Why'd you name your twink that?

Juliye - I forgot My computer at My friends house and then My friends little brother made a char and Named it Juliye. At first I was pissed, and now I can't live without it. One Other funny story was about my druid. First I Named it jizzinurpant, a few months later it got flagged and I renamed it to jizzinmypant, and that just made them even more mad.... And they changed it... To aberlon... Then it was my time to rage and I wrote a ticket and then now it's called juliyet, almost as nice as My priiessttt
My main is Tehbadgar, part of a cheat code for the original Dungeon Siege ("faertehbadgar"). My first RPG, loved that game.

Have a ton of other toons, won't name them all because the names are not related in any way. My lvl 19 (soon to be 20) twink F2P is named Munkustrap from the musical cats. And his pet is named RumTumTugger.
I had a twink named Tuckfard that was forced to change his name. That was probably my favorite. I added the dotts above the "u." I think most people can figure out what the name means..

One of my favorite twinks was called Yomomma--because every time anyone would look in their combat log after I killed them it would say "Yomumma hit you for 1000 damage" or whatever.
I'm really into RP-naming without actually RP-ing ingame. Using the primers on wowwiki.com I mostly try to make names that tell a story or fit a race/class-combinations.

Some examples:

Anardorei (BE pally) - 'Child of the sun'

Gungosh (orc shammy) - 'Spirit Wolf'

Falahdorei (NE druid) - 'Child of balance'

Quelassil (NE mage) - 'Crown of the Highborne'

Anunafe (Tauren pally) - 'Refuge of the Sun' (protection specced Sunwalker)

Washteawak (Tauren shammy) - 'Spirit Doom'

Shallator (NE warrior) - 'Shadow Render' (using Charge-Hamstring-Rend out of Shadowmeld)

Shakure (draenei shaman) - 'Redeemed by the Light' (draenei shamans normally being The Broken although player characters are 'normal' draenei).

Rösenröt (dwarf shammy) - inspired by the song Rosenrot by Rammstein.

And yes, I make a lot of alts
Filling my post limit to go to F2P forum so here we go.

My first was/is Fmtrnhtrfrtn, female tauren hunter fourteen Very creative

The idea was to level her up to 14, turn XP off and make her a top dog at 10-14 bracket BGs.

Worked my butt off to kill and skin low level beasts for leather, to get the 10 G.

Finally got my 10 G, went to Orgrimmar, found that shadowy guy amd turned XP off.

Unfortunately I didn't know you still got XP in battlegrounds.

End of her story.

P.S. After 4.3 that shadowy guy does not show up any more for F2P.
My third one is Killerbebe.

He is a big, black tauren riding around on a white kodo and farming chests to gear up.
Mu fourth one, hmmm.

Plan is to create next one during a Darkmoon Faire.

Fishing Darkmoon Faire pools will solve your money problems for good.
jesus christers, nice quad post
Decided to make two new ones: Killermama and Killerpapa.

I might develop these in parallel two make some comparisons, to be seen..
Priest - Sanctimonius - means something like "holier-than-thou" or a hypocritical display of righteousness...if you ask me this describes 75% of the twink community quite well. Also fits a priest. Spelled wrong because you can't fit the correct spelling.

Rogue - Skanktmonius - like the priest, except skank also. Generally I chose this name because I've always found the word entertaining and it was a bit of an inside joke amongst friends/family. Again, appropriate for twinks.

The next two become obvious once you know I have a particular affinity for physics.

Hunter - Isaacshootin - As in Isaac Newton, for all intents and purposes, considered to be the father of physics. Except I'm a hunter, so I'm shootin'...things...yeah.

Paladin - CauMootrino - Sounds like "tau neutrino" i.e. the last of the fundamental particles to be discovered from the standard model of particle physics, with a cow spin on it. Hopefully we'll see news of that pesky Higgs soon. BTW this was my second choice. My first choice combined cows, paladins, and physics: Bovinediveinstein. Bovine - cow, divine - paladin, Enstein - physics. Alas, this perfect name was several characters too long, so Caumootrino it is.

Oh and finally my main twink, Skanktmonius' guild name - Lonely Atop Olympus. This is mostly a tribute to Mel Brooks and his movie, The History of the World: Part 1 in which Caesar at one point proclaims "It's so lonely at the top of Olympus!" I've always found this line absolutely hilarious, as not only does he place himself as the supreme being, Zeus, but then he has the audacity to pity himself as he has no one to call his equal. Tremendously ironic for the pig of a man depicted in the movie. So the natural implication for my guild name "Lonely Atop Olympus" is of course that I am the end all and pity myself for my solitude in supremacy. But of course in reality I'm a rather humble person and simply find that line in Brooks' film to be hilarious.
domisunique, because im a popper irl called domunique, my irl name is dominic though

I didnt choose domunique because i was going to use that for my main and my f2p twink was domisunique but i never ended up making a main and my trial account ended up being my main lol.
Brazzerz was taken so i tried Razzerz because i had a Razer mouse at the time and it worked =D

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