this post is 100% stone cold solid fact.
the whole point of focus is so you can use your abilities quickly without clicking to change targets and change back. while you may have "learned" how to react quickly enough without using focus at all, other players aren't going to be as talented (personally, i disagree that people can click fast enough to make focus not worthwhile). horde communication is lacking in general, but focus cc is a big part of killing targets as well.

this is a retarded subset of the discussion anyway since willy's individual use of focus is not the end-be-all problem of the horde team. additionally, even if the entire horde team uses brand new focus macros, coordination will still be necessary to make any progress.

I agree for the most part. When it comes to focus frames, I simply don't use them. My UI is set up to where I have what amounts to a focus frame above everyone's head. I can click it if I need to do something, and for me, in a BG, setting focus frames each time I wanted to be able to focus someone, would actually take longer than simply clicking the person to begin with. Part of what makes a focus frame so good, is that you can tell specifically what someone is doing, without targeting them. This is something I can do with Tidy Plates without having to use a focus frame.

Focus macros are something I only use in arena because there is just too much going on in a BG for me to use them effectively. In arena, it's 2 or 3 targets, which are represented by Gladius, and I have macros set up for any CC abilities that target the specific arena frame, not the focus frame. This saves time in that I don't need to target the person at all to CC them, but then again, we're talking about an environment where there's plenty of time to use things like that effectively.

Willy take a look at your screen shots from last night you know how often we actually beat MB? not once, every game with 5 of them regardless of our vent communication we lost.

They are playing on a lvl that you and many other horde cannot be bothered to even attempt, they are playing on a lvl well above me and I am tryign to get better, where as you insist that mediocrity is ok.

I'm not saying that mediocrity is okay. I am saying that many of the veterans who play on horde are good players, not mediocre. Given the right environment where everyone is in vent and using it well, where we don't have 3-5 under geared scrubs, we will do just as well as the DH crew. Getting to that point, is difficult though. Half of us, it seems, only get into every other game. The games we get into, usually half the team isn't in vent, and most of those that aren't in vent, are the 1500hp BG heroes we keep getting in games.

What I'm saying, is that the few games we did communicate well in, it definitely showed. If and when we get to a point where everyone is in vent, where we don't have the 1.5k HP heroes showing in force, we will then be able to determine who needs work on their personal skills. We will then be able to take the time to address those issues and help people out. Assuming that the horde aren't on the level of the DH kids, when we are still playing in random pugs, is kinda foolish.

Don't make the mistake that Donteventrii is making, by assuming that things are just a lost cause and not even trying.
Willy you are dead wrong the few games we all got in and communicated well in were against the 1500bg heroes alliance side, mb can straight up ROLL the current horde because you are mediocre and I am mediocre and a good portion of the horde IS mediocre, the difference is some of us are at least putting in the effort to get better.
allahkazam said:
yep. i said in vent you guys were all on ramp and i came around from that one side. everyone had their backs to the ramp entrance so i popped icy veins/lifeblood and just started to unload. i saw you down to 1k hp and then reddit got the ambush and return. definitely a fun game. i can't wait until my mage is fully geared :)

they didn't just have their backs to me they all took off on their mounts, electric was the only one beside me at that point 20 seconds left in the game with us being up 2-1. its alright though shit happens, we all make mistakes.
It's communication and experience on a level that we don't have, not necessarily skill.

Always having a hunter on D and a hunter on O who are skilled is REALLY the top point. You know that Lrig, or pizza, or rubikz are calling out where each group of our offense is, and chopping it apart before it gets a chance to reform right? if 2 go ramp and 2 go tunnel, they go ramp to kill 50% of our offense. They communicate where the FC and exactly who they have with them before they even start the attempt via track humanoids. They intercept and wipe offense once, or maybe twice before going in on O so that we are on a ~10 second rez timer while they are entering our tunnel to play O, with a HUGE head start. Typically they lack healers, and they will utilize turtling till the debuff is big enough to hit the EFC with offense without heals and have it still be a return. They control mid in games where they have the advantage in hunters (normally), and use that to make sure that our EFC has trouble crossing to ever receive a pass. They call out the direction and who is escorting the carrier, and normally get there faster. They confirm the safety of their flag carrier's exits. They confirm the players they want on D with them, and for the most part the rest of the team plays O quickly and effectively. There is a tangible skill difference but the chatter in vent sets it apart, imo. Focus macros get you nowhere if you can't coordinate the CC over vent.

Do you know what I PERSONALLY think the difference is? Premade experience. I know that most of those guys have played in numerous premades, something the vast majority of our current horde have not done since the transfers. DetoX smashed literally any comp the horde put up, to the point where I don't think many others tried more than once. Like it or not, experience above all is what is killing us, imho. I myself have played in about ... 1 premade in reckoning. I know that many of our current pug players have played in less.

39s were a more skilled bracket, and sure as hell played more premades.

