Weather Beaten Fishing hat?

Secclusion said:
I find it amusing that not many people made a big fuss about this b4 when we knew it was obtainable, but now that some1 actually has it ppl are QQing.

Rayu I think ur funny, everytime some kind of item comes along that is difficult to get you try to be all self righteous and lie to people saying that " Oh I got this but then I told a GM and he took it away, so don't bother trying for it" you did the same thing with Shattered sun rep and the weather beaten fishing hat, but we know it never happened. who are you trying to fool?

The weather beaten hat is harder to get than the SF imo.

I'm betting that the majority of the people that have posted in this thread haven't tried or weren't trying to get the hat since the Kaluak tourney started.

Bone fishing pole isn't the BIS druid weapon obtainable. PM me if ya wanna know what is.

Don't antagonize Rayu for his whole sword bulshit and witholding information and then be unwilling to just state the druid BiS. I'll be nice and do it for you, MASTERCRAFT FISHING POLE MASTERCRAFT FISHING POLE MASTERCRAFT FISHING POLE!!!!!

Happy farming
Rivfader said:
just pointing out the reason blizz thought they needed to be removed from 19, next time read the post before making an ass out of yourself.

I'm making an ass out of myself? Stop making ridicoules posts then my dear friend, you're the one looking like an idiot.

Rivfader said:
The boots were definately taken out cause they were easy to enchant with TBC enchants that actually make a difference (sorry but chest enchants for inferno robe really aren't OP) otherwise they would have taken out LFH and we'd all be wearing goggles

Tell me exactly what the difference is from getting an extra 15 stamina from boots or the LFH / Extra SP from inferno robe? Who decides what balance is?

Read my bloody previous posts. Or even better, I'll qoute myself, just for you little lad ;)

Wikipedia said:
In computer role-playing games and MMORPGs, twinking refers to outfitting a new character or player with items or other resources that are not normally available to new or low-level characters. A twink in this usage is a type of powergamer and munchkin. The term can also refer to the twinked character itself (e.g., "My twink has all the best gear.") In its most basic definition, a twink is a character with better gear than they could have easily gotten on their own.

Who decides balance? Tell me? When we were all running around with naxx enchants, fishing boots and leg enchants... Were things unbalanced? It's twinking.

I've said this before; We're twinks, we get BiS, we adapt to the situation around us.

Don't ever expect any form of balance or justice. If you want that, I suggest you roll 80, even though it's questionable how fair even end-game is now a days :p

Side note: Do pygmy suckerfish increase drop chance of the shark? Thought I read that somewhere but I'm not sure if they can be applied to the fishing pole like a lure? Maybe if you drink the pygmy oil while fishing?
Lol. I did a BG tonight and and about 15 minutes in the horde team decided to ignore our FC and just chase me around the field. It was hilarious. I took them into a distant corner and just stood there and let them kill me. I drew them so far out of position before they downed me, I think it cost them the game.
lindenkron said:
I'm making an ass out of myself? Stop making ridicoules posts then my dear friend, you're the one looking like an idiot.

Tell me exactly what the difference is from getting an extra 15 stamina from boots or the LFH / Extra SP from inferno robe? Who decides what balance is?

Read my bloody previous posts. Or even better, I'll qoute myself, just for you little lad ;)

Who decides balance? Tell me? When we were all running around with naxx enchants, fishing boots and leg enchants... Were things unbalanced? It's twinking.

I've said this before; We're twinks, we get BiS, we adapt to the situation around us.

