Orebrb said:Damn that sucks Curley, no doubt you'll definitely be back so see you then. This can easily be prevented by doing a sport getting a scolarship so when paps ask why you aren't outside say your technically getting payed 120 grand to be outside 4-5 months a year so back off. Guarrentee they'll never give you shit about wow again.
Llare said:What's the problem if you don't wake them up?
Bone said:If it's an all boys school, I feel bad for you. If not, get laid. Boarding school girls are always DTF.
Falkor said:yeah thats good parenting. "stay up as long as you like, just dont wake us up". is europe being taken over by hippiefags? no, kids should have limits such as bed times b/c they dont know any better themselves. a child WoW addict would rather stay up all night farming stupid crap and then sleep during school when they're dead tired. and any good parent wouldnt want that, they would want them to do well in school to prepare for college or a vocational school or entering the work force. children need direction b/c their brains arent fully developed and they cant grasp the ramifications of their decisions. which is why they're children until 18, but even at 18 the majority are still reliant on parents and still not ready to take on the world w/o rules and guidelines.
you have a twisted world view if you think a spanking or a few hits with a belt is child abuse
Llare said:It's only 2AM? What's the problem.
No arguments, arguing with your child, or yelling rather, merely fuels them to shout back/learn to shout back; then that can lead to problems towards all figures of authority.
If you ignore all of their pleas, and just stop the problem dead, even for a little while, they'll learn that you don't care/don't listen to their objections, and just give up trying to argue, inturn leading to them obeying.
Llare said:Spanking and whipping? Whipping? Jesus christ, ****ing unevolved parasites.
Quelfep said:spanking doesnt make anything a death camp. saying that parents who spank are too lazy to do something else is like saying that people who work out are too lazy to not work out.
Quelfep said:spanking doesnt make anything a death camp. saying that parents who spank are too lazy to do something else is like saying that people who work out are too lazy to not work out.
lindenkron said:Actually it's like saying that people who are fat are too lazy to work out. Which would be correct. I'm not gonna throw any American remarks around here though, that would be too easy. Beating a child is the easy form of parenting - since anything else takes knowledge and time getting into. Hence ->parenting<-. Beating someone up, is not parenting. In which case any bully hitting someone else would simply be parenting. Doh.
People who beat their child do it due to lack of other options, not knowing how else to deal with the situations. There's actually shows on parenting from frustrated parents who don't know what to do, it's a general problem. Sani, how can you comment on beating / not beating your children if you've never experienced it? Being hit by someone you trust and love is horrible thing and leaves scars that should be avoidable in the civilized world we 'supposedly' live in. I was hit as a child - unless you were as well I suggest you don't comment on things such as these.
And the same problem you mentioned with people not even being grown at 18, goes for parents as well. A lot, too many, people get children before they even have any idea how to raise children. Ignorance is no excuse, but the problem for many parents are that they don't know what else to do.
In Denmark it was made illegal to hit your children in 1997, and it was not a moment too soon, if anything it was way too late.
Appeal to their hearts instead of their rage. It will develop nothing good.
My 10 cents, my 2 cents is free.
Bankbeauty said:TL/DR.
This generation is filled with asshole, Retarded, extremely impolite and stupid people.
This generation is filled with shitloads. I'm sorry, but screw these retarded law. I have a 90%+ average at college, I'm fully sucessful in what I want. I'm fully happy and have a good life. Hell.
And you know what? My parents already whip my ass. My father already tried to commit suicide, and used to be a drug and alcohol addicted. While on the other hand, my mother was depressed.
Guess what? It just made me a stronger person. I knew that I needed to do useful thing, I need notes in college because I know I don't want to be poor and I want recognization in our society, so I'm studying none stop to reach my goal and maybe a day end up as a Lawyer.
So all of you trying to say beatin' a kid will break him down or whatever, you are plain dumb. I'm sorry, but I have friends who got pregnant at the age of 14, freaking 14. You know what their parents did? Tell her it wasn't the right thing and she got aborted. 2 years later she was pregnant again. If my sister got pregnant at the age of 14, my parents would have filled out and beat her ass off. Atleast my sister never got pregnant and she's now in university studying to be a high-school teacher, she's a Budweiser Promotion girl and a HYPE promo-girl. She's having a really good life. Exactly like me
Will I ever beat my child, nope. Will I ever spank my child a little, probably. And if you don't like it, don't.
Falkor said:the problem is that you people (who seem all eu) think that these parents "beat" their child for the smallest transgression. i dont follow curleys posts but i havent seen any outrage over any past "beatings", so im assuming he did something retarded to warrant his 5 belt hits. he is in no real physical danger, and if he was smart he would learn from it and change his ways.
there are parents who will beat their child for the smallest thing, and actually beat the hell out of them. THAT is child abuse and is both lazy and wrong. however a spanking or hit on the ass with a belt for serious **** ups and to drive home a point is not anything to get your panties in a bunch over. its how shit was done in the past generations, and they turned out ok. think of the kid in the video druid linked. do you think that kids gonna wanna go be a gang banger and disrespect his family when he gets hit. he clearly disregarded his authority figure (uncle?) and then got further punishment...and it will keep him on the straight and narrow and off the streets. there was a time where it was ok for a bratty stupid child to get a swift slap when they where bitching and whining in the super market. now you have these nosy "new age" parents trying to call child protective services for the same thing, when their coddled children are really societies problem b/c they're allowed free reign and to be annoying snotty entitled twats
Coltlol said:lindenkron i think im in love with u
lindenkron said:Well America / EU have different cultures
Druiddroid said:Hence why over here it's not a "last resort"
curleypwnsu said:Mom broke beats,