Jizzusqt and Hantanacksqt are the player that i respect the most in this bracket, and also Destroluck because he is my first best friend
If you play fury war or windwalker monk I have the utmost respect for you
:^)Ado, y u chase me in that bg BibleThump
Since you have all written some words and thoughts down I felt like doing it my self now aswell, I do want to say before I write some names that my list will be players I respect and have had some great times with. They might not be the best players, but I will always remember them for who they are and the times we have shared together.
So here goes:
This probably did not come as a suprise for many of you, but Daniel have always been there and kept all together, and I admire how he always kept everything togeter, by far the best guild master I've ever had and also the best FC in the bracket! He have always been there wether it was about ingame stuff or personal stuff, to lisent to all the shit I have had to say and been supporting at the sideline, I hope he is having a great time in Carribean and met some new kind people.
All around great player and have always been there, had some great wargames with Rob and have had some great nights talking about GSC with Rob and Daniel, I have huge respect for Rob and I am sure he will do his best for GSC, thanks for loads of fun and thanks for helping me out when I needed it.
I cant say alot about Beastclaws, he is just a one of a kind guy you have to play with. He is in general one of the most fun players anyone could ever wish to play with and have one of the most unique personalitys! I am sure anyone that knows BC just a little bit would agree with me.
The best rogue in the bracket by no doubt if you ask me, also he goes for the objective 110% of the time and his 12k flag returns speaks for them self. Besides from that a great and fun player- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-LVwUfXAxo.
I havnt played to many pugs with Yndigo, but the few pugs I have, I had fun. Great player and I will always have some great memories from drunken flag caps to loads of shits N giggles and helping me through my boring working hours. Do not forget the good drunken stream nights or the great karaokee, no one can sing taylor swift as good as this guy!
Jhough / Trollgruden:
Great and reliable healer and always a positive player! Avoids drama and always able to make me happy when I am down! Unsure what more to write just in general one of the best friends in wow I could ask for
Phonebook / Kaleidoscope:
Had quite alot of amazing nights sitting at the graveyard with this guy, always a good player and had loads of shits N giggles with phonebook! Not much to say here either, just an amazing player, people should know who he is.
Arv / Leotseddap:
I havnt played alot with Leotseddap, but the few times I have, has been some fun games, a really nice person and has some great point of views and says stuff as it is! Loads of respect to this guy!
Dhenurd is a f2p warlock and is an amazing player, we have had shared alot of great times together and also some "darker times" but always been there for eachother helping eachother through it! I know you are not in the best position in life lately, but I will always be here at your side man!
Sick is one of the best f2p mages out there and is a great opponent to face in the bgs! I cant wait to share some great times together wether it being picnic wsgs or actually tryhard matchesAlways fun to play against you
Geeraa / Kkeltor:
One of the first 24s I loved to play against when I used to play my first 24 (Rogue - Behind) a real oldschooler and it actually took me quite some times to figure out Geeraa was KkeltorBut over all a nice player when you get to learn him, always have some fuckd up shit to say or some drunken fridays
I doubt alot of you TI members knows Boopeeka, but I am mentioning this player because it's a fun and different player to play with than the rest I have mentioned and can always get me to remember why I am playing this game - to have fun. Lately I have been playing way less "try hard" than I used to and it have really changed my mood and how I see the game now days - Thanks alot for that!
I am 100% sure I have forgotten a few great players and sorry for that! And as said this is not a list of the BEST of the BEST players but player I love to play with or against! and have become great friends with through the time.
Best regards Shamatix/Destroluck/Tashingo.
PS: Hanatnocks you are still my second best friend xoxo S2 <3<3
All around great player and have always been there, had some great wargames with Rob and have had some great nights talking about GSC with Rob and Daniel, I have huge respect for Rob and I am sure he will do his best for GSC, thanks for loads of fun and thanks for helping me out when I needed it.
I cant say alot about Beastclaws, he is just a one of a kind guy you have to play with. He is in general one of the most fun players anyone could ever wish to play with and have one of the most unique personalitys! I am sure anyone that knows BC just a little bit would agree with me.
I havnt played to many pugs with Yndigo, but the few pugs I have, I had fun. Great player and I will always have some great memories from drunken flag caps to loads of shits N giggles and helping me through my boring working hours. Do not forget the good drunken stream nights or the great karaokee, no one can sing taylor swift as good as this guy!
The Twisting Nether crew because they always offer great opponents and exciting bgs. Very objective focused aswell and never see them gy farming. Good players!
Shamatix for the cc mind games we have in bgs, forever my focus comrade <3
Cripzblood for shooting me with his bow and making me work in his gold mine.
Rip Dhenurd, true king of the lumber mill![]()
QQs when f2ps chase her down on her 29 mage, but ques 2x 29 bm every other day5/5
Would really defend myself here and correct your assumptions about my mage and the reason of my playing monk but i guess its a waste of my time. Thought you were a decent guy but I was wronghave fun playing Horde!