Don't ever expect any form of balance or justice. If you want that, I suggest you roll 80, even though it's questionable how fair even end-game is now a days :p


If I was talking I would say this slowly for you. I never gave my own input about what I feel is balanced, I merely pointed out that boots were taken out and hat wasn't because blizz thought TBC enchants on a low level item was OP. All those things you listed DID get taken out by blizzard, tell whoever is reading this post to you to stop mumbling so you actually understand what you are replying to. Obviously Blizz cares somewhat about balance at lower levels or we'd have wrath enchants on all our gear. Stop spending money on WoW and spend it on Hooked on Phonics or reading comprehension courses.
Rivfader said:
If I was talking I would say this slowly for you. I never gave my own input about what I feel is balanced, I merely pointed out that boots were taken out and hat wasn't because blizz thought TBC enchants on a low level item was OP. All those things you listed DID get taken out by blizzard, tell whoever is reading this post to you to stop mumbling so you actually understand what you are replying to. Obviously Blizz cares somewhat about balance at lower levels or we'd have wrath enchants on all our gear. Stop spending money on WoW and spend it on Hooked on Phonics or reading comprehension courses.

You bad. Real bad.
squidmagnet said:
Lol. I did a BG tonight and and about 15 minutes in the horde team decided to ignore our FC and just chase me around the field. It was hilarious. I took them into a distant corner and just stood there and let them kill me. I drew them so far out of position before they downed me, I think it cost them the game.

I would follow you till you died too. Eventually, people will only do that in every game. Horde don't like you in their games, neither will alliance at some point with all 10 horde camping you and ruining the fun for the rest of your team.
Quelfep said:
I would follow you till you died too. Eventually, people will only do that in every game. Horde don't like you in their games, neither will alliance at some point with all 10 horde camping you and ruining the fun for the rest of your team.

win twink is win

fail troll is fail
Those of you who are just saying 'things arent balanced, deal with it' are hilarious. The game, in no form, is ever going to be completely balanced AT ANY LEVEL. This applies to all brackets, not just 19. What people are concerned about when a new twink item comes up is 2 things.

First, how 'available' is this item for all twinks. Not CAN EVERYONE GET THIS ITEM, but rather 'HOW DIFFICULT IS IT TO GET THE ITEM. The people that are saying 'its in the game, its fair game' are the same people who are were in support of mailbox exploits.

Second, how imbalancing is the item compared to the 'current' BiS item? How on earth are people saying that 15 stamina is comparable to 40 stam 40 spirit? SERIOUSLY? I havent even begun to talk about the fishing pole, which is on par with _anything_ thats ever been available in twinking for power level. I guarantee you if people start seeing feral druids running around 1 shotting people there will be alot more complaining.
So what do you propose, a twinking "high council" that decides what is acceptable and what isn't? If it's obtainable and won't get you banned it's fair game in pugs, premades that's between the guilds.
Rivfader said:
Don't antagonize Rayu for his whole sword bulshit and witholding information and then be unwilling to just state the druid BiS. I'll be nice and do it for you, MASTERCRAFT FISHING POLE MASTERCRAFT FISHING POLE MASTERCRAFT FISHING POLE!!!!!

Happy farming

Wasn't unwilling to tell ppl :p its not hard to figure out.

Just takes an ~eternity to get.
Quelfep said:
I would follow you till you died too. Eventually, people will only do that in every game. Horde don't like you in their games, neither will alliance at some point with all 10 horde camping you and ruining the fun for the rest of your team.

Pwntard put in the effort to catch the hat, and upon catching it even notified Blizzard that it was available for 19s.... I really don't see what he's done wrong here
Falaris said:
Those of you who are just saying 'things arent balanced, deal with it' are hilarious. The game, in no form, is ever going to be completely balanced AT ANY LEVEL. This applies to all brackets, not just 19. What people are concerned about when a new twink item comes up is 2 things.

First, how 'available' is this item for all twinks. Not CAN EVERYONE GET THIS ITEM, but rather 'HOW DIFFICULT IS IT TO GET THE ITEM. The people that are saying 'its in the game, its fair game' are the same people who are were in support of mailbox exploits.

Second, how imbalancing is the item compared to the 'current' BiS item? How on earth are people saying that 15 stamina is comparable to 40 stam 40 spirit? SERIOUSLY? I havent even begun to talk about the fishing pole, which is on par with _anything_ thats ever been available in twinking for power level. I guarantee you if people start seeing feral druids running around 1 shotting people there will be alot more complaining.

