Also, I don't know the exact "drop" rate, but I do the fishing dailies on my 80 and I have 3 Jewled fishing poles, 2 Bone fishing poles, and 2 Weather Beaten hats. I got all of those over the course of 2 months, doing the Northrend daily every day.
as said b4 in the thread, dailys min lvl 70, and drop rate from the bag is 1.1% according to wowhead
This is the entire reason for whining in the thread, dont you get it? We recognize that a select group of people twink because they want to outgear everyone and beat people due to gear differences instead of skill differences. Another group of us twink because we enjoy a hard 'gear cap' that allows us to build toons relatively QUICKLY
well then, go with engi (or is it unfair that gnomes will be able to use googels with 1 more stam and spri on?) and no boas if u wanna make it fair and quick to make a toon, there is still inbalance between the classes nomatter what...
If you blew the competition away, what's the real point in twinking? I'd understand a gigantic ego, because I used to "blow the competition away", but that does get boring, eventually. And the majority of skilled twinks nowadays wants fairness.
Fairness, that will be obtainable when every1 rolls the same race and class, with the same gear.
oh ye, its really ezmode on a server full with twinks, or a high pop server
^note the irony^
STV fishing #1 contest : reward hat, lvl 1 can get it
WOTLK fishing #2 contest : reward hat, lvl 1 can get it
not to be a bitch, but min lvl for fishing is 5...
ah yeah, its harry thats the superhero snakeman guy, rons the gay ginger friend
ty for making this thread into something thats funny tbh
and last of all, about nerfing/grandfathering and obtaining the WBFH:
blizz did not grandfather the old hat
the fishing boots where easy to enchant, one reason to why they got grandfathered
getting WBFH is as hard as getting the old one, it got a drop rate (and remember those of u doing some maths, it doesent stack/increase...)
blizz is, as claimed b4 in the thread, not dumb, they know that its obtainable for lowbies, and they dont give shit, coz its the same for all that want/can get it, so it is not unfair
and the spri, id say some casters could need a buff, tho some not'
just stop the QQing, if it gets nerfed/grandfathered, it gets nerfed/grandfathered
if unchanged, its unchanged, it will take a week or 2, then we´ll see, and more ppl will prolly have it by then...