29 rogue weapons

I have the boa badge sword but was lookin at the boa trash blade for my main hand, which would be better? i could get it just for kicks and use both but thrash is offhand sounds bad, maybe WSG sword would be a better OH.. Any suggestions?
zealot blade MH and a stat weapon OH.

if you want to go for a little fun with procs, use the thrash blade OH, as i grants an additional weapon swing on MH.

if you want to use daggers (isn't that the way to go in 29 atm?)

claw of the shadowmancer does the highest burst and torturing poker is your best overall MH. WSG dagger is a very good addition to wear in OH.

btw, death speaker scepter is an easy to get/cheap alternative to zealot. little less topend, but the speed and average dmg is almost the same. if you want an OH with stats AND a high topend, the butcher is viable. aiming for +hit the balanced heartseeker is an option.
Bansil said:
zealot blade MH and a stat weapon OH.

if you want to go for a little fun with procs, use the thrash blade OH, as i grants an additional weapon swing on MH.

if you want to use daggers (isn't that the way to go in 29 atm?)

claw of the shadowmancer does the highest burst and torturing poker is your best overall MH. WSG dagger is a very good addition to wear in OH.

btw, death speaker scepter is an easy to get/cheap alternative to zealot. little less topend, but the speed and average dmg is almost the same. if you want an OH with stats AND a high topend, the butcher is viable. aiming for +hit the balanced heartseeker is an option.

So much wrong with that.

First of all, the best rogue weaps are torturing poker mh vendetta oh. Go backstabs or go home. Claw of the shadowmancer isnt nearly as good as TP. The fire dmg from tp is calculated in the ambush and backstabs. Its been tested over and over and over again. Trust me on that.

If you want to go lolswords (for duels I guess) go Venerable Dal'rend's sacred charge mh, and vendetta offhand. If no boa's go with zealot blade mh.

If you cant find a vendetta, go boa heartseeker, or wsg dagger for oh.

Under no circumstances should you ever ever ever use butcher offhand. Slow offhands are death, since you'll likely have a sharpening stone on your mh. You need the poison procs to be successful at 29 with all the hunters around.

If you're using something other than one of the weaps I mentioned above. You're doing the wrong thing.
I agree with Funding, TP on Main and I use WSG Dagger on OH. Both with crippling and then I just hunt down the hunters.
lets have a look:

(assuming 400AP)

claw - 39avg + 54,25 = 93,25 + proc

poker - 43avg + 48,6 = 91,6 + nothing

(assuming 350AP)

claw - 39avg + 47,5 = 86.5 + proc

poker - 43avg + 42,5 = 85,5

(assuming 300AP)

claw - 39avg + 40,7 = 79,7 + proc

poker 43avg + 36,4 = 79,4

as they didn't change crip to ppm vendetta is still a very good OH, but heartpiercer and WSG dagger are far superior in stats and overall equal OHs. as i said, good OHs. never said they will outperform every other OH in every given situation.

dal'rend's has a higher avg dmg + stam + crit, so it is a better MH than zealot. i missed that. good point to add this!

and there may be situations you want a slow OH. with crip on MH and maybe wound on OH. def the flag for example, or attacking a FC.

not so much wrong with that...
Fundingtwinks said:
If you want to go lolswords (for duels I guess) go Venerable Dal'rend's sacred charge mh, and vendetta offhand. If no boa's go with zealot blade mh.

If you cant find a vendetta, go boa heartseeker, or wsg dagger for oh.

If you're using something other than one of the weaps I mentioned above. You're doing the wrong thing.


i have a [Torturing Poker] (+5 dmg) MH and [Vendetta] (+15 agi) OH.

i usually add sharpening stone MH crippling OH.

my second gear is [Claw of the Shadowmancer] (+5 dmg) MH and [Bite of Serra'kis] (+15 agi) OH.

here i go with sharpening and mind numbing.

Fundingtwinks said:
Under no circumstances should you ever ever ever use butcher offhand. Slow offhands are death, since you'll likely have a sharpening stone on your mh. You need the poison procs to be successful at 29 with all the hunters around.

i also have a BoA [Dal'Rend] Fiery

at this point i might ask some questions.

since 3.1 poison's are PPM, i thought weapon speed won't matter anymore.

and what would be a viable choice for a high dmg OH weapon with fiery chant?

id liked to try to procc a FC down.
only instant and wound changed to PPM afaik. using a slow OH is superior, when going for dualpoison. go for stats or thrashblade. the extra weaponswing can proc fiery on your MH.
If you're going daggers poker is what you want in your MH hands down.

If you're going swords there are many options, w/e makes you happy though imo Zealot Blade is bueno.

OH, vendetta hands down. You're not looking to your OH to actually do plenty of damage. Rogues will usually throw Sharpening stone, instant or mind numbing poison on the MH and always use their OH for the crippling poison procs. You want a fast weapon for that.
crip on MH is superior in some situations. you want a proc very soon after attacking and want to reapply if there is a dispeller. when chasing a EFC for example.

you will use instant or wound as second poison -> PPM -> slow OH.

besides this the dmg/hit comes into account sometimes.
Bansil said:
crip on MH is superior in some situations. you want a proc very soon after attacking and want to reapply if there is a dispeller. when chasing a EFC for example.

you will use instant or wound as second poison -> PPM -> slow OH.

besides this the dmg/hit comes into account sometimes.

Superior as in slowing the enemy down yes, superior in damage, never. There are plenty of situations I use crippling on both weapons, hunters and such, but for top damage sharpening stones are the best choice.
/agree. I actuall have to pokers and I always put a sharpening stone on one and crippling on the other and switch out between them depending on who I'm fighting.
/sigh, I have to clarify some more here. I use the poker MH and the wsg OH. I have another poker I use for MH and on one of those I put sharpening on the other I put crippling and just switch out my MH depending on the opponent.

There, that sounds better. The other two posts were confusing lol.
Shank said:
/agree. I actuall have to pokers and I always put a sharpening stone on one and crippling on the other and switch out between them depending on who I'm fighting.

is there a way do switch the poker's using actionbar/buttons?

or do you switch them urself (open bag/select aso)?
Actionbar, you can make a macro for switching between weapons but you should be able to just put the weapon on the actionbar somewhere and when you click it it should automatically equip it.
Shank said:
Actionbar, you can make a macro for switching between weapons but you should be able to just put the weapon on the actionbar somewhere and when you click it it should automatically equip it.

afaik this doesnt work if you have 2x the same weapon.

Bansil said:
they have to be on a specific position in your bag. you can access every slot in your bags afaik.

i think it would require a very complex macro, to check what kind of weapon is

equipped (in first place) and then put it into a specific slot of your bags.

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