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  1. vendetta?

    Recently hunters, Paladin and Warriors are giving the most problems.
  2. Largest crit with 3.1.1?

    981 Ambush Crit today, no buffs
  3. vendetta?

    On my server Gurubashi..... It sells for much more. I decided to go with the BOE dagger instead. Easier to get
  4. Largest crit with 3.1.1?

    :eek: :D /salute
  5. Largest crit with 3.1.1?

    I just deleted what I replied with because I was getting all offended. So I'll start off this time by apologizing for coming across as a jerk and being childish and trying to defend something I don't understand. To back track..... Yeah, I should have gotten a SS as I told my buddy later that...
  6. Largest crit with 3.1.1?

    Um by having better gear and enchants than you do combined with food and party buffs. This isn't the thread to measure your epeen kid...... This is to report highest crits. If you don't like it and can't play well with others... then move along.
  7. Glyphs for a dagger rogue (16/0/4)

    I wouldn't be able to suggest the best glyphs for that build. I prefer Subtlety rogues instead of Assassination. Here is a link to every glyph available to you before 30 Level 29 Rogue Glyphs
  8. Largest crit with 3.1.1?

    You can doubt all you want, but it happens more often than you would like to believe. Usually people lie to gain something, what am I gaining by telling people I got pwn'd while playing one of my twinks? Where is the math to prove your theory that somebody can't crit that high? You're...
  9. Largest crit with 3.1.1?

    True Story: My rogue = around 1750 hp Last night I was stealthed in AB JUST about ready to ambush what I thought was a lone priest with 600 hp sitting at a flag. When all the sudden ...... BAM I got one hit by a rogue..... yes one hit. I was so frustrated I didn't even get the...
  10. What do you guys use to capture video?

    The bad thing about fraps is the limited record time.
  11. What do you guys use to capture video?

    Is there something out there that doesn't take ton's of editing and is easy to use? I'm interested in doing some videos of each of my twinks and posting to get input on play style and such.
  12. 29 Hunter (Yes, I know)

    Lots of good info in this thread thanks
  13. Ret pally weapon question

    I would rather keep the 12 AP on the Corpsemaker
  14. Largest crit with 3.1.1?

    710 Ambush crit last night. Man I suck at rogues
  15. Largest crit with 3.1.1?

    What is your critline saying these days? Please specify your class with your highest crit with regards to the newest 3.1.1 Patch
  16. charged gear worth it?

    What will make the largest difference is the amount of skill the player has with the rogue. Gear doesn't play that much of a factor from my personal experience.
  17. 29 rogue weapons

    I agree with Funding, TP on Main and I use WSG Dagger on OH. Both with crippling and then I just hunt down the hunters.
  18. 3/3 Taste for Blood - new life to 29 Warriors

    I don't see the need for you to use offensive language Fuzzles. You make a great point about warriors and how much they have improved in 3.1. Now, you're just making yourself look bad.
  19. Advantages of Engineering at 29?

    I agree, don't go engineering if you aren't going to make and use grenades.
  20. Shaman Discussion?

    I base my opinion with regards to shamans mainly on my own biased, lack of skill experience. I am often thick headed and because I didn't give my 19 Shaman class enough effort and failed horribly in WSG..... I automatically assume the Shaman class is not viable.