What do you think has hurt the 19 bracket the most?

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I'm sick and tired of the gear nerfs. I get a set of tree bark jackets - they get nerfed. I get a set of formal dangui's - they get nerfed. Shadowfangs - nerfed. etc. etc. etc...
Hellmuth said:
I'm sick and tired of the gear nerfs. I get a set of tree bark jackets - they get nerfed. I get a set of formal dangui's - they get nerfed. Shadowfangs - nerfed. etc. etc. etc...

I feel the same way about enti's
Yet people at max level have to replace their gear many times more often, and you see them put up with it.
I really, really, really hate to say it, since it's cliche, but my most fun and enriching games have been mostly hunter free.


Of course there are bigger issues. Warlocks need buffs. Warriors need a CC. Rogues need less initial burst damage and more sustained post-ambush damage. Healing needs to be nerfed.
I'd says Pizza in general. Combo is fine, but plain cheese alone is just horrible. If you understand my analogy.
You guys need look at real reason. No one stay for 19 because one man. SaX is reason for leave everyone. He is make people scared and they cry. He bad man and should punished. He so good, people poop pants when visualize of greatness caliber.

In all seriouness though, the implementation of XP on/off.
Firetruckk said:
You guys need look at real reason. No one stay for 19 because one man. SaX is reason for leave everyone. He is make people scared and they cry. He bad man and should punished. He so good, people poop pants when visualize of greatness caliber.

In all seriouness though, the implementation of XP on/off.

i read this with the accent of the chinese man in southpark.

it made me lol.
you need to play 19's more, at various other times to get a good sampling. cause it's not about hunters. many on this forum know that and dishonestly post to hide the facts about the classes they roll such as holy priests and holy paladins.

hunters do alot of damage, but many times the majority of it is negated thru heal backs or absorbed. too many look at the damage blindly and QQ.

holy priests are the #1 OP FOTM class in 19 bracket, followed by holy paladins and then hunters.

wish i was internet savy able to do mini films of stuff i see in the BGs and say...dammm wish i could post that. like just this weekend of a holy paladin having 2 hunters and a rogue on him....healed out 8 times, AGM'd once, then bubbled and swift pot ran away. each hunter got around 4-5K damage just on that paladin that they never killed

since i have all the BOA's my next two 19's are priests horde and alliance. from what i have seen they don't even need AGM's to crutch on. one alliance priest does killer rolling the two +6 intellect BOA trinkets
I've been doing random dungeons on my mage trying to get the last few pieces of gear, in every dungeon that I've been in people commented on my gear and we started talking about twinking and how to turn XP-off. Many of them had no idea you could turn XP-off. Showing off in random dungeons once in a while could really spur an influx of twinks into the xp-off bracket. With a lot of new people some of them may decide to get more serious about it.
Drayner said:
I agree that it's nice to spread awareness of twinking to people you find leveling, but arming them with the 10g knowledge button might bring worse rewards for the bracket don't you think? The beauty of post XP ON/OFF was that almost every person queuing was at least 3/4 twinked (gear wise). You might get 500hp warriors with nothing but BoA gear and no enchants joining your pugs making it even more frustrating right? Just a thought.

we all started as noobs even if it was 3-4+ years ago. You gotta get people started as twinks if you want to grow more competition in the future. But i can see where this might be frustrating at first. If one wanted a really competative game, join a guild that premades.
Chronic AFKing out of winnable games has a pretty negative effect on the bracket.
Drayner said:
Does that even exist now in the 19 bracket. Not a smartass question. I really don't know the answer.

I haven't premaded in the current system but to my understanding, you have to Q as two 5 man groups and wait to get paired together.

Not many people know what a true premade is anymore, they see 4 people from WT and assume it's a premade.
In my Opinion what has hurt this bracket those most is its self. Sure, trash tralking and rivalries fuel activity and competition but, preventing others from playing thru harassment and sabotage.
Static has been running into premades and scheduling them frequently. Whether its 5v10 or 8v8 etc. Premade has lost its true 10v10 meaning.
yeap damm hunters ruining the bracket, 3 BGs in a row this way...then i thought i better screen shot this one....since the anti-hunters whiners....whine the loudest.

this shot was taken after 1 flag cap....btw, checkout warrior damage

View attachment 904
Abt warrior damage posted above, saw a warrior named Rance do 75k in one BG. Opinion can vow for me.
shanker said:
yeap damm hunters ruining the bracket, 3 BGs in a row this way...then i thought i better screen shot this one....since the anti-hunters whiners....whine the loudest.

this shot was taken after 1 flag cap....btw, checkout warrior damage

View attachment 904

Wow man, you're right, a screenshot of one WSG really proves those anti-hunter whiners wrong. Whatever were they thinking?
i have 3 other screen shots on a previous page.....read back.

so that would make 4?

my point is that game to game:

- are not determined by hunters

- hunters are not the bracket killers

- hunters are far from being OP as many claim

- timing of when you play matters

- things change from BG to BG
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