World Drop Farming Compendium (ilvl 28 BoEs)

I got a Skullflame Shield on my 20 in LBRS. Here to confirm, it drops with a level 21 requirement... despite the MFing tooltip showing 20 at first.
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Same thing happen to me the other day. Crazy it dropped on my 5th or 6th run. Shame its just one lvl req away. On my hpal at lvl 20 it shows 315 dmg for life steal, pretty juicy.
Hi all! I heard boe 28 ilvl legion needs to be farm by lvl 24-25 character. Can anyone explain to me the difference between farming 24 and 25 lvl characters? Who does it better?
Where do yall farm pandaria BoEs?

You asked where and I'll tell you that and how. (because I feel this question gets asked a lot and not sure it gets covered here so I'll just add my tidbit so it can be referenced)

Pandarian blues are farmed in Valley of the Four Winds ((28.34, 30.33) if you use TomTom). You'll be aiming to kill Stout Staghorns (mainly), along with Kodos and Monkeys when you’ve established spawns, with a level 22.

Ideal setup would be to have one person in the image I've posted, killing the 3 "packs" circled in black in "setup.JPG". While the second person is at the 2 circled in red in the same image.

You'll want to kill these 5 packs as quickly as humanely possible, constantly running between them, for roughly 5-15 minutes.

When you kill these packs after a certain amount of time the circle that is filled in black on "setup.JPG" won't be needed anymore and the 4 packs will hyper respawn.

Once the 4 packs are continuously hyper spawning at some point the 2 black unfilled circles at the top of the image will be the only 2 packs required for the farm! You'll then have one person on one pack while the other sits the other pack, sit mindlessly for hours spamming whirlwhind.
  • To be noted: The packs hyper respawning seems to be determined by speed of clears and only seems to trigger with 2 people minimal randomly. As a solo player you're going to have to run from spawn to spawn continuously.
  • I highly recommend making sure this farm is attempted on a random timeline, if you're in normal timeline you'll have a lot of levelers ruining the spawns!

Rough estimates of kills per hour based on this method + how many farmers:

1 person: 900-1.2k (can't trigger hyperspawn)
2 people: 2-2.4k
3 people: 2.5-2.7k
4 people: 2.8-3k

You can expect roughly 1 blue per 1-2k kills.

Noteworthy loot: Gerp's Perfect Arrow, Daelo's Final Words, Core of Decency, Davidian's All-Seeing Eyes, Endwyn's Toothy Visage, Hood of Alchemical Vapors, Zom's Misty Hood

P.S, I'd recommend getting an addon like Hyperspawn (makes the 2 mins before loot expires semi afkable), level up engineering for Loot-A-Rang and frag belt (they help an insane amount), and I'd HIGHLY recommend being a fury warrior, whirlwind + crusader is insane. Oh and bind whirlwind to scroll wheel, save your fingers!!

If more info is needed let me know in here and I'll edit this post! Also I can't figure out proper formatting.


  • setup.JPG
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right now we're farming azsuna with 8 ppl, we will probably switch to pandaria soon, thanks for the tip! What level do you need to be for getting i28 blues?
You asked where and I'll tell you that and how. (because I feel this question gets asked a lot and not sure it gets covered here so I'll just add my tidbit so it can be referenced)

Pandarian blues are farmed in Valley of the Four Winds ((28.34, 30.33) if you use TomTom). You'll be aiming to kill Stout Staghorns (mainly), along with Kodos and Monkeys when you’ve established spawns, with a level 22.

Ideal setup would be to have one person in the image I've posted, killing the 3 "packs" circled in black in "setup.JPG". While the second person is at the 2 circled in red in the same image.

You'll want to kill these 5 packs as quickly as humanely possible, constantly running between them, for roughly 5-15 minutes.

When you kill these packs after a certain amount of time the circle that is filled in black on "setup.JPG" won't be needed anymore and the 4 packs will hyper respawn.

Once the 4 packs are continuously hyper spawning at some point the 2 black unfilled circles at the top of the image will be the only 2 packs required for the farm! You'll then have one person on one pack while the other sits the other pack, sit mindlessly for hours spamming whirlwhind.
  • To be noted: The packs hyper respawning seems to be determined by speed of clears and only seems to trigger with 2 people minimal randomly. As a solo player you're going to have to run from spawn to spawn continuously.
  • I highly recommend making sure this farm is attempted on a random timeline, if you're in normal timeline you'll have a lot of levelers ruining the spawns!

Rough estimates of kills per hour based on this method + how many farmers:

1 person: 900-1.2k (can't trigger hyperspawn)
2 people: 2-2.4k
3 people: 2.5-2.7k
4 people: 2.8-3k

You can expect roughly 1 blue per 1-2k kills.

Noteworthy loot: Gerp's Perfect Arrow, Daelo's Final Words, Core of Decency, Davidian's All-Seeing Eyes, Endwyn's Toothy Visage, Hood of Alchemical Vapors, Zom's Misty Hood

P.S, I'd recommend getting an addon like Hyperspawn (makes the 2 mins before loot expires semi afkable), level up engineering for Loot-A-Rang and frag belt (they help an insane amount), and I'd HIGHLY recommend being a fury warrior, whirlwind + crusader is insane. Oh and bind whirlwind to scroll wheel, save your fingers!!

If more info is needed let me know in here and I'll edit this post! Also I can't figure out proper formatting.

