Weather Beaten Fishing hat?

You have to remember that enti sword and boots and crap happened before xp off BGs. Blues and friends of Blues were getting roflstomped in the 19 bracket BGs. They had a personal stake then. Now? Not so much, unless there are some people in the twink community who have some pull with the higher ups, it is now possible that Blizz will just say "eff it."

I hope that doesn't happen. I hope they nerf this stuff, and future stuff that is bound to slip through the cracks from time to time. I think we need to be noisy, and get non-twinks QQing about it too. I'm trying to get that pole on a level 10 druid. If I get it, then ima go level up to 19 in the xp BGs with it. That should get some tickets generated.
Grindfests are fun.
squidmagnet said:
You have to remember that enti sword and boots and crap happened before xp off BGs. Blues and friends of Blues were getting roflstomped in the 19 bracket BGs. They had a personal stake then. Now? Not so much, unless there are some people in the twink community who have some pull with the higher ups, it is now possible that Blizz will just say "eff it."

I hope that doesn't happen. I hope they nerf this stuff, and future stuff that is bound to slip through the cracks from time to time. I think we need to be noisy, and get non-twinks QQing about it too. I'm trying to get that pole on a level 10 druid. If I get it, then ima go level up to 19 in the xp BGs with it. That should get some tickets generated.

This is a good point, anyone in the XP-on bg's with this item would eventually level out of the bracket so it wouldn't really make a difference. Blizz probably doesn't care enough about what happens in the XP-off BG's to change this anytime soon
lindenkron said:
I honestly wonder how many of the people posting here, was twinking 4-5 years ago in vanilla.

Seems like the hole essence of twinking has been wiped.

Like mentioned earlier, who decides what balance is? We need a High council that controls balance?

Regardless of what you say, twinking was, and is in my eyes still: Obtain the BiS(Best gear) possible in-game at level 19, and go play your toon.

Much like it is at level 80...

Apparently people fail to see this, spittin their propaganda about balance and inbalance.

I started twinking the patch after the brackets changed from 21-30, before cross-realms. When I started twinking you were super pro if you had this leet item called 'arena grand master', and people would never consider spending 15-20g on a green item like pathfinder hat of the monkey (back when 15-20g was a pretty decent amount)
Can i pose a very simple question?

How many people here think that twinking is better off with this item? Im not asking whether you would like to have this item, but whether you think the bracket as a whole will benefit from it.
Falaris said:
I started twinking the patch after the brackets changed from 21-30, before cross-realms. When I started twinking you were super pro if you had this leet item called 'arena grand master', and people would never consider spending 15-20g on a green item like pathfinder hat of the monkey (back when 15-20g was a pretty decent amount)

We're from way back then as well. Before knowledge of any of the twink items we know today.

2nd in EU with AGM (after blackout) back when shadowfangs were 10g, and assasins blades were 5g.

Pretty sure I've twinked longer. Twinked before I even had a lvl 60 lols.

I was just a lvl 12 with a fiery weapon at first, raping people in goldshire, until blackout explained me the concept of making a 'twink' (didn't know it was called a twink back then though lols).

Kore nametooshort said:
Can i pose a very simple question?

How many people here think that twinking is better off with this item? Im not asking whether you would like to have this item, but whether you think the bracket as a whole will benefit from it.

That's like asking wether the bracket benefits from any other item as well.

Would things be more balanced if inferno robe was obtainable by all? not just horde? Should all items be obtainable across factions? Should all racials be removed so it's 100% fair? No. That's not how the game is kore.

It exists. It's BiS. If you can, get it. If you can't, don't. Stop whining about it.

10 cent, 2 cent is free ;o
Ok, you twinked before everyone else in a completely different environment which therefore makes your opinion more valid than everyone elses?
Hamcake said:
Ok, you twinked before everyone else in a completely different environment which therefore makes your opinion more valid than everyone elses?

Read previous posts troll.

Was regarding how twinking used to be. And he choose to make a comment about when he twinked. Hence I replied when I started twinking.

Bad troll is bad (I believe I've mentioned this before?.. Funny it's always Hamcake)
How many people here think that twinking is better off with this item? Im not asking whether you would like to have this item, but whether you think the bracket as a whole will benefit from it.

