Hunters lol

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Hailshot said:

It is not our intention to destroy games, and I don’t believe that is what we are doing. I agree that it is a fair request for players of the winning faction to create opposing faction toons. However, it IS unfair to make the aforementioned request of newly arrived players with unfinished twinks. I also feel it is selfish and unfair when individuals refuse to participate until we DO create opposing faction toons. As Yoube said, give us a chance to finish our Alliance toons and play the bracket for more than a few nights before you decide that the world is ending. Let’s wait and see if yesterday’s games were a blip or if they become the norm.

This, to me, is fair.

Just know that in my opinion you are bringing what, 10 of the better of the 39s into our bracket? You might need to split some of that skill up, or you might roll the traditionally less skilled (and in this case coordinated) horde. I'm not saying OMG WHY NO ALT FACTION TOONS, I'm saying that if you do make it a plan to stick around, for the quality of the games the more players per capita that have toons on both sides, the better.

Edit - need to add a gif to every post I make from now on.

I agree with the last few posts. And it's not about carrying one side or the other it's about if one side is down numbers to hop over and maybe do a few games as that faction. Obviously I've been a little overzealous in that regard because I hope you like the bracket enough to stick around. When games aren't popping back to back it means people are going to log and nights are going to end early, which I don't think anyone wants to see.

My offer still stands though that when the time comes and you want to make horde, I'll do runs over real id if need be. I can't really fund on a particular server but if I can help in some small way by doing runs for things I'll do whatever I can.
Hail = win that is all


back in the day he used to crush me and <AGNS> on shadowburn, glad to see him making a return.

On the subject of returning players anyone know where clubthetwink is these days or who has control of that account?

Just wondering because the armory is still active and the gear up to date.
Hailshot said:
I highly doubt that our players are better than the entirety of the 29 Horde, at least skill-wise.

Having played with and against both groups, as well as DetoX, for over two years, I can say that yes your group is entirely more skilled than the median 29 skill level.

Hailshot said:
Perhaps our vent communication is slightly better at this stage?

Loads. As I said, nobody else makes CC/Silence/Focus calls. As already stated, you will hear "EFC blah blah" "Cap" "Repick". But that's the extent of it.

Hailshot said:
Make Horde 29s? Lmao. Most of us haven't even finished our Alliance 29s yet. I think Toastage is the only MB 29 who even has an AGM. Why don't we give it some time, and allow the Horde to step up their game, before we start jumping to conclusions? If we truly enjoy the bracket, I'm sure we'll get around to rolling Horde 29s.

Couple parts to this. Why not roll both sides right off the bat instead of concentrating 39 talen on Alliance 29 side? Knowing it has the potential to upset faction balance, it seems like this is the most logical choice.

What is considered finished? AGM? If so it will take all of your guild a long time before you consider rolling on Hordeside.

So you will only consider rolling Horde if the bracket is "truly enjoyed". But what would make it more enjoyable than setting up to be balanced on both sides right off the bat? It's Catch 22 logic.

Hailshot said:
From the sounds of it, none of us possess the capability to approach your level of unparalleled skill. Given your above expectations, I'm curious to know if the majority of the Horde know how much better than all of them you are?

Give me a break. I have extended experience playing with both groups to know their capability. MB's dwarfs median 29 skill.

My expectations? Like what? Focus macros? Assist macros? Constant camera movement? Calling out CC/Silence/Focus? Scroll clicking? These aren't complex strats for 85 arena. Before you dunk, you need to learn how to dribble.
Before you dunk, you need to learn how to dribble.

I think it would be constructive for some of the horde to learn where the hoop and ball is before they try to dribble.
Franchi said:
I think it would be constructive for some of the horde to learn where the hoop and ball is before they try to dribble.

Lol well that would help as well. But for the players that have been so resistant in my request that MB help Horde learn how to dribble, I want to make it clear that they don't in fact know how to do so.
while im not one the mb folks i did start a horde 29 this morning and will switch to help whatever side needs it, if someone gives out vent info before the game starts i will be in vent...wont have my horde toon finished for tonight but maybe sunday depending on how the auction house/drops work out...
roudy said:
while im not one the mb folks i did start a horde 29 this morning and will switch to help whatever side needs it, if someone gives out vent info before the game starts i will be in vent...wont have my horde toon finished for tonight but maybe sunday depending on how the auction house/drops work out...

Let me know what you lack.
Daydra said:
Let me know what you lack.

will do and ill hit one of you up for an invite sometime tonight....looks like i can get most of my gear via quests/drops atleast
lol penn state

its not even close to smart ppl school

u penn is better
It's not where you go to school, its what you take out of it

yukkie said:
lol penn state

its not even close to smart ppl school

u penn is better

You'd make an excellent guidance counselor, I'm sure Nastay will appreciate your input.

tru ballerz show up to the actual games no matter what. sitting on the side lines is what cheerleaders do ya hurd me. when you put down your pompoms and take off that miniskirt you can maybe be taken seriously.
roudy said:
while im not one the mb folks i did start a horde 29 this morning and will switch to help whatever side needs it, if someone gives out vent info before the game starts i will be in vent...wont have my horde toon finished for tonight but maybe sunday depending on how the auction house/drops work out...

Good luck. I was trolled for being unable to obtain items immediately through the Alliance, Horde, and Neutral AHs. Think some people overlook the "rare" part of "rare drop". Sounds like LtB will be able to help you out, though.
roudy said:
meh if i get too much shit ill just play my alliance toons....

I'll protect you /rawr

ok yeah no that doesn't work...But we will make sure you are looking top notch before you que your first xp off ;D
roudy said:
meh if i get too much shit ill just play my alliance toons....

Excellent. :D
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