Hunters lol

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Homernoheals said:
No, no! Whatever YOU say, adult male who calls himself "nastaygurl".

Your psychiatrist is clearly the "baddie" here LOLOLOL

Lmao you are really hung up on that eh slugger? When I was a Gnome my name was Qtpeye. I thought Nastaygurl was more appropriate for a Belf female.

Willyshatner said:
Donteventrii doesn't want friends. He wants to be 100% correct, and he wants some sort of recognition for it.

'If being learned means I can't know the friendships I would have made in life, then I'd rather be lonely.'

Is that about right?

There are really only three people who I truly dislike in this bracket. Amy, Kow, and yourself. There are other people who I find mildly annoying. And then there are many players who I genuinely enjoy, even if we disagree on some points.

But yes, I do enjoy being correct. You enjoy being wrong but believeing you are correct. I guess the result is the same in our heads.
Going for a thread lock? Back on track you funny guys. ;) by funny i do mean lmao.
Daydra said:
Going for a thread lock? Back on track you funny guys. ;) by funny i do mean lmao.

After re reading the first post I don't think there was ever a point to this thread.

And obligatory

allahkazam said:
my original intent was to figure out who added me on real id that day. i think they added me back forealz by the time this thread had any posts. i guess it became the official 29s pointless stupid drama thread.

fixed that for you, it was amusing for a while until it turned into attacks about people in real life, that's where i draw the line on funny trolling, anything in game that we do is fair game but leave real life out of it.
yukkie said:
[quote name='Ohai']It's not where you go to school, its what you take out of it


yah but if someone wanna call other ppl "stupid" and all~

the person should be attending or graduated from at least top #3 school in nation

mustkillme graduated from harvard but he never calls anyone stupid, in fact he always makes him look stupid doing silly stuff. thats way better than attending low ranking school and calling others stupid


i like smart guys for this type of reason.

plus i can ask stupid questions all i want & they can answer everything~!

so nice~<3

Just FYI, but going to a top rated school (or any university) doesn't = intelligence. I realize it's cultural for you, but I know stupid people who've attended ivy league schools. Their parents simply had enough money to send them there, they fulfilled certain quotas, and/or they were related to alumni. So sad.
Donteventrii said:
Why do you suggest I say when I go to see a shrink?

"WoW players have a hard time learning the basics of the game. I find this incredibly pathetic and call them out on it"

That would be a great start. xD
soskanky said:
Please take the reference to Depakote out its offensive to me. I do in fact take it for epilepsy which is its primary usage.

It looks just like an informational link to me. Recent data showed it was being prescribed more often for controlling manic episodes, not epilepsy. I've heard it's a very helpful drug for both, though.
allahkazam said:
and i can honestly see arguing how you treat people in game, but arguing about what Big Ten school someone attends or their mental health is immature and petty. can we please just stop

edit: Purdue > Penn St ya i said it

Is it possible that someone's mental health affects their behavior in game? Would it take me long to find a petty post by you somewhere in these forums?
Willyshatner said:
Donteventrii doesn't want friends. He wants to be 100% correct, and he wants some sort of recognition for it.

'If being learned means I can't know the friendships I would have made in life, then I'd rather be lonely.'

Is that about right?

Hmm, sounds like there's also Axis II mixed in with the rapid cycling.
Christ this thread is moving fast lol.

Donteventrii said:
Having played with and against both groups, as well as DetoX, for over two years, I can say that yes your group is entirely more skilled than the median 29 skill level.

What makes any particular group or guild of players good is how well they play as a team. My point here is that you can't really have "played" against our group before because it only just recently came into existence (few months ago). MB is nothing more than a collection of random 39s from different guilds and servers that – following 39s recent demise – decided to guild up and try 19s... and now 29s.

Give me a break. I have extended experience playing with both groups to know their capability. MB's dwarfs median 29 skill.

I think it is you who should be giving US a break. “Extended experience� Having been active at 39s far longer than yourself, how is it that you are so familiar with all of MB’s players when even I’m not? We are not Detox. Detox was a static guild that had the same group of CORE players for quite a few years. Stop making categorical claims and comparisons about our almighty skill level.

As I said above, MB is nothing more than a collection of random 39s from different guilds and servers that – following 39s recent demise – decided to guild up and try 19s... and now 29s. Yes, I feel we are all competent players.

Donteventrii said:
Couple parts to this. Why not roll both sides right off the bat instead of concentrating 39 talen on Alliance 29 side? Knowing it has the potential to upset faction balance, it seems like this is the most logical choice.

1. We are a group of players who wish to play together.

2. We wish to test our mettle against the current 29s.

3. We don’t truly know how the faction balance will play out until we actually start BG’ing. Potential is just that, potential.

Based on the above, the most “logical†choice for us was to make same faction toons together as a guild, and have fun throughout. I don’t think we are evil or selfish for having done so either.

Donteventrii said:
What is considered finished? AGM? If so it will take all of your guild a long time before you consider rolling on Hordeside.

Finished means getting all of the basic gear for each slot, getting that gear enchanted, and having maxed professions. I will agree that AGM, DMH, and Charged gears may or may not fall out of that purview for some players.

