First: My name is Oliver.
The story starts in 2002. I was 9 years old sitting in the library watching my friends play runescape, since none of us had a computer at home.
I was going to make a new runescape character for the first time ever, and my friend who called me "Oli" (cause of my name funny 'nough).. He told me to name the character Oli, but i didnt want that, cause then the pedophiles (theres millions on runescape and you know it!) might guess my name was Oliver, and come find me! So i said "Oliks" since that was close to, and sounded cool... 3 years later, at another friend i saw World of Warcraft for the first time, and he let me make a character.. I decided on the shaman, cause it was cool i guess.. But was i wrong!.. After spending like 9 hours on getting to lvl 7 i quitted, but he told me to make a rogue since that was easy to play and it had 2 weapons wich was good, cause that ment double the damage! I made that rogue on Darksorrow- EU.
After a couple of weeks i bought the game and i made a undead male rogue named Oliks ( on Darksorrow again... I think this was in end vanilla) , which i played until endgame wotlk, where i quit. I started again at cata, but my rogue had been deleted.. So running around not knowing what to do, i saw a cool 10 rogue named Avoidable.. So i made a 10 priest named Unavoidable to play with him, time pasted,, lots of farming for various titles etc..
and thats how i got into twinking.. 1 and a half year later and here i am!
For people who didnt want to read that:
I got the name Oliks cause i dont want to get it from pedophiles.
Also.. 1 week ago Umpteenth told me that Oliks written backwards was Skilo ~~ Skilled = Me..