Why'd you name your twink that?

I wanted something very short, and yet significant to a paladin. There were obviously no female paladins in the Carolingian cycle, but there is the medieval chanson de geste "Yde et Olive" wherein Yde, granddaughter of paladin Huon, very successfully embarks on chivalrous adventures disguising herself as a man.
I wanted something very short, and yet significant to a paladin. There were obviously no female paladins in the Carolingian cycle, but there is the medieval chanson de geste "Yde et Olive" wherein Yde, granddaughter of paladin Huon, very successfully embarks on chivalrous adventures disguising herself as a man.

alt druid's name was Nigofdruid, it got me a 3 day ban and I had to make a name so I thought this one was decent
I wanted something very short, and yet significant to a paladin. There were obviously no female paladins in the Carolingian cycle, but there is the medieval chanson de geste "Yde et Olive" wherein Yde, granddaughter of paladin Huon, very successfully embarks on chivalrous adventures disguising herself as a man.

So wait, are you a male or a female?

If you're a female, does this mean that you wish you were a man?
I rolled my 29 rogue on KaelThas right after TBC came out and named it Gnomercy with a fancy C. It turned out there was a huge 29 guild on Kaelthas and one of the best geared members, naxx shoulders and shit, was named Gnomercy. so I name changed to Eviscerape and finished gearing up. by the time I got flagged for a name change I was BiS, so I named my char Subpar because it made me giggle as I rolled through nontwinks.

Ive used the name Subpar in tons of videogames because Im almost always pretty good, and it makes me lol. but since I came back to wow Im pretty bad so now its just a lil ironic :<

Alright, short version: for the lulz. :)

So wait, are you a male or a female?

If you're a female, does this mean that you wish you were a man?

I'm a female and I have teh big PENIS ENVY.

Less funny version: I just wanted a short female name without umlauts or accents. And with a connection to paladins. Aude was taken, and Bramimonde is too long.

I do like that there's a successful warrior woman in a work from the 13th (!) century. Of course she'd have to be disguised as a male for that to happen.
Rantcasey- Favorite char from Rant- (chuck palahniuk) read this shit!!

Jameshowlett- Wolverine, Logans real name.

Thrawnx- cause Thrawn was taken. Thrawn is a Star Wars novel char
vengeance people know me as kablam and ruin kids know me as billow

really dont know why i named my original sham in vengeance kablam but when i first started out in ruin i made a sham with the same name. when med and a few other vengeance people xferred to zuljin to start up AWOL i joined them and by that time justenjoy (revolution) and megan (seruka) had both xferred their shams to vengeance to play for silin's guild. scott named his sham pilløw and megbad named his sham wìllow so when i xferred/factioned my sham i got the free name change and decided to name it bìllòw.

once upon a time i wanted to make a druid "twink" in full fang gear and as i had observed, all the bosses in WC was named lord/lady *something snake related* and i thought "yea ladyfang is a totally well fitting name for such a character in full fang set" and so i added some random accent and so was Ládyfáng made. After a few wc runs without getting the right pieces of fang gear, i quitted the project and went for real twink gear instead.

good times

my first twink was called twinkywinky, but im gonna leave that out

later i went with turtlez because i fucking love turtles
First: My name is Oliver.

The story starts in 2002. I was 9 years old sitting in the library watching my friends play runescape, since none of us had a computer at home.

I was going to make a new runescape character for the first time ever, and my friend who called me "Oli" (cause of my name funny 'nough).. He told me to name the character Oli, but i didnt want that, cause then the pedophiles (theres millions on runescape and you know it!) might guess my name was Oliver, and come find me! So i said "Oliks" since that was close to, and sounded cool... 3 years later, at another friend i saw World of Warcraft for the first time, and he let me make a character.. I decided on the shaman, cause it was cool i guess.. But was i wrong!.. After spending like 9 hours on getting to lvl 7 i quitted, but he told me to make a rogue since that was easy to play and it had 2 weapons wich was good, cause that ment double the damage! I made that rogue on Darksorrow- EU.

After a couple of weeks i bought the game and i made a undead male rogue named Oliks ( on Darksorrow again... I think this was in end vanilla) , which i played until endgame wotlk, where i quit. I started again at cata, but my rogue had been deleted.. So running around not knowing what to do, i saw a cool 10 rogue named Avoidable.. So i made a 10 priest named Unavoidable to play with him, time pasted,, lots of farming for various titles etc..

and thats how i got into twinking.. 1 and a half year later and here i am!

For people who didnt want to read that:

I got the name Oliks cause i dont want to get it from pedophiles.

Also.. 1 week ago Umpteenth told me that Oliks written backwards was Skilo ~~ Skilled = Me..
I forgot one, my true bank alt is a female BELF called Bankslot. Funny enough nobody on my realm has gotten the word play yet and I haven't gotten reported. I have her dressed as slutty as possible (for a game) and when I post my many auctions I have a macro for trade that says:

"You always get a lot, when you buy Bankslot". Nobody has gotten the pun in that either.
maybe because its stupid.

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