sorta tl;dr post sorry in advance :|
I've been grinding a bit too much lately due to having the extra time cause of covid downtime, though I hit a brickwall and need a break and figured i'd try share some info & help to those who want to try out their luck grinding kobolds.
be aware though that this post involves farming & killing with a 60 monk using statue so it might not be ideal to those who only have 24s available to grind with.
some statictics:
duo farming:
solo farming:
I haven't really been bothered to try keep track of the loot drops because of inventory issues which usually happens after 40 minutes of grinding. It's a bit of a hazzle manouvering 3 chars around and to sort through loot so I usually just reset the timer afterwards when solo, but it should give you an idea of the kills per hour at least.
our setup for duo farming:
60 monk
2x 24 mages
2x 20 dk + hunter
we figured we'd just bring our 20s to try our luck for 20 epics rather than leaving the spots empty or bringing in fillers from different realms to steal our drops ._.
this might look a tad silly as my paint skill's are pretty bad lol.. but hopefully it gets the job done:
Skull = Statue. The monk stands here and pull the mobs at yellow/water ele.
Purple = Mage puller in range of statue agro.
Green = Hunter Pet in range of red arrowhead spawn to agro it into pull range of the mage.
Blue = Mage pet used to pull with ranged nova to agro into range of the mage.
Red = AFK Looter used to agro the mobs into statue range, if you have a 3rd person placing a puller here would be ideal.
Yellow = Mage pet to agro mobs around the ramp into jade lightning range.
Moon = the monk will pull the mobs around this area
Orange = Mage uses blizzard to agro mobs into statue range & monk helps at times too.
you want to make sure you place the statue in agro range of the yellow arrowhead spawn, because much like the red spawn it is very easily overlooked as the mobs hug into the lamp post-thing making them annoying to pull manually.
we never touched or pulled the two mobs at the orangestars around the rock or tent fyi.
surprisingly you're more or less able to pull the same numbers solo farming as when you duo from my experience, it's just a lot of work and you'll be moving around in a 20 yard? radius of your statue to pull everything. compared to solo grinding felskorn this spot is much more active-grinding vs. slack-grinding so it's a matter of preference, but the 400-600? mobs per hour difference is noticeable.
If you don't have the luxury of having afk looter alts with pets at your disposal when solo grinding, don't worry too much. it's only really a quality of life thing and most of the time if you're fast enough you'll be pulling the mobs before they agro to the pets anyway.
that's it I think? one last tip would be to do yourself the favour and turn off WoW dialog sounds before comming to this spot..
Ickinicka! <.<
Happy farming & gl with the drops!