Vent Your Frustrations II

This is my biggest gripe: I work 7on/7off and can almost never play on Sundays when I'm off, so I'll probably never get a LFH. =(

Don't worry about it, I thought the same way you did a while back. I never really had time on Sundays to go for LFH, but one weekend you'll get it, just keep your hopes up, that's when I fished 2 keefers on my first week attempting to get the hat after a long time and another 2 the following week ^-^
I'm not that bummed, but after ~18months & only getting to fish in 1 or 2 tourneys, my chances are skinny. I actually factioned a monk just for the eyepatch because my RNG luck for loot is terrible almost all the time. Plus, eyepatch looks boss on an undead. xD

In a very cruel twist of RNG, the very first fishing daily I did on said factioned a WBFH, which none of my F2P horde toons have ever gotten...
I'm not that bummed, but after ~18months & only getting to fish in 1 or 2 tourneys, my chances are skinny. I actually factioned a monk just for the eyepatch because my RNG luck for loot is terrible almost all the time. Plus, eyepatch looks boss on an undead. xD

In a very cruel twist of RNG, the very first fishing daily I did on said factioned a WBFH, which none of my F2P horde toons have ever gotten...

Simply put alliance has it easy :)
Not mad just disappointed. If you are going to tell me how to play then learn how to play as a team and spend less time as ghostform in the gy.

Quit telling me how/when/what to do in this video game. After a long day I come to unwind, not to read some 16 year old kids typing petty bullshit in chat.
Do I criticize your gameplay? Mostly no, unless you do something like trying to grief me on purpose. Do I tell you what to do? No. Mind your own business.

You know exactly who you are. The very same tools that still have pets on autocasts with over 100k hks or 200k or something.
So....perhaps when you try to to communicate or learn to use aggressive prehealing / offhealing /using CC on important targets, maybe when you attemp to play like an actual human being ill take you a little more seriously.

You spent plenty of time achieving well over 100k hks, like you even learn anything? Or just keep mindlessly spamming battleground ques everyday?
scumbag premades that queue with 3 healers and have their lone dps humping the zerker hut and midfarming the whole game


and speed potting away with the flag, as if it was needed!

told myself i wasn't going to be an asshole or cause drama but crutching on class and speed pots is hilarious in a game that was over from the start
Skill floor
Skill ceiling

The fuck is wrong with gaming nowadays? U need an achievement to walk 10 feet straight but skill now needs a deeper and wider definition?
What comes next? Skill bookshelf or Skill cup because oh I dont know how skillfull can ur class be with one hand bound to a cup?!
Drink up, mate!

edit: skill cup floor is just holding
skill cup ceiling is drinking while playing with one hand! Now thats skill
Ran out of gametime when was not expecting it, am quite infuriated

Spiriel to irritate you a bit more, I'd just like to elaborate that Skill floor and Skill ceiling/cap aren't definitions of skill :p

What comes next? Skill bookshelf or Skill cup because oh I dont know how skillfull can ur class be with one hand bound to a cup?!
Actually made me lol :D good stuff
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FCers who have the common sense of a frog and don't realize when you are up with less then 3 minutes to go THERE IS NO REASON TO GO THROUGH MID. Most aggravating thing when I try to tell FC to go roof or tot or stay above ramp because they wont drop to let me FC yet they proceed to run right through mid to get 1 shot and lose us the game. Half this damn game is just common sense and I feel that's the reason so many people fail so much >.< bleh
Must. cross. mid.
Most of the relatively new players I see FC have the whole 'just keep swimming' mentality going, awareness regarding what Lil was talking about comes with not only common sense but a little experience.

It is frustrating however, that most if not all of them never listen.

Yes just keep swimming into the crowd of 24s with the flag, 1 minute to go and EFC on cap...
Yes just disengage backwards as you die so that I can't possibly line up the repick with a high chance of success...
I've just upgraded my f2p account to battlechest... I don't want to live on this planet anymore.. I blame Russians :<
And you think by doing that, your Russia problem will go away? :)

We will see..

If it does the Ukraine will be p2p within the week.

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