What do you think has hurt the 19 bracket the most?

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Karmaz said:
Alliance needing to step their game up, with the ptl guild starting it should improve game quality but people really need to L2P no lies.

Also, hunters are pretty lame esp when less then 1% know something strategic about their class, but for the most part 4 terrible hunters don't really turn the tide of any games.

you need to bring your fangs to your rogue, or go alli on your other toons haha
1. Burst

2. I don't want to pin this solely on Pizza, but his guild is the top right now, and people follow their lead, whether they admit to it or not. People at 19 can't take a loss, and the top guild is probably the worst offender of all which affects the next 3 on the list.

3. Imbalance of true twinks

4. Slow Queues

5. Premades are talked about but never played. Honestly, this has been going on since Sept '06 when XBGs. The two best guilds of Reckoning after XBG came out never ever played a 10v10 because of a bunch of BS (people worried about losing and getting their egos bruised is what it really comes down to), instead of just playing for fun.

6. Hunters (although if they took away their dmg, they would be more tolerable)

7. Grandfathered gear - Needs to either be scrapped or they need to bring it back for newer twinks

8. Lack of good FCs. I'm not talking about exploit jumps, but really good FCs that can work the tunnel entrances and fences really make the game much more enjoyable (and frustrating for us dpser's).
Kalki said:
1. Burst

2. I don't want to pin this solely on Pizza, but his guild is the top right now, and people follow their lead, whether they admit to it or not. People at 19 can't take a loss, and the top guild is probably the worst offender of all which affects the next 3 on the list.

3. Imbalance of true twinks

4. Slow Queues

5. Premades are talked about but never played. Honestly, this has been going on since Sept '06 when XBGs. The two best guilds of Reckoning after XBG came out never ever played a 10v10 because of a bunch of BS (people worried about losing and getting their egos bruised is what it really comes down to), instead of just playing for fun.

6. Hunters (although if they took away their dmg, they would be more tolerable)

7. Grandfathered gear - Needs to either be scrapped or they need to bring it back for newer twinks

8. Lack of good FCs. I'm not talking about exploit jumps, but really good FCs that can work the tunnel entrances and fences really make the game much more enjoyable (and frustrating for us dpser's).

/agree on everything but #7.

GF-gear isn't that of a bid deal except for a stamstacking FC.
Oasis said:
In order

1. Burst

2. Removal of arenas

3. Long ques

4. Ruin Migration ending

5. Boas

6. Most of the better players leaving (in part due to reason numero two)

7. Super villians like Pizza

^ This.

A combination of all the above.

Oasis said:
7. Super villians like Pizza

1- Blizz being smart

2- Hunters with no gear that still one shot you

3- Whats up with the full BoA set?

4- Super villains... lol made me laugh

5- Way too expensive wow paid service

For the best aspect of the bracket:

1- Killing Xenaria

2- Killing Xenaria

3- Challenging bgs, with not so many hunters and balanced teams
ok the reason this bracket sucks is because of the number of absolute garbage players who sit in mid all day thinking there being useful
Nakedplumber said:
1- Blizz being smart

2- Hunters with no gear that still one shot you

3- Whats up with the full BoA set?

4- Super villains... lol made me laugh

5- Way too expensive wow paid service

For the best aspect of the bracket:

1- Killing Xenaria

2- Killing Xenaria

3- Challenging bgs, with not so many hunters and balanced teams

I lol'd.

Ioerror said:
Quite simply - decent pvp resilience gear allowing around 30% would create balance.

Yes, immortal paladins and priests are balanced.

Sàxxon said:
ok the reason this bracket sucks is because of the number of absolute garbage players who sit in mid all day thinking there being useful

And this.
defense is never really an issue in wsg nowadays but i STRUGGLE to get numbers on offense. seriously ill just be sitting on alliance roof for a good 10 minutes alt tabbed and can probably ejaculate in the time it would take for our team to get our shit together
Cataclysm in it's entirety.

But the sole thing is probably the burst, and how retarded Holy Paladins and Rogues were in 4.0.

In fairness it's a lot better now than what it was in 4.0, the bracket is bearable in it's current state.
Arena right now would not help anything since burst is retarded negating most of the value of skill. Wrath 19s were about as slow-paced as PvP has ever been in WoW. This made it neccessary to coordinate CC between multiple players to win in an arena or WSG. Classes have been dumbed down for the most part and endgame PvP has improved significantly. I don't know that there is any way to bring back 19s since most people good players are only sticking around for nostalgia's sake.
Rivfader said:
Wrath 19s were about as slow-paced as PvP has ever been in WoW.

cata 4.0.1 10s were kinda slow-paced too.
I have to honestly say that I do not feel hunters or burst killed the 19 bracket. With the increase of burst has come a drastic increase in heals. Hunters are strong and a very tough class but that only depends on the person controlling them. Im not saying that a bad hunter cant make a difference, but they just changed the way that you have to approach the way you cross and attack and play the game. Hunters are still a soloable class depending on situation and when you decide to engage them. It takes a smarter player now to deal with them but they are defiantly killable. With all that being said I feel the largest problem with the 19 bracket is the lack of quality alliance players. I have recently converted to the alliance side and the PuGs are very different then when I was queing up as a horde player. I have also noticed that due to this problem many of the strong alliance players have faction changed over to the Horde side of the game. I can not say that I blame them after dealing with the hardships they have. This only makes the bracket continue to deplete. I have noticed that many several quality horde have began to switch to the alliance side of the game to try to balance this out a bit. This would be a much more even bracket if the high quantity of original alliance tinks would have remained loyal. If more people are willing to leave their comfort zone and try to play on the blue side the games will become competitive again.
dont you guys see it was the hunters. how many ppl are going to twink when they get killed without ever being able to do any dammage. the hunters didnt cause us to be put in our own bracket that was because of the smack and comments twinks had to non twinks in wsg. hunters made it so no new twinks would wish to play this bracket. funny thing is bliz knew about this years ago and even buffed them up in that time.
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