Vashj Strong!

do you guys actually play your alliance toons
I also haven't gotten around to installing all the add-ons I need/want yet, either.
big mistake. install the f2paddon!
Where do u guys hang around on both sides
we hang out in the addon chat. it doesn't really matter where you are, but if you're looking for duels, then it's the same as anywhere else: GS for allies and, to a far lesser extent, in front of Org for horde
i need to find some people to que with me tired of pugs where people dont focus fire or they dont attack the right targets
we've got plenty of people to queue with, and if you use skype, you'll find the communication key for downing the 'right' target

if you want to join Vashj (ally or horde side) in premades, please PM me your skype info, post it here, or add nickskeights to your contacts
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We've had some good games. And cross realming is always fun.

I even got carried to the 500 HKs achievement today.
How active is horde side because I'm not interested in playing with 6 druids... and I'm too hipster for Aerie Peak
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How active is horde side because I'm not interested in playing with 6 druids
first off, there aren't any more druids ally side than there are horde side
but to answer your question, no., horde side isn't usually at all active, unless we decide to premade hordeside - then it becomes quite nice for awhile
Ah what the heck, i might give lolVashj a spin since Horde US isn't worth it anymore.

wow, what a ringing endorsement. I'm glad your community has decayed so much that our pathetic little non-realm is worth lowering yourself to. Maybe some of us plebs can learn from worshiping at the feet of a prestigious, stockade pauldron-wearing player from the big AP in the sky.

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