Probaby missing the point by quoting you here but i don't give a damn.

At level 80 (which Blizzard care infinitely more about) people will begin to aquire Shadowmourne in a few weeks. Only three classes can use this axe, it gives a HUGE advantage to plate wearers in PvP. Most people on AJ etc have gotten over this by now yet your all whining over a hat that if you go leveling fishing and pray to the gods of RNG you can get to.

Sucks my priest can't faceroll with Shadowmourne at 80 yet warriors etc can. At the end of the day its 40 spirit and 250 hp, get over it.
GUYS you're missing the point here! We're not supposed to have fun, we are supposed to waste time grinding the most ridiculous crap ever so we can have the best! Just like collecting stamps.

Twinking is like collecting stamps. And we are so happy about that.
Falaris said:
Those of you who are just saying 'things arent balanced, deal with it' are hilarious. The game, in no form, is ever going to be completely balanced AT ANY LEVEL. This applies to all brackets, not just 19. What people are concerned about when a new twink item comes up is 2 things.

First, how 'available' is this item for all twinks. Not CAN EVERYONE GET THIS ITEM, but rather 'HOW DIFFICULT IS IT TO GET THE ITEM. The people that are saying 'its in the game, its fair game' are the same people who are were in support of mailbox exploits.

Second, how imbalancing is the item compared to the 'current' BiS item? How on earth are people saying that 15 stamina is comparable to 40 stam 40 spirit? SERIOUSLY? I havent even begun to talk about the fishing pole, which is on par with _anything_ thats ever been available in twinking for power level. I guarantee you if people start seeing feral druids running around 1 shotting people there will be alot more complaining.

totally agree about the pole here. they should just remove the feral attack power from this weapon. Theres no feral AP on the arcanite fishing pole why on the bone or jeweled?
I honestly wonder how many of the people posting here, was twinking 4-5 years ago in vanilla.

Seems like the hole essence of twinking has been wiped.

Like mentioned earlier, who decides what balance is? We need a High council that controls balance?

Regardless of what you say, twinking was, and is in my eyes still: Obtain the BiS(Best gear) possible in-game at level 19, and go play your toon.

Much like it is at level 80...

Apparently people fail to see this, spittin their propaganda about balance and inbalance.
Time we called in ____ to sort this mess out.
Falaris said:
Those of you who are just saying 'things arent balanced, deal with it' are hilarious. The game, in no form, is ever going to be completely balanced AT ANY LEVEL. This applies to all brackets, not just 19. What people are concerned about when a new twink item comes up is 2 things.

First, how 'available' is this item for all twinks. Not CAN EVERYONE GET THIS ITEM, but rather 'HOW DIFFICULT IS IT TO GET THE ITEM. The people that are saying 'its in the game, its fair game' are the same people who are were in support of mailbox exploits.

Second, how imbalancing is the item compared to the 'current' BiS item? How on earth are people saying that 15 stamina is comparable to 40 stam 40 spirit? SERIOUSLY? I havent even begun to talk about the fishing pole, which is on par with _anything_ thats ever been available in twinking for power level. I guarantee you if people start seeing feral druids running around 1 shotting people there will be alot more complaining.

In the history of online games and competitiveness there will always be people who need advantages. This item clearly provides it and legally.

Although I never agreed with exploits I'll be honest and say I used 'em, BUT NEVER IN A PREMADE.

Honestly, I don't know why this thread has gone on for so long. Yes the item is OP (fishing pole more than anything). I wouldn't worry about it though. You saw what happened with Enti's Sword.

If the OPness of the item upsets u so much go play another game for a while or enjoy other faucets of this one. Make a new thread and petition a GM to fix it.

Personally.. i can't think of one reason why Blizzard would even place ANY DAMAGE on a fishing pole

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