World Drop Farming Compendium (ilvl 28 BoEs)

What to Farm: Battle for Azeroth BoEs and Zone Mounts.
Where: All BfA zones except for Zuldazar and Tiragarde Sound.
New Information(?): Mobs that are related to Azerite World Quests downscale their level lower than the actual zone level.
Idea: The Azerite WQs places usually are more densely packed with mobs to ensure faster objective completing, which might make easier for groups to trigger hyperspawn. This also gives level 25s and 20s a place grind the respective zone mounts (even if level 20s woun't get ilvl28 boes).

• Some places to farm:

Drustvar near Barrowknoll Cemetery (A small underground cave with witches and hexxed soldiers. It is a common place for bots).

Vol'dun, at the zone's entrance from Nazmir; and near to a mountain's base in the zone's left side (both are sethrak camps) (Image pending).
Stormsong Valley, at the mountains in the far bottom right side.

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Does anyone know a spot to farm I've been killing inside a cavern at Felwood recently as Wowhead says they have a 0.01% drop rate, but I have zero clue whether they really drop it or not. I've got like half of a fully deep sea bagged bank worth of green BoE's though, including, which shows as a 0% drop rate on Wowhead... There are alternative monsters, such as whose 0.06% drop rate is the highest, but they are, among many others in the loot table, scarce as all fuck, which in turn made me preffer farming as the cavern has plenty of them and they respawn relatively fast for vanilla mobs, making them more consistent to farm in comparison to some of the other monsters listed on Wowhead.

Anyways, that is it. Do we know any particular spot to farm that sword? A dungeon, maybe?
Does anyone know a spot to farm I've been killing inside a cavern at Felwood recently as Wowhead says they have a 0.01% drop rate, but I have zero clue whether they really drop it or not. I've got like half of a fully deep sea bagged bank worth of green BoE's though, including, which shows as a 0% drop rate on Wowhead... There are alternative monsters, such as whose 0.06% drop rate is the highest, but they are, among many others in the loot table, scarce as all fuck, which in turn made me preffer farming as the cavern has plenty of them and they respawn relatively fast for vanilla mobs, making them more consistent to farm in comparison to some of the other monsters listed on Wowhead.

Anyways, that is it. Do we know any particular spot to farm that sword? A dungeon, maybe?
Hmm, I'd say you've just gotten unlucky, and if the moss flayer's give you high kills/hour you should stay. I've been farming legion epics and the three I've gotten weren't even on the Wowhead loot tables. I have 9246 kills which works out to 3082 kills per item. If I had kept all the greens I got it certainly would have filled my four deep seas. Keep at it, but given how close all those drop chances are, just go for kills/hour.
Hmm, I'd say you've just gotten unlucky, and if the moss flayer's give you high kills/hour you should stay. I've been farming legion epics and the three I've gotten weren't even on the Wowhead loot tables. I have 9246 kills which works out to 3082 kills per item. If I had kept all the greens I got it certainly would have filled my four deep seas. Keep at it, but given how close all those drop chances are, just go for kills/hour.
Yeah, that is what I'm doing atm, but you know, I can't help the inevitable anxiety that I could be farming a spot that would never drop the sword, you know? Hahaha.

Anyways, I'll keep going at it and then I'll make a post with the proper format once I eventually drop the sword.
Yeah, that is what I'm doing atm, but you know, I can't help the inevitable anxiety that I could be farming a spot that would never drop the sword, you know? Hahaha.

Anyways, I'll keep going at it and then I'll make a post with the proper format once I eventually drop the sword.
Oh Also I hope you've read some of the other posts on this thread about what level you should farm on for classic epics, looks like clvl 17-18 is necessary to get clvl 20 epics :confused:
I'm trying to farm the pigs with a level 23, but still dropping iLvl 29 (22 useable). Trying to farm socket weapons useable at 20 (obviously). There a better way/spot to do weapons specifically?

