3/3 Taste for Blood - new life to 29 Warriors

It has a 100% proc rate now for Rend ticks.

Rend multiple targets and the 6 second limit turn into Overpower's 5 second cd. With +15 hit rating to gloves this is guaranteed damage.

Add this and your Overpowers become likely crits.

2/2 Impale makes those numbers nice and fat.

Add more damage to your crits with 3/3 deep wounds.

Of course you'll be using this with a high damage-per-swing weapon like corpsemaker or BAR.

Add in the fact that hunters can't kite as well as they used to without the monkey glyph and you'll understand why I've noticed a HUGE difference since 3.1. The damage output is outstanding.

I'm not going to go on a stroke-my-epeen rant but my already good scores have shot up significantly. Hunters used to be a big deal but now the vast majority of them are just meat to me. Warlocks seem to be the only class that gives me consistent trouble these days.

I'm not talking about my leetness, I'm talking about me, still being the same player as before, experiencing a grand improvement after the patch.

The point is that if you're capable of cranking out a 29 warrior, try out the taste for blood spec. I wanna see if it will catch :p
no juggernaut, no intercept. how do you eat up hunters that easy?

arcane/aimed shot -> 35yd + hawk eye 6yd -> 41yd

charge -> 25yd + glyph 5yd -> 30yd

maybe in a zerg or building you will get a charge off. then you will hamstring.

he will snare you with wingclip/conc and disengage. if you managed to get rend out before he is out of range you will have a free overpower the next time you will be in range...thats it. the hunter should have insignia on cd...

have to think about it a few more minutes...
This is about battlegrounds, not arenas. It's not a series of duels in a large open space.

It's not common that a hunter I charge has both disengage and Concussive Shot up. Warriors also have access to [item]Glyph of Charge[/item].

If he has his cooldowns, we're in an open space so I can't use LoS, and there are no other players healing or CCing, yea warriors aren't likely to kill a good hunter.

...anyway, this isn't about warrior versus hunter debate. I'm reporting what's actually happening and hoping to give some useful information.

EDIT: hunters have 6 more weapon range than a warrior does charge range, but those 6 yards are actually passed during projectile flight time. It's difficult for most hunters to avoid the charge these days unless they see the warrior coming from far off. Once again, it's not an open-plains 1v1.
ok, your point is, that a supported warrior in a zerg is capable of dealing good dmg and kill almost every other class?

well, as i played one in 29 and later 39 this is no news at all...

just get a healing pally that is spamhealing you while keeping HoF up. works good in 29, is freakin powerful in 39.
...god this is disappointing.

The point is that warriors are stronger and their enemies are weaker. It's made them a lot more viable and has yielded fantastic results for me and I strongly recommend others give it a try.

Jesus fucking christ...
well, you are right. having a 100% chance for an overpower every 6sec increases the dealt dmg slightly (you now, we had other sources of dmg pre patch and OP ready almost on CD), but it doensn't change the game for a 29 warry. without intercept or support you won't be able to use this buff. lvl 39 warrys will benefit more, cause they can use WW+OP between weaponswings.

the best spot for a warry is a flagroom. with more than one or two targets in there you can deal very huge amounts of dmg (with support).

i never said you are wrong...

ok, you are wrong on distances. 25+5=30 and 35+6=41 -> 11yd diff and a good hunter will fire an instat shot and then run away from you, so you will never charge him in open field.
I don't see the need for you to use offensive language Fuzzles. You make a great point about warriors and how much they have improved in 3.1.

Now, you're just making yourself look bad.
I've always played Fury spec in the 29 bracket on my warrior as I worked my ass off to get mongoose on my crescent of forlorn spirits and it was just more enjoyable for me that way. I will admit whenever I did respec and rock out the Corpsemaker it was very amusing and I'd be more than willing to give this spec a go. It seems to have an interesting mechanic to it and I'd be intrigue to see how the damage output of it is. That being said, I haven't played this bracket on my warrior since they gave disengage to hunters but I'm sure 1v1 without getting the drop on them and lacking intercept :( it could be very frustrating...
overpower was always the way to go, even before this came out...

its the move that enable warriors to beat out hunters and rogues, why because their high dodge rating is bypassed even if they use evasion or deterrance to improove it.

making it even stronger makes it all better.

but i do agree that GOOD hunters will just eat you alive reguardless of you actually charging them. the problem is that people after patch juust rushed hunters thinking it was the best class when its actually not the best, unless you actually know how to play it. mashing button is far from being a hunters way !
ArthurianKnight said:
overpower was always the way to go, even before this came out...

its the move that enable warriors to beat out hunters and rogues, why because their high dodge rating is bypassed even if they use evasion or deterrance to improove it.


Honestly, I've never really had a problem with hunters or rogues as fury spec. I do understand everyone was 2-handed overpower spec for exactly that reason. Though, I was playing well before deterrance was enabled at a lower level, so I never had to worry about that. As for rogues, they just never seemed to deal enough damage in time to be an issue. My heroic strike was critting for like 400+ with a one hander so I was able to dish out a fair amount of damage and with mongoose and crusader double procc'd I was sitting at a 35% crit chance with a ton of AP and enrage up most of the time...

As for dueling 2-handed warriors, I had yet to lose a duel against any of them, and these were twinks that were well geared. I was even taking out warriors upwards of level 38 in duals... It was just a spec for me that I found more enjoyable, since I had played paladin for at least 3 years prior to making my warrior twink and I was sick of swinging around slow 2-handed weapons. Personal preference really, I don't go with cookie-cutter bs... Not to mention piercing howl is damn helpful when you're not in range to hamstring...
I'm considering going 2/3 Taste for Blood and spending that other point elsewhere. I almost always have rend on a couple targets and imagine OP will be up every time the CD is over.

As far as hunters go, a well played hunter is very hard to touch. I don't mind using Free Action Pots vs them as they are the most OP class in the bracket. I always have a few stacks of Iron Grenades on me as well.

The biggest benefit warrior have vs hunters is 3.1 is that our Disarm ability also disarms their ranged weapon now. Even if they slip away a little, they aren't pelting me with bullets or arrows.
Brickbat said:
The biggest benefit warrior have vs hunters is 3.1 is that our Disarm ability also disarms their ranged weapon now. Even if they slip away a little, they aren't pelting me with bullets or arrows.

haha :) you actually can see the disengage coming.

right then give em disarm/dismantle (in my case).

smile and wave, just smile and wave.

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