I don't think twinking is particularly worse off for it to be honest. Not many people will have this item sure, but then again there weren't many twinks running around with grandfathered Naxx enchants on their shoulders either and personally, I don't remember complaining on such a large scale as this, if at all. I admit, the bonus wasn't that much as great as this, although one of the enchants gave +16 Stamina opposed to the gain of 25 Stamina on this headpiece. It isn't THAT game-breaking.

On the other hand the idea of that fishing pole at 19 is different to the hat. Borrowing a chardev of a 19 paladin I found on this forum and adding in the fishing pole( character planner . 19 ret . chardev seven ) you'd be swinging for 470+++ according to chardev. This is comparable to Enti's whatever ages back and in my opinion should be unobtainable until at least level 60/65.

TL;DR version: Hat is okay, Pole is not.
Kore nametooshort said:
Can i pose a very simple question?

How many people here think that twinking is better off with this item? Im not asking whether you would like to have this item, but whether you think the bracket as a whole will benefit from it.

If everyone had the item ie 250 more hp everyone would be better off especially casters trying to cross mid. I like the idea of improving twinks and adapting to change and also widening the gap of twinks vs BG bads and BOA levelers. There are things you can adapt to and things that are just OP. Enti's sword was OP and if that stayed around there would be no way to adapt to it. 250 more HP is not bad though. The fishing pole would be a bigger problem because not every class would get the advantage. My vote (if it mattered) is too keep it. Not up to us to decide though.
Seriously guys, the stamina isn't the gamebreaking shit. Have you thought of what 40 spirit will provide, much more regen and health regen out of combat. It'll be insane for any caster. The extra HP, could, save you in an arena at some point. But the 40 spirit will be the gamebreaking stats. It's freaking 40 spirit. Hell I could even change allot of my "spirit" based gear, to Eagle or Intellect for more stam/int. It's just insane. And in an Offensive premade group, as a caster. How can you say this ain't gamebreaking? Just curious.

The 250 HP is good HP, but it's not as gamebreaking as the 40 spirit.

If it was only the 40 stam, i'd say go for it. it's a nice item to get. But the OP'ness of 80 total stats is immense. (65 more than fishing hat)
Bragh said:
Seriously guys, the stamina isn't the gamebreaking shit. Have you thought of what 40 spirit will provide, much more regen and health regen out of combat. It'll be insane for any caster. The extra HP, could, save you in an arena at some point. But the 40 spirit will be the gamebreaking stats. It's freaking 40 spirit. Hell I could even change allot of my "spirit" based gear, to Eagle or Intellect for more stam/int. It's just insane. And in an Offensive premade group, as a caster. How can you say this ain't gamebreaking? Just curious.

The 250 HP is good HP, but it's not as gamebreaking as the 40 spirit.

If it was only the 40 stam, i'd say go for it. it's a nice item to get. But the OP'ness of 80 total stats is immense. (65 more than fishing hat)

I agree with this comment. I might also remind everyone that there is still the possiblity 40 spirit could be reforged to 20agi/str/int in cata (see cataclysm speculation thread)
Grabco said:
I agree with this comment. I might also remind everyone that there is still the possiblity 40 spirit could be reforged to 20agi/str/int in cata (see cataclysm speculation thread)

I don't think you can reforge it into agi/str/int. I think you can only reforge stats into stats which are already on the item. Therefore more stam/spir
Boglund said:
I don't think you can reforge it into agi/str/int. I think you can only reforge stats into stats which are already on the item. Therefore more stam/spir

other way around see below

b. Reforging

- allows Tailor to modify cloth gear, Leatherworkers to modify leather, etc.; Specifically, they can reduce a single statistic on applicable items and convert the lost points into another stat not already on the item; this service can also be provided to other players if you see fit
I have to admit the spirit is doing more than I expected. Did a tough WSG last night that ended 1 to 1 with some long times spamming wingclip and pouring on the DPS. Never went below half mana. Meanwhile, I died 3 times. I can see how all that spirit would allow me to dequip a lot of int gear in favor of ye aulde agi/sta gear and just go crazy. But I'm only making the occasional appearance in WSG with it, just to keep the QQs going. I'm busy leveling fishing on my druid.
lindenkron said:
Would things be more balanced if inferno robe was obtainable by all? not just horde? Should all items be obtainable across factions? Should all racials be removed so it's 100% fair? No. That's not how the game is kore.

Faction Change
With regards to the fishing pole, there's also the fishing skill affecting crit chance issue, with 600 fishing skill you'd have roughly ~35% crit chance to go with your 450 dps or whatever.

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