Edit: Just saw that thats all they'll drop, should I try BFA for socketed weapon drops?
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Oh Also I hope you've read some of the other posts on this thread about what level you should farm on for classic epics, looks like clvl 17-18 is necessary to get clvl 20 epics :confused:
But uh, do you know if that counts for mobs too? The person who mentioned that interaction earlier said they got an epic off contenders, but wasn't sure about epics dropped off of mobs.
But uh, do you know if that counts for mobs too? The person who mentioned that interaction earlier said they got an epic off contenders, but wasn't sure about epics dropped off of mobs.
Well, when I was running stratholme I got a blackskull shield that required lvl 23, and it was just off of mobs.


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Drustvar is a nightmare
Either you get Boomkin/monk bots
Get Wepons that you cant use esp of they have sockets
Also no cloth or rings

Nazmir is the place to go if you are farming BFA
But uh, do you know if that counts for mobs too? The person who mentioned that interaction earlier said they got an epic off contenders, but wasn't sure about epics dropped off of mobs.

I got epics from containers, yes. But ive had several people that have gotten level 23 weapons from mobs. From classic zones. Theres different rules for each expansion. Some might cross the rules but seems that 17-18 is definately the way to go for vanilla.

So would love to make a grp of level 17 or 18 chars,
and just farm brd over and over until my fingers bleed and we get drops. Or strat or zf or any dungeon thats tons of mobs in.
So I'm farming the imps valsharah for the shadow relic and I'm having some struggles. I'm finding actually aggro the imps off of the grizzlies is an issue as well as it seems like a decent amount of the imps simply aren't even dropping loot when they die. Am I doing something wrong here? Also, has anyone found any better and/or less annoying spots to farm in valsharah? I'm using a level 24 mage as my farmer if that matters for anything.
So I'm farming the imps valsharah for the shadow relic and I'm having some struggles. I'm finding actually aggro the imps off of the grizzlies is an issue as well as it seems like a decent amount of the imps simply aren't even dropping loot when they die. Am I doing something wrong here? Also, has anyone found any better and/or less annoying spots to farm in valsharah? I'm using a level 24 mage as my farmer if that matters for anything.
if you're expecting it to take just a couple hours, then thats what youre doing wrong. Its gonna be a grind.
if you're expecting it to take just a couple hours, then thats what youre doing wrong. Its gonna be a grind.
Thats not necessarily the issue I'm having, I've grinded out an iron relic and a blood relic for my outlaw weapons as well as another iron relic for the assassination weapons and so far a handful of socketed leather pieces (unfortunately not in the right slots/right stats). This area in particular just seems to be more annoying to get mobs grouped and killed and etc... and was just wondering if there was a specific way to make it easier or if anyone has had any success in areas that aren't listed.
specific way to make it easier

Someone stated in a thread a while back that the mobs up top of rook hold were very fast spawn, I never got to go check it out. The imps do drop greens, just not a whole lot else... but it is a decent, albeit annoying, spot to farm the relic.

As for the leather, i get a lot from the vrykul spot in stormheim. Once you get your relics I'd move over there.

I farm with a second account tho, using a high level monk with the statue. I'm pretty lazy and prefer they come to me so yeah, the imps was pretty annoying. It does work tho, you just gotta run around an loot instead of one pile of corpses.
So I obtained my artifact weapon but am having trouble getting the relics for this wep. I know I can do dungeons for +5 but after tons of research I was told +7 can world drop off mobs. I have been farming mobs in val sharah and have yet to see them drop. Is this badluck or is there a better way to farm such relics? If so where did you farm or should I farm for life and frost relics?
I'm doing the same thing right now. Did you upgrade your base to give you a chance to get higher level relics from quests? If not, it only took me about ten minutes tops to do.
I'm doing the same thing right now. Did you upgrade your base to give you a chance to get higher level relics from quests? If not, it only took me about ten minutes tops to do.
I have not though I just got my first world drop relic but I guees I was misinformed because it was only a +4 relic not the +7 everyone was saying?

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