1. Burst
2. I don't want to pin this solely on Pizza, but his guild is the top right now, and people follow their lead, whether they admit to it or not. People at 19 can't take a loss, and the top guild is probably the worst offender of all which affects the next 3 on the list.
3. Imbalance of true twinks
4. Slow Queues
5. Premades are talked about but never played. Honestly, this has been going on since Sept '06 when XBGs. The two best guilds of Reckoning after XBG came out never ever played a 10v10 because of a bunch of BS (people worried about losing and getting their egos bruised is what it really comes down to), instead of just playing for fun.
6. Hunters (although if they took away their dmg, they would be more tolerable)
7. Grandfathered gear - Needs to either be scrapped or they need to bring it back for newer twinks
8. Lack of good FCs. I'm not talking about exploit jumps, but really good FCs that can work the tunnel entrances and fences really make the game much more enjoyable (and frustrating for us dpser's).