Weather Beaten Fishing hat?

Donniedarkõ said:
Or even more stupid, he doesn't want to make to much noise about this hat, so not too many ppl try to have it, so he can stay like the only owner... so pretty selffish mindset...but dear friend, many of us are trying to get this hat since day 1, he invented nothing, he just managed to get very lucky.

If that were the case, why would I have taken a screenshot and posted it on the ruin forums and started all this press coverage?

I don't want to get banned though. And some people seem to think it is possible. Blizz still hasn't answered my own ticket on it, asking if I'm allowed to use it. So it remains to be seen.
squidmagnet said:
I think I was just insulted.

Are you sure? You sure sound manly.

Anyway; bad hat is bad. Fuck farming this. I thought one of the bonuses of twinking at 19 is that you don't have to grind repeatedly over and over to get PvP gear, unless your a lucky man like this hunter. Grind-festivals are not particularly fun.

AGM = easy to get.
honestly, I just got a 360 and CoD so... I won't be OL for a while.

If you has a gamer tag pm me :D
Gratz Pwntard!

All I have to say is its obtainable by all so everyone stop your whining! yes 400 hp is a bit op...but with work you can get this too. IMO it is the same as getting the normal LFH, it is all dependant on pure luck. I dont see why everyone is throwing a fit about this, honestly it is no different from the old school leg armor you used to find on EVERY twink. I will be working to get this soon and you can flame me all you want if I do get it, but it will have been aquired through hard work like the rest of the gear in 19's and is legit because anyone can get this.
Llare said:
Are you sure? You sure sound manly.

Anyway; bad hat is bad. Fuck farming this. I thought one of the bonuses of twinking at 19 is that you don't have to grind repeatedly over and over to get PvP gear, unless your a lucky man like this hunter. Grind-festivals are not particularly fun.

AGM = easy to get.

You grind is this any different?
squidmagnet said:

There arent any intelligent people arguing that its an exploit. The smart people are just arguing that it is far from balanced in the 19 bracket, and without a doubt should NOT be a part of it. No ones saying you cant use it, duh. I would say if I premaded against someone I would put it in one of the rules of the premade that they arent allowed.
AGM, Lifeblood, the Hat are all OP.

There's a certain standard set for level 19 twinks. If you're past that standard you really aren't in the essence of being "level 19", which is where it becomes looked down upon. It's not about exploitation, it's about the top of the bar.

Think of it in terms of item levels. Once you go past a certain point, it becomes unacceptable because it's disrupting fairness. It's just level 35 without the new spells!

Twinks want fair PvP. Gear sets the stage for balanced PvP. You're not really a twink if you don't enforce the balance.
Wikipedia said:
In computer role-playing games and MMORPGs, twinking refers to outfitting a new character or player with items or other resources that are not normally available to new or low-level characters. A twink in this usage is a type of powergamer and munchkin. The term can also refer to the twinked character itself (e.g., "My twink has all the best gear.") In its most basic definition, a twink is a character with better gear than they could have easily gotten on their own.

Twinking is typically done by transferring higher-end equipment from the player's (or his friend's) more experienced characters (who often have excess gear that would be much more useful to the lower-level character). It can also be done by equipping the character with the best possible gear for his level range, and filling them with end-game enchantments.

It's obtainable at 19, it's the BiS, it fits what twinking have always done, getting the best possible items obtainable (at times, even with exploiting).

It's not even an exploit, why do people cry about the item? Because it's to much trouble to try and get yourself? How does it distrupt "balance" in any way? There hardly is a balance anyway.

You're all a bunch of cry babies, seriously. It was fine when leg enchants were possible at 19? Why? Cus it wasn't hard to get?

Move on, next big story please.

Just my 10 cents, my 2 cents is free ;)


Good job getting it Pwntard, regardless of the current state of hunter, it's good that someone managed to get it just so we can see how many people here are bothered about it.
lindenkron said:
It's obtainable at 19, it's the BiS, it fits what twinking have always done, getting the best possible items obtainable (at times, even with exploiting).