Donteventrii said:
So you will only consider rolling Horde if the bracket is "truly enjoyed". But what would make it more enjoyable than setting up to be balanced on both sides right off the bat? It's Catch 22 logic.

If the only competition to be had in a bracket is by playing ourselves, is that bracket truly enjoyable or worth it? I would answer “possibly†to that question.

If the bracket mechanics themselves are fun and enjoyable, then yes. If they are not fun, then no. However, I believe you are incorrect when you create the impression that the only competition we’ll get is from ourselves.

We’re going to have to play a bit more to get a definitive answer to the above question. Speaking for myself, I can almost guarantee I’ll be making a Horde twink in the future.

My expectations? Like what? Focus macros? Assist macros? Constant camera movement? Calling out CC/Silence/Focus? Scroll clicking? These aren't complex strats for 85 arena. Before you dunk, you need to learn how to dribble.

It is not so much your expectations. It’s how you come across while stating them. You come across as elitist and arrogant and I don’t think you’ll deny that. Who wants to play with God’s gift to mankind if God’s gift to mankind is constantly and consistently telling you how he is God’s gift to mankind and you aren’t. Just because some people endure your tirades and manage to find some tidbit of constructive criticism buried deep within, doesn’t mean it is acceptable or the right way to go about it.

Your above expectations are realistic, but only to a certain degree. There is a large difference between utilizing the aforementioned tools effectively and not utilizing them effectively. THAT is usually the difference between a great player and your regular PVP’er. Sure, I use the tools you mention above... but not with perfect coordination and not without mistakes. Sometimes I miss the focus cc, sometimes I hit the wrong button, sometimes I break a sheep, sometimes I don’t see the ret pally coming up behind me, for whatever reason. So obviously, myself and quite a few others aren’t as good as you.

I don’t want to knock on your analogy, but one can easily dunk before one learns to dribble. Height and/or hops is all you need. Lol.
Donteventrii said:
There are really only three people who I truly dislike in this bracket. Amy, Kow, and yourself.

You seem to have a strong aversion to logic, so I can see why.

But yes, I do enjoy being correct. You enjoy being wrong but believeing you are correct. I guess the result is the same in our heads.

Thinking you are correct (delusions, grandiosity, etc) is much different than being correct. That said, I think you may have received correct diagnoses. Don't be perturbed, my male sibling.
Buckdich said:
roudy - your avatar disagrees D:

if they had an avatar that said doing it with the spirit rez it would be more apt for a warrior in this bracket :p im kind of regretting not rolling a warrior horde side though, i like the challenge and dont mind dieing alot:p

ohh yeah and i must be retarded, i went to a tech school :(
how is it that you are so familiar with all of MB’s players when even I’m not?

You aren't familiar with toastage, dayman, zeiren, dory, rubikz, skanky?

They are all exceptional players, and the ones who played 29s before moving to 39s (zeiren/skanky) are still somewhere near the top on my shortlist of best to have played 29.

Ohai said:
You aren't familiar with toastage, dayman, zeiren, dory, rubikz, skanky?

They are all exceptional players, and the ones who played 29s before moving to 39s (zeiren/skanky) are still somewhere near the top on my shortlist of best to have played 29.


Let me qualify "familiar": players that are more than mere acquaintances and whose skill level I can ACCURATELY describe. Accurately means more than "oh, hes not a total idiot in BGs". Of the players you mention, Toastage, Dayman, Zieren, and perhaps Rubikz and Dori qualify as familiar. Players like skanky, tesselate, loli, kao, zolt, No, and even phauren would not fall under my "familiar" classification. Keep in mind we are talking BEFORE MB at 19s and 29s.

There are really only three people who I truly dislike in this bracket. Amy, Kow, and yourself. There are other people who I find mildly annoying. And then there are many players who I genuinely enjoy, even if we disagree on some points.

But yes, I do enjoy being correct. You enjoy being wrong but believeing you are correct. I guess the result is the same in our heads.

Why does it matter if you like me or not? It isn't as if we're going to pick out curtains to decorate our house with. As much as you may not believe this, I don't dislike anyone. I feel that I can get along with everyone well enough to enjoy games, and for the most part, I do. The only people I don't really get along with are usually the anal retentive players that have anger management issues (Mitch, yourself, ect). The only reason why I even bother posting anything about the bracket, is that I care about it enough to give it extensive thought and dialogue. If anyone is going to make sweeping changes with the intent to 'improve' the bracket, I am going to make damn sure I scrutinize that persons ideas until we have fleshed out the best possible course of action for the bracket.

Thus far, you've done nothing but:

1. Tell people they are bad.

2. Insist on banning gear, classes, and items that have very little collective impact on games.

3. Parade your budget college education around on a picket sign as a testament to why your ideas are infallible.

4. Refuse to even consider that you're not seeing things in the right context.

As others have already pointed out in this thread, the horde's issues stem from a complete lack of communication at important times during games. As others have already pointed out, teamwork is far more important than individual skill. Insisting that I am wrong only solidifies just how redundantly ignorant you really are.
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