Hunters lol

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willy, just stfu.

every time you talk about the 29 community it makes me vomit a little. you spam reported posts for weeks on the wow forums, you got umpteen threads deleted because of your personal vendetta against other members of 29s. i ignored you on there for months because i did not want to bother with your useless posts (a la glancealot but with more wordperfect spellcheck). if you dont like what someone has to say, ignore is damn easy to figure out.

don't even bother replying to me willy, i'm not going to read it anyway, short or long.
Taken from the battlenet forums: Prynne the douche says...

Twinkinfo is hilarious.

24s talking about GY camping 20s get banned in seconds

29s who have griefed here and in game and are trolling there on multiple accounts is perfectly ok.

i have zero desire to play tonight.

Stop trolling Prynne! And learn the difference between a "response" to someone vs "griefing"- Which is a really gay word to use BTW!!
oknob said:
willy, just stfu.

every time you talk about the 29 community it makes me vomit a little. you spam reported posts for weeks on the wow forums, you got umpteen threads deleted because of your personal vendetta against other members of 29s. i ignored you on there for months because i did not want to bother with your useless posts (a la glancealot but with more wordperfect spellcheck). if you dont like what someone has to say, ignore is damn easy to figure out.

don't even bother replying to me willy, i'm not going to read it anyway, short or long.

Yeah, you know nothing of vendettas, do you, douchenozzle?
willy, just stfu.

every time you talk about the 29 community it makes me vomit a little. you spam reported posts for weeks on the wow forums, you got umpteen threads deleted because of your personal vendetta against other members of 29s. i ignored you on there for months because i did not want to bother with your useless posts (a la glancealot but with more wordperfect spellcheck). if you dont like what someone has to say, ignore is damn easy to figure out.

don't even bother replying to me willy, i'm not going to read it anyway, short or long.

Of course you will read this. You're a moron who thinks that just because I reported a few posts for civility purposes, I am a 'spam reporter' and I was responsible for getting threads deleted. Heaven forbid you actually get your facts straight before burning people at the stake.

'I got reported for posting things that are against the code of conduct, it must have been Willy.'

Yeah, sure bro.
Donteventrii said:
What does this even mean? I'm sorry but you don't know much about anything Yukkie. Perhaps fashion. Lol.

PSU may not be Ivy League but it's a great school. As well, what Ohai said.

****, George Bush went to Yale and Harvard.

i am not the one who is attending rank #47 school & said " i only respect smart ppl. i will be nice to stupid ppl's face but when they are not around i make fun of them."

so i am just pointing thing out that penn state is not the best school to attend and believe oneself is so much better than others :)

i know you like to look down ppl alot but most real smart ppl never do such thing because they know where they are standing.
Willyshatner said:
Of course you will read this. You're a moron who thinks that just because I reported a few posts for civility purposes, I am a 'spam reporter' and I was responsible for getting threads deleted. Heaven forbid you actually get your facts straight before burning people at the stake.

'I got reported for posting things that are against the code of conduct, it must have been Willy.'

Yeah, sure bro.

not sure y u all even communicate with donteven, hes a vain and vile excuse for a person

does things like talk shit on vent that id only expect from the most childish of wow players
oknob said:
willy, just stfu.

every time you talk about the 29 community it makes me vomit a little. you spam reported posts for weeks on the wow forums, you got umpteen threads deleted because of your personal vendetta against other members of 29s. i ignored you on there for months because i did not want to bother with your useless posts (a la glancealot but with more wordperfect spellcheck). if you dont like what someone has to say, ignore is damn easy to figure out.

don't even bother replying to me willy, i'm not going to read it anyway, short or long.

You mad, bro.
oknob said:
lmao, coming from mr "no heals list" himself, that's pretty funny.

Even funnier is your having a "DPS list" as a response to that. LOL

I was under the impression DPS was supposed to DPS.
Lets all be friends, forgive past sins, and come together to have a common and hearty laugh over the below, thrice used, gif.

yukkie said:
i am not the one who is attending rank #47 school & said " i only respect smart ppl. i will be nice to stupid ppl's face but when they are not around i make fun of them."

so i am just pointing thing out that penn state is not the best school to attend and believe oneself is so much better than others :)

i know you like to look down ppl alot but most real smart ppl never do such thing because they know where they are standing.

It must be hard not having any self-respect. :(
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