Shaman Discussion?

Just wondering about the viability of a Shaman in this bracket ? especially after the recent patch changes etc...

Everyday i discover something new and exciting about the Shaman class, like for instance, Glyph of Stoneclaw Totem Hope i got that link right :(

But that's a 400 dmg absorbing shield at your disposal every 30 sec? And opponents aren't gonna waste their time killing the totem (330 health and 50% chance to stun)..there's not really any point.

A geared Shaman played skillfully = greatness?

Your thoughts?

PS. Im sorry if this is obvious knowledge or a topic already touched on, but im new to the twinking world...just getting my bearings and wondering what i should start my twinking career with :p
Hi Reuben,

Welcome aboard. You'll find some incoherent types around, but it comes with the territory. I can't speak for enhancement or elemental shamans, but resto shamans are a blast in 29, and have one of the best short-cast heals in the bracket. Shamans gave me a steep learning curve (that I'm still only partway up), but I enjoy resto shammies so much that I play them almost exclusively for PvP.

Hope this helps,

Just ignore kmogg, he's just trolling you, now that all ranks of Stoneclaw protect totems, Glyph of Stoneclaw is definitely a viable option. Apparently 29 shamans weren't hurt much by 3.1 compared to other classes.
Ahh okay then, thnx alot Bwappo, thnx Rip :)

Well as im happy to find out shamans are viable, my heart is settled then. Just a matter of what spec to choose etc, so i'll watch my exp and develop two sets of gear if needed.


btw i discovered what was meant by 'Realmlist', and decided just to add it for funnsies. So this is mine (I play Ally :p)...


Aman'Thul- Normal

Barthilas- PvP

Blackrock- PvP

Dath'Remar- Normal

Frostmourne- PvP

Frostwolf- PvP

Khaz'goroth- Normal

Kil'Jaeden- PvP

Kilrogg- Normal

Ner'zhul- PvP

Proudmoore- Normal

Sen'jin- Normal

Silver Hand- RP

Tichondrius- PvP

Vek'nilash- Normal
Rip said:
Just ignore kmogg, he's just trolling you, now that all ranks of Stoneclaw protect totems, Glyph of Stoneclaw is definitely a viable option. Apparently 29 shamans weren't hurt much by 3.1 compared to other classes.

If anything, us and mages were buffed
Druiddroid said:
maybe you have never seen any good 29 shamans.

That's entirely possible. In another thread, someone asked me how I handled mages and warriors in the 29 bracket. I said I found them to be pretty inconsequential. After a few more questions, it became clear to me that the ones I fought were seriously underselling the capabilities of their class. :)

Reuben said:
btw i discovered what was meant by 'Realmlist', and decided just to add it for funnsies. So this is mine (I play Ally :p)...


Hey, maybe I'll see you on the field some time! Which server did you go with, and what do you think of it? I'm on the lookout for another decent bloodlust server.


honestly, you can fc with a enh shaman nicely and a good partner for a shaman to pvp with is imo any class witha cc and decent damage. or a healer depends on how you wanna do it. i had a 29 enh shaman and i did quite well, defense was a breeze and fc was almost as easy.
Luka said:
Do you have any reasoning behind that statement Mangone?

Druiddroid said:
maybe you have never seen any good 29 shamans.

I base my opinion with regards to shamans mainly on my own biased, lack of skill experience.

I am often thick headed and because I didn't give my 19 Shaman class enough effort and failed horribly in WSG..... I automatically assume the Shaman class is not viable.
Mangone said:
I base my opinion with regards to shamans mainly on my own biased, lack of skill experience.

I am often thick headed and because I didn't give my 19 Shaman class enough effort and failed horribly in WSG..... I automatically assume the Shaman class is not viable.

While I don't have any experience in the 19 bracket, I have to think playing a shaman there is much harder than the 29 bracket. Shamans gain some major advantages at 20; I would never want to try to learn a shaman for the 19 bracket first. I actually started my skills in the 39 bracket before rolling up a 29.

Bwappo said:
Hey, maybe I'll see you on the field some time! Which server did you go with, and what do you think of it? I'm on the lookout for another decent bloodlust server.



:D Although im extremely excited about the prospect, im just sorting out some RL issues atm (Im having exams), so my twink wont be up and seriously running for another month or so...

I've been on Dath Remar for 2 years (Im an aussie boy) and personally think it's a pretty pathetic server for pvp...but as it's my only source of income, and i couldn't be bothered making transfers, im sticking with it.

Maybe i can start some kind of movement :O hehe

best regards


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