Quick note aswell. if your only ever interested in the Blue/epic items you can really make this farm alot more effective with just looting roughly every 20 min instead.
You asked where and I'll tell you that and how. (because I feel this question gets asked a lot and not sure it gets covered here so I'll just add my tidbit so it can be referenced)

Pandarian blues are farmed in Valley of the Four Winds ((28.34, 30.33) if you use TomTom). You'll be aiming to kill Stout Staghorns (mainly), along with Kodos and Monkeys when you’ve established spawns, with a level 22.

Ideal setup would be to have one person in the image I've posted, killing the 3 "packs" circled in black in "setup.JPG". While the second person is at the 2 circled in red in the same image.

You'll want to kill these 5 packs as quickly as humanely possible, constantly running between them, for roughly 5-15 minutes.

When you kill these packs after a certain amount of time the circle that is filled in black on "setup.JPG" won't be needed anymore and the 4 packs will hyper respawn.

Once the 4 packs are continuously hyper spawning at some point the 2 black unfilled circles at the top of the image will be the only 2 packs required for the farm! You'll then have one person on one pack while the other sits the other pack, sit mindlessly for hours spamming whirlwhind.
  • To be noted: The packs hyper respawning seems to be determined by speed of clears and only seems to trigger with 2 people minimal randomly. As a solo player you're going to have to run from spawn to spawn continuously.
  • I highly recommend making sure this farm is attempted on a random timeline, if you're in normal timeline you'll have a lot of levelers ruining the spawns!

Rough estimates of kills per hour based on this method + how many farmers:

1 person: 900-1.2k (can't trigger hyperspawn)
2 people: 2-2.4k
3 people: 2.5-2.7k
4 people: 2.8-3k

You can expect roughly 1 blue per 1-2k kills.

Noteworthy loot: Gerp's Perfect Arrow, Daelo's Final Words, Core of Decency, Davidian's All-Seeing Eyes, Endwyn's Toothy Visage, Hood of Alchemical Vapors, Zom's Misty Hood

P.S, I'd recommend getting an addon like Hyperspawn (makes the 2 mins before loot expires semi afkable), level up engineering for Loot-A-Rang and frag belt (they help an insane amount), and I'd HIGHLY recommend being a fury warrior, whirlwind + crusader is insane. Oh and bind whirlwind to scroll wheel, save your fingers!!

If more info is needed let me know in here and I'll edit this post! Also I can't figure out proper formatting.

Thank you for sharing this information. :) New to the site and enjoying reading all the posts and globs of info! Props!
Hello all

WHen i try the mentioned spots as a level 20 char, both Nazmir and Drustwar have level 25 MOBS ! and the green loot they drop requires level 22 or 23 to equip , and i repeat I am level 20 myself and not grouped or anything.. what gives ??
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Hello all

WHen i try the mentioned spots as a level 20 char, both Nazmir and Drustwar have level 25 MOBS ! and the green loot they drop requires level 22 or 23 to equip , and i repeat I am level 20 myself and not grouped or anything.. what gives ??

The weapons drops at a higher req ilvl than armor. the armor drops will be requires lvl 19, ilvl 28
Hey guys, I've gotten to a point in gearing where my remaining upgrades are random world drops. Namely ilvl 28 uncommons, and legion epics for chaos crystal. After searching through this forum, I found a few threads and some comments discussing the best places to farm. Since they were all spread out, (some useful comments on unrelated threads) I thought it would be nice if it was all in one place.

So in this Thread, I have tried to assemble all the farming spots that i've found, but also, I'd like to know your go-to farm(s). If you'd like to submit a farm, make clear in your reply:

  • What you are farming for. (ilvl 28 boes, crafting recipes, destiny, etc.)
  • Where you are farming (zone at the very least, preferably coordiantes and sub-zone)
  • What mobs you are killing (Wowhead link ideally, but just proper name or a good where^ is fine)
  • How successful the farm has been and/or why its a good place to farm plus any tips.
Disclaimer: These sorts of grinds are pretty obscene, often requiring thousands of mob kills over the course of days of in-game time, even with good farming spots. On top of that, these upgrades are only slightly better than easier to obtain alternatives. Vets can "just" buy them from the AH, but if you're F2P and have to do it all yourself, don't feel like you have to do this just to compete.

*Edit as of Oct 11 2021*
I have spent very little time here on the forums recently, but I still intend to update this post. So, if you post a farming spot and want it included in the list, please post it as a normal reply and send me a PM and I'll add it as soon as I can.

If I have included your post in the list and you would like it removed, PM me or reply.

Hello, i found an interesting spot to farm in Tiragarde Sound.
There are 20 lvl NPCs, 25 lvl NPCs and 2-3 35 lvl NPCs. In 9.1.5 Nazmir and Drustvar should be 20+ lvl zone, it can be a hope for a F2P to farm 28 ilvl green BoE's, also i hope BfA epic BoE will be available to farm at 20 lvl, in time.
Also, level 20 NPCs are varied and change cyclically depending on the local quest in the zone.
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Hello, i found an interesting spot to farm in Tiragarde Sound.
There are 20 lvl NPCs, 25 lvl NPCs and 2-3 35 lvl NPCs. In 9.1.5 Nazmir and Drustvar should be 20+ lvl zone, it can be a hope for a F2P to farm 28 ilvl green BoE's, also i hope BfA epic BoE will be available to farm at 20 lvl, in time.
Also, level 20 NPCs are varied and change cyclically depending on the local quest in the zone.
those mobs are lvl 20 on the ptr
Dropped Bloodrazor ( ) on my lvl 20 paladin today in BRD. Item showed as 4.2 dps lvl 20 req when I looted it. Once in the bag in showed ilvl 29 4.0 dps, lvl 21 requisite to equip so useless on a 20. Same story as the person who dropped skullflame shield a few posts above.

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