Completely agree. I would call it more group skill than personal skill having the impact, and largely being due to how well they communicate. I really would love to step up and put forth the same level of communication that they do as a leader, and I would love it if we could get to that point. The first steps in that really are to get everyone in vent.

Even if we really are at a lower level than them at first, we really don't have to be. We can step it up, but that first step is still going to be getting everyone in vent. I know it's hard right now, but all we can do is keep trying.

Nice gif BTW.

Igotoparties said:
You must be hitting the bottle a little too hard friend, you were getting facerolled all night in the games I was in :-/

If he was hitting the bottle hard, I doubt he found that upsetting. I know I don't.
Even if we really are at a lower level than them at first, we really don't have to be. We can step it up, but that first step is still going to be getting everyone in vent. I know it's hard right now, but all we can do is keep trying.

Getting everyone in vent is something we are not going to get on horde side short of a premade, we are lucky most of the time if we get half the team in vent, even luckier if those 5 in vent have mics.

Calling out interrupts CC and focus targets is wonderful, and you may have noticed we do it on d all the time, but it really makes no difference when half the team isn't there to hear it.

So willy whats your magic plan to get all the horde in vent? Thanks for finally getting a macro made after what now 3 months? The simple fact is that many horde never have and never will join vent. and because on occasion they get into games against bad alliance they think it's fine and that they don't need vent.

So how about we concentrate on things that we actually have influence over and try to get better?

they didn't just have their backs to me they all took off on their mounts, electric was the only one beside me at that point 20 seconds left in the game with us being up 2-1. its alright though shit happens, we all make mistakes.

Were you in vent pimpson? No you were not, had you been in vent maybe you could have told them what to do eh???
bind set focus... profit?

so ez lmao its default set to F i think?

also how can anything be faster than one key stroke that interupts an additonal target while maintaining original target?

communication/positioning outweigh focus frames obviously but if everyone knows how to interupt there focus your team shouldnt lose ;3
Draui said:
Nastay helped me set up my UI, a few binds, and some macro's. He got me on my way, and now I enjoy playing much more. Before his help, I realized what I needed to do, but just couldn't do it. Now it is possible to focus shear, mouseover heal, and do it without dropping target. Something a new player simply doesn't know is possible. For those who didn't have someone to teach them the game, how long did it take for you to know there was a "Focus" or to know how to use it? I am more effective and have more fun playing because I knew how to take advice, rather than shrugging off help because "I have fun w/ my clicking."

'Mediocrity' WOULD be able to beat a team that has been playing their new toons for like a week and a half? Most are still undergeared, but they do coordinate well. However, we are talking about how you play the game, not vent usage.

Getting bent would be the DH "mediocrity" gear beating Hordeside "finished" gear all night... I BET THEY KNOW HOW TO PLAY RIGHT, EH?

Get raped.

Two retards agreeing with and complimenting each other is no different than 100 retards doing the same. How steep is the pitch of your forehead?
Sàxxon said:
bind set focus... profit?

so ez lmao its default set to F i think?

also how can anything be faster than one key stroke that interupts an additonal target while maintaining original target?

communication/positioning outweigh focus frames obviously but if everyone knows how to interupt there focus your team shouldnt lose ;3

But he shouldn't have to learn to play, the rest of his team should get in vent so he can get carried.

don't bring you logic into this thread ever again, it is not welcome.

/sarcasm off
Sàxxon said:
bind set focus... profit?

so ez lmao its default set to F i think?

also how can anything be faster than one key stroke that interupts an additonal target while maintaining original target?

communication/positioning outweigh focus frames obviously but if everyone knows how to interupt there focus your team shouldnt lose ;3

come on saxx everyone knows 19s is trash. people were shocked that focus macros were being used in 29s up until two weeks ago.
Igotoparties said:

I agree. It was only a few years ago that "trolling" was more than "saying something to elicit a response from another person". Back in my day we called that shit a conversation.

Pretending to be multiple 12 year old girls would be all worth it when you'd get a phone number, reverse lookup the name, then punch the googly-eyed perv IRL in a Safeway parking lot. That was real "trolling", if anything. Damn kids are lazy these days.
Franchi said:
Not really sure where the "to much" is on these forums, but i would like to hire those trolls so do you have the contact info?

JFK knew how to hold aggro.
Wineheals said:
JFK knew how to hold aggro.

To bad he couldn't dodge worth a damn and wasn't defense capped.

And No he was PVP flagged and failed at Pillar humping

you are doing it wrong.

edit: She had a picture up there of some troll toys with something tied up , i was looking to hire them trolls.
Franchi said:
To bad he couldn't dodge worth a damn

And No he was PVP flaged

you are doing it wrong.

edit: She had a picture up there of some troll toys with something tied up , i was looking to hire them trolls.

Lol until franchi made me fear the ban bomb..... I'm not willing to be the one to test the waters.
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