Largest crit with 3.1.1?

A buddy of mine said he crits non buffd, maxed ap and specced ambush, 1.2k. possible?
True Story:

My rogue = around 1750 hp

Last night I was stealthed in AB JUST about ready to ambush what I thought was a lone priest with 600 hp sitting at a flag.

When all the sudden ...... BAM

I got one hit by a rogue..... yes one hit. I was so frustrated I didn't even get the name of the rogue. lol Just logged.

That was an impressive crit for sure. Before logging I remember reading the combat log saying ...... so and so ambush crits Lean for 1800+
Mangone said:
True Story:

My rogue = around 1750 hp

Last night I was stealthed in AB JUST about ready to ambush what I thought was a lone priest with 600 hp sitting at a flag.

When all the sudden ...... BAM

I got one hit by a rogue..... yes one hit. I was so frustrated I didn't even get the name of the rogue. lol Just logged.

That was an impressive crit for sure. Before logging I remember reading the combat log saying ...... so and so ambush crits Lean for 1800+

I'm calling bs. Thats a ss or it didnt happen situation. Before 3.1, when you could hit for WAY more, I set the record with a 1695 ambush no debuff (and 3.3kish with a debuff. Granted, I didnt have any external buffs sides zerker, but thats about as high as it goes without a flag debuff.

You're alleging someone topped 1695 post 3.1, when no one on record has done it pre 3.1? For the record, I'm 4 AP from a perf ambush set (Cuffs and boots), and I'm orc, so I highly doubt someone is hitting THAT much higher than I am.
Fundingtwinks said:
I highly doubt someone is hitting THAT much higher than I am.

You can doubt all you want, but it happens more often than you would like to believe.

Usually people lie to gain something, what am I gaining by telling people I got pwn'd while playing one of my twinks?

Where is the math to prove your theory that somebody can't crit that high? You're basing your knowledge on the fact that you can't get that close?

Mangone said:
You can doubt all you want, but it happens more often than you would like to believe.

Usually people lie to gain something, what am I gaining by telling people I got pwn'd while playing one of my twinks?

Where is the math to prove your theory that somebody can't crit that high? You're basing your knowledge on the fact that you can't get that close?


My AP gear:

9/9 Tiger Hat

Barbaric Iron Collar

BoA Shoulders

Parachute Cloak/ 12 agi

28 Ap Chest w/4 stats

16 AP bracers w/9 str (18 is perf)

Tiger Hunter Gloves w/26 AP

Defiler's Leather Girdle

28 AP Pants

+20 AP boots (22 is perf)

7 agi 6 str charged gear x2

Torturing Poker +5 dmg

Outlaw Sabre 15 agi

+5 agi bow. (BoA is better)

I'm also orc.

Please explain to me how someone will be hitting for that much higher than I do.

SS plz.
Fundingtwinks said:
Please explain to me how someone will be hitting for that much higher than I do.

Um by having better gear and enchants than you do combined with food and party buffs.

This isn't the thread to measure your epeen kid...... This is to report highest crits. If you don't like it and can't play well with others... then move along.
Mangone said:
Um by having better gear and enchants than you do combined with food and party buffs.

This isn't the thread to measure your epeen kid...... This is to report highest crits. If you don't like it and can't play well with others... then move along.

The math is kinda disproving your story, bro. Im not saying I dont believe it, I just dont know...Wtscrits has probably the best AP gear ive seen. People get lucky, but not as lucky as the rogue in your story imo
I usually crit around 650ish with Shadow Bolt on my 29 Warlock. Think I have topped 700 a few times but can't recall for sure. That's without Zerker buff.
Cyrexis said:
I usually crit around 650ish with Shadow Bolt on my 29 Warlock. Think I have topped 700 a few times but can't recall for sure. That's without Zerker buff.

Is that destro spec or what?
earlier, Recount reported a 612 white hit while my statistics still think my largest hit is 597. I know I've seen 600 several times... anyone else get this error?
Mangone said:
Um by having better gear and enchants than you do combined with food and party buffs.

This isn't the thread to measure your epeen kid...... This is to report highest crits. If you don't like it and can't play well with others... then move along.

lol better gear/chants than me? Did you not read my list of AP gear? I'm 99% sure I have THE BEST AP gear of any rogue in the world. If I dont, I'm prob like 2 AP off what they have. If I'm hitting for ~1400 post 3.1 with a solid amount of buffage, plz explain how someone is going to be hitting for 400+ more than I am.

Just like you said, this is the highest crit thread, why dont you post up some real crits, instead of one you made up? If you cant tell the truth and play well with others, than move along.
I just deleted what I replied with because I was getting all offended. So I'll start off this time by apologizing for coming across as a jerk and being childish and trying to defend something I don't understand.

To back track..... Yeah, I should have gotten a SS as I told my buddy later that night that nobody would believe me. And I could very well be wrong. Maybe it wasn't a One-hit on his part. Maybe he opened up with an Ambush that did the crazy 1k + Damage and followed it up by a quick backstab creating the illusion of being one hit.

I thought I glanced at my combat log before logging and seeing one ambush but I could very well be wrong.

I shouldn't have posted without valid proof.

I need to take my own advice once and a while.
Mangone said:
Maybe he opened up with an Ambush that did the crazy 1k + Damage and followed it up by a quick backstab creating the illusion of being one hit.

No worries bro, thats prob what happened and I could def see getting confused and pissed about getting 1-2 shot.

Sorry for jumping down your throat so hardcore. I take big crits way more seriously than I should (lol)
Should be taking big tits seriously. I mean crits...

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