It's not even an exploit, why do people cry about the item? Because it's to much trouble to try and get yourself? How does it distrupt "balance" in any way? There hardly is a balance anyway.

I totally agree. Why weren't people QQing earlier about Naxx shoulder chants? Were they REALLY that easy to get?

Of course, I do think this will be changed in the future once Blizz gets wiff of this, but I wouldn't look down on anyone who gets it. They didn't exploit in anyway to get it, they just fished for it, something everyone else does already for their lucky fishing hat. You just have a really low chance of getting it because it is in a random bag.

why is no one mentioning the 40 spirit? as if its not there.... thats going to make the hunters regen ridiculous its more spirit than staff of the friar plus spirit enchant so he will have a spirit stick on at all times with out actually having it on, thats pretty op if u ask me. but every one can get it so it doesnt really matter so stop qqing and go fish on saturdays
Yeah, obviously no one wants to go through getting a new hat. I despise fishing. But it's there, and if anyone's gonna go for it everyone's gotta go for it. If you choose not to, it's on you.

Man up and get to fishing.
[ITEM]Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat[/ITEM] is only 320 extra HP than [ITEM]Green Tinted Goggles[/ITEM] and 250 extra HP than a [ITEM]Lucky Fishing Hat[/ITEM]

40 spirit only counts for when you are out of combat and I can't think of any food a 19 twink can use that can replenish all there mana/HP save retadins.

why is everyone bitching over it when clearly the only gain is 250-320 HP and 40 spirit as opposed to something like [ITEM]Nethercleft Leg Armor[/ITEM] ,[ITEM]Nethercobra Leg Armor[/ITEM] or [ITEM]Golden Spellthread[/ITEM]
40 spirit works when not casting, its completely different to when not in combat. A decent caster will be able to make great use of 40 spirit.

Also 250 health is a huge amount, its 20%-25% of the average players health pool. Its a massive buff, definately an issue.

People are bitching about this because of the huge rift that would be made between those players who have it and those who dont. The rift is far far greater than a LFH since this would go a great deal of the way to eliminatiing most of the mana and health problems a player faces. Its also harder to get that LFH, and very very few people have it yet so the first people to get it would be even more OP relative to everyone else. Everyone was able to get leg patches with very minimal effort. This is most definately not comparable with leg armours.
Kore nametooshort said:
40 spirit works when not casting, its completely different to when not in combat. A decent caster will be able to make great use of 40 spirit.


Main thing that concerns me; should it have a level req or not?

We ALL could spend time getting this, for Blizzard to turn around and nerf it.

If were aloud this item, then why can't we have fishing boots? The iLvl is alot lower. I think this is another reason why everyone is whining about it.
iaccidentallytwink said:
Twinks want fair PvP. You're not really a twink if you don't enforce the balance.

Then I'm no longer a twink, it was all about blowing away the competition not holding everyone's hands to make things fair. But those ways of life have been long gone since bc when all of you kids decided to take an interest in "twinking".
I'm pretty sure I twinked because gear grinds suck major ass, and quit twinking because people who suck major ass tried to make it about gear grinds.
Kore nametooshort said:
....This is most definately not comparable with leg armours.

that's your opinion.

I was used to playing with people having more OP gear, so either get it yourself or stop QQ.

that's all 19's do is whine, bitch and troll
Mazurati said:
that's all 19's do is whine, bitch and troll

Jesus, you're as bad as some of the trolls on the wow forums. And the two are completely incomparable, its not an opinion, its a fact. Despite the fact that they roughly boost the owners stats by a similar margin the method of obtaining them are so completely differnt that they cant be compared in terms of OPness. Leg armours weren't OP because all they required was a couple hundred gold which the vast majority of people had, thus everyone was on a level playing field. This item requires vast amounts of time and huge amounts of luck, which are vastly rarer comodities than gold. I've also already stated why its different to LFH.

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