Why'd you name your twink that?

Bankbeauty... Oh gosh..

I made Bank in 07'

Back then, it's name was: Bankpute.

Pute is a Hooker/Slut/Whore, however you call them, in french.

Back in the days, I was on Zul'Jin, the US server with the biggest french (French Canadian obviously (US)) community. And some guy reported me and to avoid bad situation Blizz marked my name.

I was so mad that Blizz marked a french name, that I named it Banksex.

Which.. Obviously, with the bad reputation (From AH merchanting) I had on the server, got reported few months later.

Without noticing, I logged back on, to realize Bank name was marked. I had no name in head, and wanted to play. I wanted to keep Bank in it, simply because, back in BC, this was only a banking toon. Since I was stacking RP set on this toon, I simply named it Bankbeauty.

Since beginning of 08, Bankbeauty was it's name
Well i name my self hush well because people need to learn to hush really lol i just hate when peopl cry about other people doing somthing they fail at doing or such things

falkor for my warrior cuz atreyu and artax were already taken but it was still legit

other ones are pretty much random. have one named patchwerk cuz i liked it when they first released info on the original naxx. nother named felstrike cuz i was obsessed with felstriker back in vanilla for a short bit and made it in homage to the wep n the class
my name is from the book, angels and demons, when I was super lost playing a keyboard turning icey ne rogue.
I walked past a pub/family restaurant on a Sunday that had the this advertisement offer named "Fayr and Square" on this huge banner across the side of it; still have no idea why Fair was spelt like that.

Went home like "dayum thats legit" tried to make a Character named Fayr on my mains realm, thought it didn't look very good.

So I added a silent H, and voilà, Fhayr (fair /fe(ə)r/).
roudy was my warlock and it was just a ripoff since rowdy was already taken.....

guttedclass becuase i made a twink warrior after cata release and its fitting.

berthapewpew was my 39 hunter and it was just a funny name for a dwarf

proctastic is purely becuase it relies so much on windfury and mongoose procs

whiteyford is my new 19 and it makes me sing the blues thinking about all the hunters and rogues.
I wanted a simple, but original name.. so I went with Smiffy

All my other twinks have the same prefix / suffix



Hello , thought about introducing myself on new post , but this post seems a good place to shoot down two birds with one stone.

I discovered the community about two weeks ago , during start of break , thought to myself F2P twinking was perfect way to play WoW without having to invest too much time after initial grind , being an ex Vanilla player and knowing how time consuming endgame can be.

I tried rolling on Aerie peek first but experiencing 200-500 ms was not an option , I ended up rolling Outland EU and Vashj , the experience so far has been a lot of fun , I want to thank all comunity members and guide writers , has been a lot of help making my twinks and saving time , still working on gearing up but I have to say I have been lucky with drops like doomspike on 8th BFD run with my rogue :

http://eu.battle.net...erffever/simple -- Bieberffever - Holy Tauren Pala

http://eu.battle.net...errfever/simple -- Bieberrfever - Sub Gnome rogue

http://eu.battle.net...zzlywood/simple -- Grizzlywood - Human Hunter

As for the names well , the ' Bieberfever ' was chosen for trolling purposes , I couple it with macro :

/s Baby baby baby oooh !

/me has infected you !

The reactions at start of battlegrounds are hilarious ranging from raging haters to secret fans praising in whisper. Not that I have anything against both but the name/macro certainly ruffles a few feathers , It did backfire while gearing up though , having groups vote boot me , and people need harrassing me the BiS items, for example one was being ninjad Bands of Serra'kis on fith run of BFD by a mage while he sang lyrics of Rebecca blacks Friday (it was Friday) ' Friday friday , gotta ninja on friday , fun fun fun biebers not getting down on friday '
.my last alt Grizzlywood , just thought of name that could stand out on top of BG kill counters , and naming my bet a not very original but still cool name

' Bowner - Grizzlywood Pet '

Thanks again for making really fun unique community !
I used the lowest number i tried

all lvl 20 f2p

Troll Hunter - Eleventh (my most played)

Tauren Pally - Twelfth

(Didn't get 13th)

Blood Elf - Fourteenth

Orc Shammy - Fifthteenth

have 16-20th reserved


Troll Rogue - Htard, i like using backward words
I was looking for a name that could be linked to my class. Seeing druids are able to shapeshift, I named my twink "Metamorfos" (metamorphosis). The word probably resembles Greek (-os) as I have had people asking me if I was Greek.
Rivfader - out of a finntroll song, I was originally a Troll rogue

Hunginn & Muninn - Twin druids I had, Thought and Memory, Odin's ravens.

Turisas - Some Finninsh war god, also a band

Veil - Anagram of evil, vile, and live (also had toons with those names)

Fimbul - Frost mage, referencing the fimbulveter out of norse mythology

About all I can think of without looking at my character screen >.>
I have a weird RL name and most folks give me unimaginative nicknames based on it.

Once though, a girl I was quite fond of started calling me Grungemuffin, it was the first pet name I ever got that I liked and coincidentally, one of the few names that's almost never taken.

Reminds me of a simplier time.
The spanish word for watermellon was taken so I chose strawberry instead. And that's how I named Fresa.

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